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  • 2:41 oh? milk is murder? i didn't know that, its so clear to me now! you see this adorable little baby? this one, right here: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6Ea7Wul_PPs/Tu3GUxpT_oI/AAAAAAAABA0/bDgpQvOnK9M/s1600/timeline14.jpg yeah... i 100% guarantee you that this child, this INFANT, will grow up to be serial killer, a MURDERER, in fact, just don't risk it, stay away from all babies in general, they will EAT YOUR FUCKING SOUL, okay? they will DEMOLISH you dude.

    5:04 i totally agree, oreo cookies are the most friendly vegan treat, i mean... they are made by Keebler elves in the world tree from magic cookie dust for gods sake! like, what else could they be made from? milk?

    oh.... wait a minute...

    in all seriousness, though, Oreo's MAIN INGREDIENT is milk, so, according to you, your STILL gonna rot in hell you prick!
    Damien's last name originates from the name of a clan of Muslims who sold spices to the Europeans during the 15th century known only as the Balkans, the Balkans where named appropriately after the last name of their common ancestor, since it was a Family-Ran tribe, what does that say about good ol' Damien?

    that he's a hypocrite that's what!
    is it evil, if one evildoing can achieve thousands of good deeds?
    or 10 evildoing's to achieve millions?

    do you have to feel guilty for having a power for good?
    if so, what will you find in your own self-blame?
    will you find joy, or will you find nothing but abyss?

    remember this, when the day comes for you to ponder about "greater good"
    3 bodies, 3 consciences, one goal, we are the Wither, we are her Will, and her will is Ours, and it will be done. so repent, and flee... sinners! for there is no Chaos, Victory, or Death without us... and there is no Disease, without our will, for these things cause Balance, and Balance is our goal.
    Disease... the invisible director of death, and fear... you never can see him, but he is always there, he is there to spread sickness, and in-tern, spread fear of death, and death itself, keeping the unchecked, in check. and making sure the normal way of life is never tipped in ones favor. famine, is created by disease, so it is no surprise that the embodiment of him is named after the result of his dark reign.
    People continue to call me "toxic" as if it were an insult, you know... there is a reason my name is Lord Decay, oh- wait, i forget you think that means Lord of Decay, don't you? no... i am not the Lord of Decay, i am Decay... and there is a reason they call me The Witherer
    for some reason, anyone with half a logical mind is banned from Skyrimcraft's forums or server, what the fuck dude? is skyrimcraft a stupid person only club?
    "if you think anything is certain your mind is then slanted and broken, fallen into pieces like an empty glass bottle upon stone,"

    -Lord Decay, January 6th, 2017
    can anyone spam the upvotes on Lord_Decay_ (or cashmere sweaters) on skyrimcraft.net? that would be nice, as i am beginning to wonder if my followers, and my youtube fanbase has deserted me...

    all i am saying is that it would be a nice refreshment to see that there are those who still care.
    new video up, i am having a bloody field day!
    i'm really getting tired of life, life is like a sugar high, at first its the shit but at the end you feel like shit and want nothing to do with that white, powdery substance ever again.
    there are two Genders, male and female, if you think there is more that is called a Psychological delusion, and it is probably a result of mental illness, likely some form of schizophrenia, if you think you are male when you are female, female when you are male, both, or a FUCKING toaster, i'm sorry, but your a deluded schizophrenic.
    Dear Bill Gates: i have a new app idea that i think you should seriously consider making a reality.
    New APP idea:
    An app that allows you to reach through your computer screen and slap someone in the head for saying to you over the internet that you can't say things that are rude, foul, or uncalled for.
    NOW THAT'S an APP worth developing!
    I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

    (totally not copy-pasta that i found randomly on the internet) (100% legit) (no sarcasm) (no mr. Apache i am not being condescending at all ;] )
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