there are TOO many people in this world who think just because i say something negative to them, or that opposes their views, that i am INSULTING them, this is indeed false, for example: i call someone ignorant and i am bullying them, attacking them, and just simply mean 'i-i-i'm being s-so mean t-to them! i'm a meanieee!!' HA! allow me to grant you the gift of knowledge for Christmas, to be ignorant, is to be lacking of information, or to be uninformed, it does NOT mean that you are stupid, or unsophisticated, as google says, i see the future comments now, "o-oh you fucking idiot! if google says what the definition is then google is right you dumbass!!!" i can hear you typing as you breath heavy, speculative enjin user. google, is written by people, not gods, not all-knowing beings, not Steven FUCKING Hawking, they are written by people who, for generations have prided themselves in their knowledge, and for generations have relied on their faulty logic like the rest of the world, and thus... the world stopped being sharpened like steel swords as it used to, i know of a time when whenever one world say something wrong in an argument, the poser would correct them, and the wrong man would be thankful, and vice-versa, this was the norm, in fact... proverbs, of the Bible stated that a wise man would thank you for correcting them, but a fool very well may kill you, this is why we live in the era of fools, a world made for the ignorant, which beings us back full circle, and begs the question, when are the few times ignorance is an insult? when is it okay to call someone ignorant, and when is it not? well, good people of the world, clairvoyant ones, the answer comes into the context, if i say "do not be ignorant to me" this is not an insult, but it can be taken as condescending, however, if i say "you are ignorant" or "you are ignorant on this matter" you find yourself in a situation where your poser is helping you, you should be thankful, glad, not-spiteful, yet if you say this to others... you will be spited, hated, and forever remembered, in their minds, at least... as an ass-hat. so... is ignorance a crime? if i call someone ignorant, am i insulting them ever? no... the answer is simply, no.