long, long, long story shortened the most possibly, i was playing the server nilly willy, when a player known as Sanchez, griefed my underground railroad beyond repair. griefing on this server is not allowed, so i contacted the server owner known as Luccalol. this horrid little creature told me that it could reverse the grief, NOTHING was reversed, so i told luccalol that it was okay, and that i would just run over to his base, and as payment take 1 or 2 things that i need, lucca agreed. i took a couple stacks of spruce logs, and 1 Blaze rod for a brewing stand, i didn't want to feel mean, so i gave 5 iron ingots in return. the next day, i came back with a message from a moderator saying "you cant give iron for a brewing stand" i was PISSED! i waited for him to come back on and he told me that sanchez actually COMPLAINED that i took his brewing stand, and that this moderator, olopo1 actually GAVE HIM the blazerod back, i explained to him the situation and for the most part nothing could be done. later that day (this being today) i was at my little hut in the middle of the swamp and 10 people decided to siege me, and were firing arrows in my direction, some of them hit me. (killing players is not allowed unless permission was given by them) me being an expert shot with the bow, fired some arrows above, and below these players, being careful not to hit them, turns out... one of these players was a moderator, i once again, got the horrid little creature known as the owner of this awful server on it, then olopo1 and his little fiends turned the blame on me, and said i was shooting at them first, trying to kill them (so childish, and immature) i then gloated that if i was trying to kill them with my bow, they would most likely already be dead, since its only once in a blue moon that i miss. i'm like arrow in that way. then a fight broke out, and i was muted for 5 minutes, after i was muted i said if i see any of those little satan hounds near my house again, that there would be no warning shots this time, i WOULD kill them. they laughed, and a little Imp creature known as Fluffy_Natsu1 e-pearled over, lead a creeper to my sheep pen, blew it up and let ALL of the sheep out, then because of the drama on the server luccalol gleefully announced that ./ignore would be a thing for lower players, Natsu bound away into the darkness and i sarcastically said "oh well then i should /ignore luccalol" then olopo1 said that i could /ignore everyone if i would like. me, remembering what had just happened did exactly that, i ignored all regular members, all staff, the owner... everyone, then i was banned. for "go play on singleplayer"
my advice? never play The Crafters Dimension. the server is no better than any other purely vanilla survival server.