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  • power went out for a long time, the neighborhood sprung to life, i had no idea of how many neighbors i had, luckily the power came back on, and i came up with an idea for a short story

    a Day of Humanity, By Jeffrey Dean Jr.

    coming soon...
    Gl with that
    a long While ago i made a post stating that i wish everyone could see everything i see the way i see it, since that could not be done i decided to post all my favorite conversations on this wall

    GET OVER IT Lunar442 User
    Also, I honestly don't care anymore if you even are a loser as long as you don't offend me or upset me too often I think youll be fine with the friendship asssssss long as you do your part that is, if not yknow.. hopefully not :P
    i yell at everybody. that's just a known fact :P
    and I get upset when yelled at, that's a fact too :P
    did you seriously think you could get away from us?

    you are sadly mistaken

    remember marvin

    remember back to the post Decay has made

    remember back to that when you are feeling defeated

    you can hold back a flood, but you cannot stop it

    you can control a fire, but you cannot put it out indefinitely

    you can treat cancer

    but you cannot rid of it completely

    you can fight a battle with us

    but you will not win the war

    my masters have devoted themselves to the original vision of the Founding Fathers of Anonymous

    but that does not mean we will not put down pathetic prick weaklings such as yourself.

    remember that.
    I'm not saying this rudely I'm just saying itll help
    i appreciate the hand you have put fourth to help me but i am beyond help. my story Reflects me, and my life. if you want to understand me better please read it.
    Ehhhhhhhhh I'd say something inspiring right now but I can't even inspire myself so it would be just a lie soo I guess I'll just read the story

    We are Legion.
    We are Justice.
    We do not forgive.
    We do not forget.
    Remember, we also do not like buying cookie from girl scouts :P
    remember, you just made a mistake
    Just Made an Amazing Video
    You showed up in my recommended lol
    So true, she was just listing random stuff to try to prove her point. VEGANS PLEASE, IF YOURE GOING TO BE VEGAN EITHER KEEP QUIET ABOUT IT LIKE SOME PEOPLE OR DO WHAT I DO AND ASK FOR HUMANE TREATMENT OF SLAUGHTER ANIMALS. Let em roam in a field not a factory. Let them have freedom, not cages. Let them have food, but not over. Etc etc. We are creatures of adaption, we eat what we can. Thus, we are OMNIVORES! With the arguement of herbalism maybe we needed to eat plants for a time because we ran out of other animals. In an Ice Age or in the middle of a desert would you look for plants and die or eat what you can and live through it? All for the sake of other animals. Do wolves have the right to kill? Do bears have the right to kill? Do birds have the right to kill? If yes to any of these then we do too. If no to all of them, sorry but you're an idiot.
    the long and painful story of Decay begins in a land were most if not all living things end, a place between time and space, a place the ancient race of men has dubbed 'The End' for fairly obvious reasons, but its roots go deeper, yes a darker place than the end lies through a portal between times' time and space's space. he was once a member of an ancient, and isolated race of creatures without gender, without evil. they were gods among men, elves, falmer, and beasts alike. not much is known of the original name of 'its' story, the name given to him by his followers and creatures who are to fear him only know this being as one name, Decay - The Witherer also known as Decay - The Death-bringer but it is not as it seems, Decay is not inherently evil, he has reasons for the things he does no matter how morbid or even 'evil' as they seem, but alas, we are going very much off track, so... lets start at the beginning of the beginning. Decay lived in a village on the outskirts of the outer islands that belonged to the peaceful, and yet wise Empire of Písti, Písti was governed by The Dragon, the wisest of the beings now only knows as The Endfolk, which Decay is the last of... but we'll get to that apart later, Decay's Village's name has been lost to the ages much like the original name of Decay, not even the location of the site is known, all that is known of Decay and his people is that he was interested in the dark, and forbidden art of Withering, known as necromancy by men, and thánatos by elves and Falmer... his Family was less than disappointed and for this, by the time he was at the young age of 134, he was disowned, and, banished even further into the tiny floating rocks spanning the endless, black void. he was free to practice his art in his small hut, but still missed the smell of fresh-harvested Chorous Fruit, and longed to see his Family again. this was, until one day... an idea sparked in his mind, he believed that if he were to bring back the first king, Igétis to life, he could get the approval of the Písti Empire, and most importantly, to him at least... his family. but, fate had different plans in mind for Decay, and upon Awakening, Igétis had become mad, insane even, for he did not belong in this world, he made the instance choice to enter the kósmos and take over the world of men. after this the Písti Empire Banished Decay into the world of the dead, known as The Nether by elves, and Hell by Men. meanwhile, in the kósmos the Mad Dragon - King was killed by a Human kind known by the name of ilíthios - the Strong. he had figured the Dragon was the Current king of the Endfolk and decided they were weakened, crippled... he decided not only would he conquer his world, but time and space as well... he marched upon the ancient stronghold of ischyrós and descended into the end, the Endfolk put up great resistance, but alas they crumpled under his war-hardened army of trained killers. simultaneously in the nether, Decay understood what he must do, and collected the few, but needed materials required to raise the dead, he was going to raise himself from the dead from the underworld, despite being not dead... the place was too warm, and too harsh for him... he was used to the Freezing temperatures of endless void. but alas... it took him 450 years to escape his prison... and when he returned 'home' all was not as expected... his home and his families home had been reduced to rocks from the endless winds of the end, the only remnants of what had been the Písti Empire lied in piles of bone and ash, a tethered flag hung of the human cities' empire and kind... for this Decay went on a Rampage he then killed the city and every man on it, leaving the women widowed, and all children without a father, he then took his claim to the throne of Umbar, and there he has sat... for hundreds of years he has sat distraught, feeding families... providing work, for the life of a man was a mere blink in the life of his greatness. realizing he is the last of his kind, he cares for nature and all creatures, but HATES mankind, it is unlikely this will ever change, for mankind led to the extinction of his once great and Regal race.
    Today i Unfortunately was forced to deal with another Idiot who doubted my abilities, lets just say that didn't end well for him...

    but i have decided to not stop there since this is a reoccurring problem.


    and erland, i want to make this painfully clear to you. you have been made an example out of. however, i have gone easy on you since you have reconciled.

    ~Nightshade out.
    i would jump off a cliff if you needed me too. lol.
    Pft I doubt it. No one would do that for me XD
    would you rather me tell you the Butterscotch forest is real, oh and that leprechauns are coming for your butthole?
    HA! Psyche!!!
    Some feminism is good but people have taken it way too far. Didn't we already get equal rights? What's the point in it now if the movement is long done?
    feminism is never smart, women already have equal rights, what these bitches mean is give women more rights than men.
    That's legit what I just said
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