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  • a friend of mine gave me a ring made out of a socket wrench, with the handle part almost sawed off, but there is still a blade-like piece on the circular socket wrench from where the handle used to be, pretty deadly weapon, pretty awesome ring.
    basically since a little kid stole my family ring a friend made me this one to replace it, it's not the same but the crude nature of it makes it fucking epic.
    the difference between me and women:
    if a woman gets upset at me, she acts out against me.
    if i get upset at a woman, i lash out against myself.

    yeah, im just a shit person like that.
    what's your address i have vodka in my cabinet
    210 se 218th ave old town, fl
    arguing /w 12 year olds on a block game forum about a blockgame while completely wasted is a constant mood.
    why limit it to a forum?? there's a lot of 12 year olds on enjin to try it on(fuck don't limit to 12 year olds as long as you falsely accuse someone you're bound to get a reaction)
    yeah but im not wasted anymore, i ran out of beer and now im too depressed to do anything funny like that
    oh ok fun
    feel free to send me that bottle of vodka, it doesn't even have to be the expensive brands it could be one of those cheap ones, y'all can find m address if you scroll through my wall, just... get me something stong... please
    because 1.) i need to forget and because 2.) it numbs the irritation in my face that i have from sumac.
    if someone wants PLEASE send me a bottle of vodka i am in dire need of it.

    mainly because my face is basically one giant chemical burn blister now but also because... oh forget it, y'all don't care just send me a fucking bottle of vodka please and thanks.
    but i care..?
    Is it even possible for it to make noises with one of its wings broken?
    idk, probably.
    cicadas use organs on the sides of their bodies, they don't rub their wings like crickets
    y'know what? people always tell me "Jeff, you always assume the worst" or "Jeff, stop assuming the worst" y'know why i assume the worst? you really wanna know why? because i always receive the worst, time and time again, every. single. fucking. time i get my god damn hopes up about something, or someone, they show me why i hate humanity, they show me why i'm a violent, homicidal, ticking time bomb, why i'm a dangerous little fire bug with a fluctuating temper, they show my why i assume the worst of everyone.

    because if i expect everyone to hurt, betray, or lie to me, i wont get disappointed.
    and trust me, that's not even the "worst" it can get, if you think that's as bad as it can get, i envy you, because it means you haven't suffered like i have, you haven't bled, like i have, you haven't had every inch of strength zapped from you and forced to keep going, energy-less, just to keep breathing, just to keep your limbs intact.

    yeah, i live near a bunch of rednecks, yes, i live in a shitty town, and yes my life is worst than yours, and yes i will complain about it, and i will continue to complain about it, until the entitlement you prepubescent man-children display daily, is drained from your body, mind, and soul, and burned away in a fire never to be seen again. now for the last FUCKING time! STOP. COMPLAINING!
    "nothing" is never "nothing" tell me
    Err. Um I just don't like how you assumed there ain't anyone who's life has been worse than yours on here. I had a pretty good life except some nails in the road and I got over them. I'm sure there's someone on here that had a similar or an even worse life than you. I ain't saying that there is someone that has a worse life than you cuz I don't know the details and neither is it any of my business. I am saying it's possible someone on here has lived worse...you don't know and neither do I. I don't know if you meant to come off this way or not but you came off as kind of arrogant and a little overexcessive in the last paragraph [I didn't want to say anything cuz I didn't want to argue about it]
    unless they where born in a jungle having to survive bloodthirsty lions and tigers i doubt it, either way, it doesn't matter as this post was geared to a particular rich person, a particular rich person who lives on a yacht and doesn't have to struggle to survive anything, a particular spoiled little cunt who had the nerve to say that my life doesn't sound like reality, pssshhh.
    if i steal a bicycle does that count as automobile theft?
    Six Weeks
    don't seal the bicycle
    nah i dont have a use for one
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