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  • "my friend, i am not what i seem- seeming is but a garment that i wear, a care-woven garment that protects me from thy questionings and thee from my negligence."
    -Khali Gabran
    defined as someone who betrays their own emotions and actions at the expense of another person(s) usually due to their own unintelligence or insensitivity.
    didnt we make that
    amopito or amopitic
    an amopito is an ignorant pathetic person undeserving of pity or hatred.
    amopitic is something that is in the state of being ignorant and pathetic and yet undeserving of pity or hatred.
    the word derives from the combination of amathís (meaning ignorant) and axiolýpito (meaning pathetic)
    -Enjin Association of Mental Health
    please... just... don't send Reyna pics of your 2 and a half inch dick being stroked with processed cheese and raw egg... that is disgusting and no girl likes it... just do that shit in private and remember that the only reason you do that shit is because you're the only one who's standards are low enough to fuck you so please, do that shit in private. thanks.

    This PSA is sponsored by the Enjin Association of Mental Health.
    most people online dont understand the concepts of humility and/or honor, integrity, y'know standard shit human beings are supposed to understand, this also seems to be an epidemic in western society. people always go "yeah im bad but you're bad too" ignoring the fact that the person they say that to openly admits to it and they dont. which negates their point because they have something the accusers dont, honesty. people seriously piss me off
    according to my doctors i have an overactive id, my eros and thanatos especially are more.. y'know, there, than they should be. in short? my subconscious mind is working overtime where my conscious mind is not as active as it should be, this is why i am overly clingy and emotional when emotional responses of that type are elicited and how i can be overly aggressive, even self-destructive when my anger is high. personally, now that i have a better understanding of how this works i am much happier with who i am, it explains my so-called "cat-like reflexes" and near-perfect premonition, it explains how im so good at guessing and it explains how i can do a million awesome things that a lot of other people cant do without even thinking, thoughts, conscious ones are the problem, i don't have a million other things getting in the way, such as the "what-ifs" and the "why nots" i'm all-in, all the time, which makes me both spontaneous and sometimes hard for people to handle/understand. im happy with myself because i understand myself, and the best advice i can give people with self-doubt is for them to take the time to understand themselves, then they can be happy with themselves.
    i like humor that is unexpected, things that make me go "oooh i did not see that coming" your standard humor formula consists of half-assed irony combined with political correctness, and inbred with relatable edginess. imma go out on a limb and say half the so-called "artists" have no talent what-so-ever and i'm also going to go out on a limb and say there are no longer any truly talented comedians in existence, not at least like they used to (not like i ever saw in person any) im not saying i'm funny, but if i gave enough shits i could be just as popular and successful a comedian as most modern artists, the problem here is that it isn't original and would be terrible dull.
    tl;dr: fuck comedy.
    You disgust me, i'm ashamed to be known as human. i'm truthful which is why imma say this right here and now: you are a shit excuse of a lifeform, i'd rather shove my head in a meat grinder while getting anally raped by a troop of gorillas than to listen your your rhetoric and/or insight. if you where to die from malaria i'd not feel sadness or empathy, but rather relief, relief that another abomination has been removed from the cespool that is the gene-pool via natural selection. i pity your parents that they have to emotionally suffer from your loss and i hope to any deity that could possibly exist that you had no siblings capable of passing on your defective genes to the next generation, and i pray to YHWH that nobody is unfortunate enough to have a relationship with you or your siblings. good day.
    this is to nobody in particular but instead, to a multitude of people as a whole. the human race in general is shitty but i try my damnedest to ignore it, as, as the saying goes, ignorance is bliss. but there are just those people that creep into anything and everything and are a constant reminder why i hate human beings as a collection, maybe not as individuals but we are our worst enemy which is why i made this post.
    Six Weeks
    mood ?
    definite mood.
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