sad eyes, uh
mad eyes,
i don't give a fuck eyes.
the boy tries but all he gets are lies eyes.
the days warm, always pass him by, he cries.
who the fuck wants to live in a world that doesn't want to live with them? it's time guys.
hey ladies, fella's, fellaladies. fellow haties, goodbye cry babies.
have you ever looked outside a window? tried to find meaning but all you found is wind? (oh no)
let me ask you a bit of a person question, have you ever wanted to win, but couldn't, because every single fuckin' time you found a dime a quarter was taken?
am i mistaken? the world takes from you so you take from the world, so you ask yourselves "am i forsaken"
the short answer is that you're not, but to the world you might as well be, 'cause the world forgot. you might as well have been shot, but even then the date of which would have been forgot, because we where taught to move on from an early age, leaving the earth distraught, that another beautiful mind has been made a slave to time.
even the knights of the old age where made to fade.
the world hits you... when you're down
just try not to.. make a sound
because if you tell anyone then
the world will swallow you in it's sin.
an ancient bully, from within.
you become the agent of her sin.
all you have to remember, is just one thing,
the world forgets everything.
forgotten, whore-begotten, young minds rotten.
the world burns, it's inhabitant dance with the flames, it's all the same.
the same? yes, the same old thing, you get born, you live, you die, you repeat, just to becomes the plants in the ground's good eats.
but what do victims do who are caught outside the cycle? they sit and they cut, get bruised up, and torn down. then they wail with the same old sound "depression!" they cry, but then, why? why are the mind's eyes of those bright souls left to crumble to dust and beaten down by the only people they know? it's simple, really, even kinda silly, they crave attention so bad that they can't get it, caused by unempathetic- pricks denying them the love they need to succeed. but do we forget? no, only try to, which gives them the specific mindset that they can't cry, too.
so when you find yourself outside the cycle, no path to follow, no fight's to battle.
no purpose, dispurpos, caused by disservice.
don't wail, don't cry, don't let the world pass you by, instead take a line from katy perries song, you roar. but don't just roar, act you, you aren't worthless, you're not a whore, you're not even knockin' on death's barren door. in fact, you are the door, the door to succeed, the door that we don't want but need, the door to a better world without war, or the poor. you help other's the way i helped you, no need to thank me just paying my dues, now it's time for you, your time, your shine, your light, don't fight, just do whatever you feel is right, with that this message is over, like a four-leaf clover in spring, my leaf's have turned away from green i must return to the ground, with a sound not so profound, goodbye and tell your friends of the bottled message you just found.