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  • Third age

    Whitelist Application: RedExtremeXD
    Out of Character Info:
    Minecraft Name: RedExtremeXD
    Age: Just turned 14 in June 3
    How active will you be on the server? a lot (especially now because im sick and on holiday)
    How committed are you to Role-Playing? I role-played on some few servers before and even on forums, I will RP the most I can, and using out of charvcter for in-game things like a teleport.
    Have you ever been banned from a server before? Yes, the owner was abusing to make him win , me and loads of people turned against them... we got banned
    Role-Play Character Info:
    Character Name: Eorl
    Age: 38
    Race: Dunedain (but faction is Rohan)
    Description/Skin: Tall, white skin , blue eyes , dark brown hair
    Backstory: When the kingdom of arnor fell the rohirrim came help some rangers and survivors close to them, mostly on Enedwaith. Eorl was one of them, by that time he was just a baby.
    He was created by a family on the North Rohan , close to misty mountains and Rohan.
    With Saruman's madness the uruks took the north and destroy his village, his family was killed.
    Eorl so went south to create a new village to help both Rangers and Rohirrim, and recruited warriors to train and destroy Isengard.
    Goals/Aspirations: Do the path do kingship, create a town, destroy Isengard, take back the Rohan Highlands.
    Traits: (Optional) I would say mostly serious , I hate how evil guys got so many "foolish" warriors, I dont want those kind in Rohan, ones that can work hard and fight well.
    woit server is this m8, looks fun
    I wish I had a server D:
    Well I found a cool mod called Project Superhuman that adds superheroes (including avengers) and supervillains (Ultron included!) but it is a bit boring / sad to play it alone without anyone to fight.
    How can I get a free server? ;/
    I got ran over by a train!?!?
    A: Almost, I was on the train station with my friends (ye both girls / boys) when all of sudden a guy with a gun appeared , he wanted to steal us. I so managed to take his gun from his hand, we both ended up falling in the rail.
    I succesfully made him drop his gun (otherwise I would...) but the continued trying hurt me.
    We so heard a train noise... it was comming (It was at that moment that Red knew... he fked up).
    I succesfully got under the plataform and the dude dissapeared.
    Ik you guys might be thinking this is a bit too unreal but remember , I live in Brazil , some of those things dont happen on desenvolved countries where most of you guys might live. The station had no guards and the dude could pass with a gun hidden nd menace us
    I am being hacked!!!
    Dinnerbone is already on my game
    Whho is Abreyr_Sair? Why he got grey name? Quetzzz??!! Im getting concerned
    Just watched Avengers 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Omg guys you got watch it , Avengers 1 was a bit boring cuz it missed fights, this one is longer and is like 2:30 of pure action.
    There will be soooooooo many overturn!
    I really suggest you guys to watch the other movies so you can understand the whole thing better.
    I wish I could make a mod with all marvel superheroes and such but different of others make bosses, aligment system between evil and good, events such as Chitauri Invasion , rare items , citizen , agents, technology , custom way to get swuits / super powers like for example if you want be Captain America you would have to enter in a capsule and recieve the modifications.
    So yeah guys I am "holidays" and will just get back to school this wednesday , so I thought bout building something...
    So I decided use the lotr mod to build a huge elven city basingn myself on Gondolin (Gondolin itself is already built, it was copied from a map).
    It is on Harlindon, so yeah I might add Grey Heavens too.

    Here is a small pic of it.
    PS: The small entrance isnt the principal gate, just a small "bridge" where u pass under to get to the other part of the city. Its going be close to hm....
    1.000x1.000 blocks, always growing , i will work principally on weekends and holidays.
    Atheist goes to church! (me)

    So yeah... Me playing soccer on sand with my friends everyone was going well when all of sudden a girl I like was going to the church with her parents.
    Two of my friends were going there too so i decided join them, the problem was , I am atheist...
    We sit close to each other. On the church I was so lost , when everyone sat , I got up , when everyone standed up , I sat.
    They than called some kids/teenagers to get to the "altar" help give everyone some bread and grape juice.
    They saw and chose me as the church wasnt too big, I would say there were arround 80-120 people,
    They first started asking me some stuff to see how well the "new ones" know their religion (not my case )
    So on my time to answer the priest ( each I called Pope) pointed to some kind triangule on the roof , Jesus was standing his hand upon it. He asked me what was that so I answered:
    -Thats...tha... its Illumina...
    It was at that moment loads of people laughed as if I was joking and the girl I like told me wut it was so I answered right:
    -Its the Saint Spirit (or however u spell it on english)
    We so I had to "sing" something catholic music , I was just moving my mouth
    After that it finally ended, out the church , the girl -insert name- told me I did well for an atheist and that she doesnt like going there every sunday , but her parents re to radicals.
    Finally she asked me what I was doing there... I was about to answer when her parents appeared, just as my friends pushed me to come play with them :/.
    Trick one...
    Damn... Awkward...
    Decay the witherer...

    PS; This is the thing I wanted show u all on the LOTR Mod chat
    Bump looking for good person with youtube channel to help me upload my Hitler video about teams on empire war ;-;
    hm I would mostly have to give the guy the script
    Finally! I changed my profile avatar to myself, now people will know im not dyl
    you can do it on mobile too, just use MineChat :P
    Custom Dinosaurs Modpack I am using (Rly wish there was a server with it D: )
    JurassicCraft mod
    Fossils and Archeology
    Mowzie's Mobs
    TheHunt mod
    Flans mod (all content packs)
    AnimationAPI (for some mods's animations)

    Lag I have: 0% ,I reach arround 100-300fps with not so good PC.
    I wix I had a server for using it ;-;
    Achievement reached: Carnotaurus Rider
    Well it is a custom modpack I made with some dinosaurs mod and such:
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