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  • I'll be sharing the story about the server I first joined, and the server which I played the most in Minecraft, Empire War.

    I remember when I first joined, it was Minas Tirith. I was a fan of the Tolkien books and the build was so grand and large I got very excited. I was Gondor when I spawned I was always mauled by the orcs because my PVP skills sucked (Which Explains my Low KD) ._.
    The first kill on Empire War I could remember was when I ambushed a Dwarf on Moria and knocked him into the lava. I was such a noob back then. My oldest memory is when I was in Isengard and got stuck in a two block deep pit . . . I began insulting the race of Ents to enrage them and encourage them to kill my worthless Uruk-Hai life. It turned out one Ent took it personally and threatened to report and mute me xD I learned my lesson from that! Don't insult anyone.
    As I progress through Empire War I began to hone my PVP skills and started making friends. I had a lot of fun on Empire War, a lot of it because of the awesome and cool people who played it. I loved to play it, play as Nazgul ( Noob Gul ) Barlong, and all other sorts of cool classes. All the maps were awe-inspiring pieces of art. The Grand Minas Tirith, The Fortress of Hornburg, the Great Caves of Moria, the Tower of Isengard, and more. It saddens me to see this great server shut down. But I thank sjoerdtim the most, the man who ran the server, sacrificed his time and money for our fun. He is the one to thank the most, also the other admins, builders, and etc. They made Empire War available for us. I also give my thanks to who increased the fun to a whole new level. I enjoyed playing with my friends, they were very cool and fun people and I enjoyed hanging out with them. I would like to thank my friends, sjoerdtim, and all the mods and admins. They all made my experience in Empire War grand, exciting, action packed, and fun.

    Thank you all, Thank you Tibbles, Thank you Admins, Thank you Mods, and Thank you to all my friends who enhanced my time on the beautiful and fun realm of Empire War!

    Thank you, and Farewell Empire War.
    So hyped for Kingdom Come: Deliverance, and Mount and Blade: Bannerlord!
    Omg I feel u. so hyped for Bannerlord and also excited for Kingdom Come
    In Medieval Total War II, I defeated the Holy Romans in a decisive battle and decided to promote Captain Rambaldo who defeated them. I accepted him into the ranks of nobility expecting him to become one of my great generals. * One turn later *
    " A Traitor Amongst Our People " Rambaldo had betrayed me even through I granted him the honors of nobility. It turned out he jumped to the Portuguese side. I gave Mr. Rambaldo what he deserved. He died a traitor's death by the hands of one of my captains.
    Regent of Carthage
    Regent of Carthage
    It's not very hard to defeat any faction.
    It's just very frustrating as Venice when all the factions in Italy declare war on you. And there is also the Byzantines, who hate your guts from the beginning.
    The Knight

    A horse as fast as lighting.
    A lance that strikes like thunder.
    A suit of armor that shines like the coming of dawn.

    Rate this . . .
    See you ender. i still remember when i got butthurt and said hacks, but i was just being a 13 year old spoiled donor lol
    stahp pokin meh!
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