To all EW friends...
Due to recent events i'm am deciding to leave EW for multiple reasons,
but I will come back every once and awhile but not often. Some reasons why i'm leaving are that: EULA just kinda made EW suck (No offense to Tim it is still fun) when I say suck I mean it wasn't as fun as it was when i first got on. Another reason is that more and more people are complaining when someone dies they will call hacks on them, that just makes the server less fun. Now that the lack of vets that were fun to play around are leaving, and are being replaced by the people that complain that everyone are noobs...
I had some great times when I first joined the EW network, The fact that everyone that was on for the first month I was on liked my name. I remember finding all the original easter eggs like the zombie pole dancing on Isenguard. Some vets will know what i'm talking about but not all...
I do not know how many of you will care or read this. I will return i'll make a video or something when I come back, but for now this is the end I must fade...
Goodbye EW I will return....