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  • The SECOND starwars teaser. The sqee is strong with this one.
    aaaaaaaaaaand Metal Face Medieval Lightsaber dude
    Okay, since I'm board and I do RP, time for a random ask a character!

    You can ask any one of my RP characters- Ironbucket, a dwarf merc, Elean, the Istari of the void , Hirdragnur, the heir of dale, Luincrist, the old king of dale, Xion, who just shows up to mess with fumble, or myself.- Any question you'd like, withing reason. Keep 'em clean, and no IRL info if you ask me a thing, but otherwise ask 'em anything.

    Go forth and question!
    "Pipe down, both of you! We're supposed to answer his question!" "Aw, who asked you, Elean? You've gotten all the questions so far! Let someone else take a turn!" "Luin, you've answered a few, he was probably talking to all of us." "Wait, who is Morgathos again?" "No idea, bucket. I think he's the new king of the nova empire thingy." "Isn't that just Rome for Middle earth?" "Xion, what's Rome?"
    And who would have known that the saddest day of mankind and the happiest would be but a day away. Happy easter guys. Enjoy the candy, but remember the real reason we celebrate this!
    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16.

    I just felt like I needed to share this. I'm a Christian, as you guys might know by now, and this is the most important verse in the bible. I know some of you might roll your eyes at this, but this is important to me. Also, feel free to ask questions.
    So, I decided to go change my skin.

    I ended up downloading a skin for most of the G1 transformers.

    Is that a bad thing?
    Figures. Well, at least I can be all of my favorite transformers. And Veritech.
    Okay, random anime time. This is the Megaduse Big-O, a literally righteous mecha. Whenever it's pilot Roger smith, Who's like a cross between James Bond and Batman, Climbs in it scans him, then the message "Cast in the name of god.....ye not guilty." Will appear.

    The great thing is, he's amazingly tough. His forearms have crazy armor, allowing him to throw his arms up and block pretty much any attack. Along with packing enough missiles and heavy cannons to level a city, he has various beam attacks, like the chrome buster, a laser that can go through several buildings and STILL destroying an enemy. He also has the basic eye beams, two Gatling guns that rotate out from his fists, his mobey dick anchors, large chains he can launch at a foe, and his signature piston punch. Yes, those two pistons on his arms pop out, and after hitting something they explode back in with enough force to either knock the enemy on its but or level everything around him for a mile. His ultimate skill is a huge freaking cannon that actually destroys anything in its path for a LOOOONNNGGG time.

    If there were a super mech bot fight going on, my money would be on this guy right here.
    Also, this anime won a metric hobbit-load of awards for music and story.
    Well. The day has truly come. Since April fools is over, I can actually say this and you will belive me. I GOT A GIRLFRIEND!
    So, here's the list of Orginazation XIII members so for (Doing this for fun, k>)

    Roxas- Light "A young mans whose light shines stronger and more fiercely than the setting sun. He is truly the key." Weapons-Dual keyblades. "The key of destiny"

    Xion- Nothing (She has a power. The power is over nothing. like the void. Google it.) "A young woman with powers over the realm between. Her inner beast is to be feared." Weapons- Keyblades, cannon, swords. "The freed puppet

    Axel- Fire "Fiery Keyblade wielder with a mission of his own. All else is thrown on the backburner." Weapon-Keyblade. "The flurry of dancing flames."

    Exelan- Poison "An assassin with a venomous bite, hiding weakness behind a wall of pure malice" weapons- chains 'The poison apple'

    Roixec- gravity "A deadly brute who never underestimates the gravity of a situation. " Weapon- Cutlasses 'the worldshaker'

    Araxanon- Water "A brilliant tactician whose mind flows like water. Never without a plan B" Weapon, chakram. "The torrent tactician"

    Xarnv-Wind "A blustery scout with the patience of a summer storm."
    Weapon- peixeira "The chaotic tempest"

    Glaxdrax - Metal. "A brutish warrior that never stops until his enemies are dead. He always has one plan - attack" Weapon- War Axe. "The metallic axe"

    Xilik (Can be changed)- Earth "A swallart warrior with a flinty personality."
    Weapon-Mace. "The shard of Geia"

    GhirahiX-Shadows. "A strange assassin with unknown motives."
    Weapon-scimitar. "The darkwalker"

    Three more spots left! If you want a spot, hurry up! if no one takes them than I'll fill them and distribute them to the others.
    Right. That would mean mintor reality bending, E.G changing the landscape temerarorly, teleportation, and slight anti-grav (Walking in the air/on walls as if there were a floor there)
    Okay guys. Even though the posibility of lanter core RP is far off, I'm letting you guys take your pick now so I can get some story stuff out of the way.

    Blue lanterns are full (Sorry!)

    Red lanterns have a leader, but two slots are still open.

    Everyone else has open slots! Go ahead and comment if you want to be a part. And if you don't want to lead, just say so!
    Okay, guys! We have a learder for every lantern core, so if you want to be a part of this when it comes out, leave a commnet! (No, you cannot have black)
    And now, the final one for today.

    And then came a day unlike any other. The thing the universe at large had feared had come true. The Black had come, and death followed.

    The Blackest Night falls from the skies,

    The darkness grows as all light dies.

    We crave your hearts and your demise,

    By my black hand, the dead shall rise!"

    The black lantern core started with the anti moniter. This beast was so strong it took all of the DC heroes working together to end it, but alas, that was not the end. Something turned the anti moniter into the central power battery for the Black lanterns.

    William hand, or black hand, was it's leader, next to the unliving neckron, the entity of death itself.

    The black rings chose a user in two ways: One way would be taking a corpse and taking it over, copying it's peronallity (As seen with terra and ice) or taking over a living being (As seen with superman and wonder woman.)

    A black lantern works the same as any other in terms of powers, but they can be destroyed, unlike every other ring. It takes a green lantern and one other color to do so, and it requires a vast amount of power to do so. However, red lanterns were able to use their caustic plasma blood fire thing to burn away the corpse, rendering the ring useless.

    The downside? Every time you lose a man, they gain one. And nekron was not afraid of fighting.

    Nekron and black hand reanimated the dead across the universe, charging the main battery. At the end, they attacked earth ,destroyign everything in their path and seeking to destroy the entity of life.

    Upsides: The largest of the cores. Unlimited supply of troops. Nearly unstoppable. Entity fought against others, unlike most.

    Downsides: Weakness is the strongest lantern. when the power of the white lanterns was used to banish nekron into the dead zone, the black lanterns all were destroyed.

    Speaking of white lanterns....

    The white lanterns have no oath, nor do they have a bigening to speak of. The white entity of life was hidden on earth, in a slumber. After Sinestro absorbed it, then had it removed, then was given to hal jordan, the white lantern core was born!

    Hal jordan spread the power across dead heroes, other heroes who had been given power rings, and many more, the white lantern core are the strongest of them all. They are able to destroy black lanterns and rings without help, and destroy a entity.

    They were disbanded, however, and only one white lantern remains.

    Upsides: Strongest core (Not counting lanterns with more than one ring on,) was able to destroy an entity, able to bring people back from the dead.

    Downsides: Requires all other cores to assist in making one ring without the entity helping.

    The reason I've been doing these is that the lantern core RP will be a contender for may's RP of the month. If you want to see this as an RP, comment !
    *NOTE* If you are the second in line, you get second in command, third in line is commander. Second in command mean nothing other than you get that title and the leader will trust you with stuff.
    And now for the Violet lantern core!

    "For hearts long lost and full of fright,

    For those alone in Blackest Night.

    Accept our ring and join our fight,

    Love conquers all with violet light!"

    The violet lantern core central emotion is love.

    Now, I know what you're thinking. "Oh, if they're love they won't hurt anyone!" Yeah, no.

    Carol Ferris, Hal Jordan's girlfriend, was the Star sapphire for a while. And also his greatest enemy. She had the ring forcibly given to her, and the violet entity, The predator, bonded with her. She was crazy and evil for a looooong time.

    But now they're good guys, and work with the other cores offer.

    They violet lantern does not differ from the green ring in any way other than the color, and the ability to trap people in crystals. There, they can convert them to a violet lantern, but of course they can remove the ring afterwards if they wish.

    The violet lanterns were created by the zamarons, who were the same race as the guardians, but because of choices they made they look much, much different then them.

    However, being on the extreme end of the scale, Love is hard to control. If you let it take over, then.....well....yeah.

    Upsides: Friends with the entire green+ spectrum. Many members used to be in other cores. Very powerful

    Downside: Hard to control. Easy to misuse.

    The violet lanterns may seem silly in their skimpy costumes (That all depends on the guy doing the story though,) but they are not someone ot mess with.

    Next, the last post I'll do, the white/black lanterns!!!
    ! Mack !
    ! Mack !
    How could he be stopped? (The only person who could stop him was the white lantern) He killed fricken Bruce Wayne! And then he killed people with Bruce Wayne's skull!!!
    So I kinda started a game with aron and rob.....so I'm continuing it here!

    We're doing a thing from Kingdom hearts, and I'd like yoju guys to join in. Gimme the name you'd like to use, and I'll try to shuffle it and add and X, Like Elean would be Exelan, Or Seamus is maexsus (Not the best, but I tried)

    We already have three besides the three founders-

    Exelan- Poison "An assassin with a venomous bite, hiding weakness behind a wall of pure malice" weapons- chains 'The biting flower'

    Roixec- gravity "A deadly brute who never underestimates the gravity of a situation. " Weapon- Cutlasses 'the worldshaker'

    Araxanon- Water "A brilliant tactician whose mind flows like water. Never without a plan B" Weapon, chakram. "The torrent tactician"

    If you want one, comment what name you want to have remixed, or the name you'd like. Then powers and weapon. No copies of powers or weapons, so once it's gone it's gone/
    Alright. the very top of your Scimitar will have the nobody emblem on it. I'll add you in.
    And so came the day of Prophecy. Noobs will quake in fear. Pros will gather arms. Finally, bucky has returned! Let all noobs, scrubs and hackers fear the name of buck!

    And yes, that was my overly dramatic way of saying that I'm back to playing empire war! I won't be on as much as I was in the old days, but I'll definitely be on more than normal. Hope to see you guys in game! (And stay tuned for the Violet lanterns!)
    Yes yes, be negative and not glad I can be on for it's dying breath.
    Hey, I know a lot of you have seen me post things (Other than lantern core info) on my wall about roleplay things, so here's where the action's at!


    We have a LOTR roleplay, a random monthly RP that can be anything from WWII to GoT! Also working on our own RP world, Nandolion! Come check it out and give us a try!
    And now, for the indigo tribe!

    "Tor lorek san, bor nakka mur,

    Natromo faan tornek wot ur.

    Ter Lantern ker lo Abin Sur,

    Taan lek lek nok--Formorrow Sur!

    The indigo tribe was created by the green lantern Abin Sur to help stop the black from destroying all life.

    Most of the members are criminals who have been forcibly given the ring . One the ring is on, they feel sorrow and remorce for their actions, as seen with Irouque, and become changed, wanting to make amends for their actions. This compassion is so powerful that when the yellow lantern kiddnaper, Cryb, was forcibly given the ring, she went to make amends for the harm she had done. It also was powerful enough that BLACK HAND was led away with one on, alive.

    The indigo tribe does not look like most other cores, taking the apperance of poor monks instead of betighted heros. They carry their powerbatters around in a staff from ((All lanterns have this abilitty, most don't see the point.)) They can teleport anywhere instantly at the cost of their own power (Their power, not the ring) and can copy other rings.

    Little else is known about this core, however one thing is made clear. If the indigo central battery was taken out, thousands of hardened criminals would be loose.

    Upsides: Teleport, can copy rings, home planet is almost as hidden as the blue lantern home planet.

    Downsides: Isolated. few allies.

    And now a lantern core people have ACTUALLY been wanting, the blue lantern core!

    In fearful day, in raging night,

    With strong hearts full, our souls ignite,

    When all seems lost in the war of light,

    Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!!!

    The blue lantern core is the weakest in power and the most underrated, but one of the most useful. Started by two guardians, ganthet and sayd-Who thought the prophecy of black should not be ignored- to help the green lantern core and all others in the world when hope was needed.

    They only powers the posses on their own are the basics of the rings. Translator, flight, personal shield (Which can stand up against punches from superman.)

    They also have an 'Aura' which they use to fight. Extending their attacks and shielding themselves, the aura may not be as powerful as a construct, but it can still wreck havoc to an enemy. (Yes, It can break constructs.)

    But the ring can do more than that. Saint walker, the first blue lantern, was able to rekindle a star using the hope from his planet. He also learn how to take his aura shield and launch it at foes, becoming one of their main attacks.

    But that isn't all, they boost a green lantern ring by an amount depending on their proximity to the user, and in turn are allowed to use constructs, because hope is nothing without the will to make it real. They also drain yellow lanterns energy and cancel out red, however red does the same for them.

    They can also save a red lantern from their ring (If the user wishes, and even if they don't they can) and can also help an orange lantern to remove their ring.

    But the blue lanterns are few now. Relic, a monster bent on destroying all lantern cores, destroyed their home world and all blue lanterns except saint walker himself. In the DC world, he is the last blue lantern.

    But I won't leave it as such.

    Upsides: They boost green lanterns to the point of being able to pick up galaxies and throw them. Their draining powers and the ability to drain are useful.

    Downsides: They cannot place a blue power battery anywhere near a green lantern, or else the ring with get so powerful it cannot be contained in the universe and implodes. They are the weakest lanterns, not being able to make constructs. Even though they are weak, their full power has not been achieved

    Though the blue lanterns are weak, their power to help allies is the reason some lanterns still live to this day.

    All will be well.

    Entity: Adara. Adara is actually the entity that travels around the most.
    Second in command will do
    And now, the core only some of you have been waiting for, the green lantern corps!!

    In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!!!

    ((Note, that is one of many. Some green lanterns have been known to say their own version of the oath.))

    The green lanterns were the ones who started it all. millennium ago the guardians, a race of small floating blue people (Not smurfs) decided that the galaxy needed a helping hand. Shown how to create the rings by Volthoom, the first lantern (More on him later), the green lantern corps were born.

    I won't go into the history of the GL, mostly because it would take forever to hear it all.

    The green ring's central emotion is Willpower. The more willful the user is, and the more fear they face and conquer, the stronger the user is. As well as having a verity of people in the core- some being soldiers and warriors, but some being more ordinary people- they are considered the strongest core.

    However, they are not flawless. The guardians function without emotion, so decisions may be wrong many a time, however, because of the first lantern, new guardians are in place and things are better. However, the green lanterns have more enemies than any other core combined, and are targeted regularly.

    The war with the yellow lanterns was taxing, as was the war of light. But the mad guardian, krona, managed to take over Ion, the entity of will, and control the core. The green lanterns spread rings far and wide, but not for the original purpose. they were, of course, stopped, but only after many deaths.

    Also, for the longest time none of them could directly effect anything yellow with their rings. It's passed off now as a mental block- Sinestro being the only yellow lantern for years- and has since been fixed.

    Upsides: The most numerous core, as well as having the strongest rings. They have hal jordan, so that's a win.

    Downsides: Not flawless. fear is their greatest weekness, even if it can be faced and conquered.

    The green lanterns are NEVER someone to mess with. they were the first, but they were not the last.

    Next up, the Alpha corps and the Manhunters.
    And because I felt like it, The Yellow lantern corps!

    "In blackest day,

    In blackest day, in brightest night,

    Beware your fears made into light.

    Let those who try to stop what's right

    Burn like my power Sinestro's might!"

    In the dark, on that cold rainy night, you DID hear something outside the window. There WAS something under the bed. There WAS a shadow in the hall. the core is after you.

    The yellow lantern, Or Sinestro corps, was founded by the Ex green lantern
    Taal Sinestro. He created the first power yellow power battery with the help of the weaponeers of qward. The yellow rings fuction exactly like a green or violet ring, eccept the core emotion was fear.

    The yellow rings have the abbility to scan a target for its fears and create a constuct of that fear. Lions? Yep. Dragons? Easilly. Clowns? Sure, why not?

    Other than this, the ring itself does not differ in powers from a green ring. The members, however, are very, very diferent.

    Notable members of the core are the leech like low, the kidnapper cryb, the deadly planet killing virus Despotellis, Bedovian, the sniper who can hit you from across the galaxy, and arkillo, the current second in command.

    The yellow lantern corps members vary widely, but their cause does not. Sinestro, who had been banished after enslaving his entire home world, created the yellow lanterns to have justice HIS way. Where a green lantern would capture, a yellow would kill.

    However, the corps was destroyed after sinestro abandoned them to rejoin the green lanterns- mostley because they had gone from justice to all-out-slaughter- leaving few behind.

    It is also known that most yellow lanterns have a great fear of their own that they hide.

    Upsides: Powerful members and skills ranging in a verity of things. Feared and respected.

    Downsides: Lots of infighting. Backstabbing happens often. made an enemy of the green lantern core.

    all in all, the yellow lantern core is truly a force to fear.
    ^^^^ Quite a few people wanted my take on all the different cores, so I'm posting these. Trying to convince titan to have lantern cores as next months RP.
    Next up on the Lantern list, the orange lantern!

    That's right, lantern. There's only one.

    Oath: What's mine is mine and mine and mine.

    And mine and mine and mine!

    Not yours!"

    The orange lantern, Larfleeze, is one of the only orange lanterns. The orange rings main emotion is greed, causing its user to want everything. Not only did it cause Larfleeze eternal hunger, but he wants for everything. He has even been seen trying to steel things his ring could easily create. He only reluctantly joined the other corps in fighting the black lanterns, and even then his price was one of the guardians.

    The orange ring works along the same lines as the others, being able to make hard light constructs that can only be broken by other lanterns, but because of the greeding effect it causes, Larfleeze 'steals' the identity of everyone he kills, creating a construct 'servant' to fight for him. In this way, he stores thousands of slaves in his ring, allowing him to create an army wherever he goes. This actually caused the green lanterns trouble when the first found him.

    Larfleeze came across it after traveling with four other of his kind, all of them thieves , and finding a map to "The greatest treasure in the universe"

    Out of the five of them, only Larfleeze and another made it to the vault where the Orange power battery was kept (Side note: All batteries are kept in a pocket universe, allowing the lantern to summon it at will. Despite this, Larfleeze never parts with his. Also, the power battery does not charge the ring, it reconnects it to the main power battery, and this is only needed once every twenty four hours.)

    After a long and bloody fight, some intervention by the guardians, and more fighting, Larfleeze became the one and only orange lantern until lex luthor was allowed one for the war of light.

    Upsides: If you got your hands on one of these, you'd be able to carry around an army.

    Downsides: You would never be satisfied. Ever. You would hunger for as long as you had it, but never be able to drop the ring.

    Despite the downsides, the orange lanterns are actually a powerful corps, and not one to cross. it is possible to get rid of the ring, but it would take help from other lanterns to do so.
    Okay guys, here's the lantern corps info! I'll be posting a small bit of info on each color. the ups, the downs, powers, stuff like that.

    And we start with the Red lantern corps!

    Now, I'd put the oath here, but it's rather gruesome. I'll use the one from the recent animated series. (Side note. The oath is a cerimonial thing. You could say anything while charging your ring and it wouldn't change anything. Hal jordan, for a while, didn't say the oath. he just held the ring to his battery for 10s)

    "With blood and rage of crimson red,

    We fill men's souls with darkest dread,

    And twist your minds to pain and hate,

    We'll burn you all—that is your fate!"

    The red lanterns are a lantern corps whose center emotion is, yes, rage. The red lanterns were created by Atrocitus, the last survivor of sector 666. The entire sector was destroyed by the manhunters, the precursor to the green lantern corps. He and five others were the only survivors, however soon Atrocitus killed the others to forge the first red power battery.

    The red lanterns main powers focus around blasts of energy and internalizing their power, allowing them to become five, ten, one hundred, one thousand times as strong as they would normally be. They also have an incredible effective, but nasty, weapon:Their own blood. They spew it (Yes, like throwing) in waves, it having a acidic power like nothing else. It was even able to burn a black lantern wielder to ash before the black ring could rebuild its host.

    The one big downside to all this? They can't make constructs. Most red lanterns have uncontrollable rage, not utilizing their power. Most can only make crude whip-like or blunt rod constructs.

    Atrocitus was the first one to use a construct that was the norm of the others, followed by Bleez. once channeled, a red lantern is a force to be reckoned with with.

    However, the biggest downside to the entire corps is that once you put the ring on, there isn't any going back. The red ring can drive you insane with fury if you don't control it, eventually leading to you throwing up your heart. The only way to repair yourself and take the ring off safely is to either have a blue lantern heal you and take the ring off, or be converted to a star sapphire (Violet lantern.)

    Upsides: Powerful. Respected (And feared.) Not many people will try to mess with you. Physical force is stronger than most.

    Downsides: Being on one end of the emotional and color spectrum, red rings are hard to control and easy to misuse. you can use the ring, or the ring can use you. also, the ring becomes your entire life (And not in a good way.) Also, red lanterns are prone to killing each other or dying in horrible ways.

    All in all, not the worst ring of them, but one that is dangerous to all.

    Next up, The orange lantern!
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