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  • Okay, I came up with this while making slight refrences to ideas I have for Roleplay....

    "A man who speaketh only in lies wishes to hide the truth. A man who speakith only in riddles wishes the truth to be found."
    Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer
    Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer
    Though, I'm trying to do something in RP (after Slime realizes I'm half dead in front of her gate for one week), but it's hard when you're a speechless mercenary that bought no special power and that gets trapped by vines when the wizard didn't even know he was following her. Meh, I'll guess I will keep Aritom and make him "Ajay 2.0, feel free to torture him as you wish!"
    And after one hour of feels, the best disney cartoon ends. Phineas and Ferb had a great seven years of runtime, making me and pretty much everyone else laugh on the way.

    And here is one of the best songs from the show:
    So I get back from teaching church to find that my friends not only managed to find my spare key (Which I keep in a very well hidden place outside, though now I need to find a new spot), but got onto my facebook and spammed it with MLP crap.

    In other news, I'm going to the store to buy up all the silly string....
    Bucky I would like to thank you for your time spent in the staff chat working hard on the RP overhaul, it was much needed and im glad to have you as a DM.
    Okay guys. YES, lotr RP is down. It's not down for good, though. We're taking it down for the day so we can fix some things. Don't go running off, because we'll have it back up in no time!
    Yes, just today. We should have things rolling soon.
    And now for something we've all beeen waiting for:

    LANTERN RP! Will be started soon. No, you may not claim something right now. But soon.
    This is to everyone in RP right now ApexPredator29
    If a DM is in main chat and is solving a problem, then please let them work.

    Also, if you're involved with an argument and a DM or admin asks you question A, do NOT give them answers B, C, L, Q, Purple, Square, chartreuse, perpendicular octagon, F, and seventeen. We do a lot for you, just please don't make this hard on us.
    Well, today's the day. I've decided to quit playing Empire war. I've pretty much done it all. I've gotten nazgul, I've found the biggest of the eastereggs and I've gotten all the classes I want.

    Yes, I'll still get on from time to time and play with you guys, but I'm not only bored of playing EW I'm rather annoyed at tim, as I have been since he fired Titan.

    Something wavebaron and Dogcatwhat may be glad to hear: I'm witching over to Conwy!

    It's been an amazing run with you guys, thank's SO much! I'll see you guys on the other side.
    Ahh, I'll miss you on EW, but maybe I might catch you over on the flip side sometimes, whenever I am on there. Oh well have fun and enjoy life. It's been a pleasure fighting alongside you.
    Came up with a new add for Powerade while candy-hunting at the mall.

    Manly man: New black Invictus Powerade!

    Off screen voice: Wait, black?

    MM: Yes, black.

    Osv: Black doesn't have a flavor.

    MM: Yes, it does.

    OSV: Oh yeah? What is it?

    MM: Blackness and tears.

    OSV: What?!

    MM: The blackness your enemies see when they face you and their tears of sorrow when you crush them underfoot.

    OSV: Wait, that won't.....Actually, that's not a bad idea. Carry on.

    MM: Now in sorrow and despair flavors.
    Okay, time for some science.

    This is the "Sound" that earth makes.

    Now, this isn't what you think it is. What you're hearing is plasma.

    Gurnett is the James Van Allen professor of physics at the University of Iowa and the principal investigator for the Plasma Wave Science instrument on Voyager 1. At the press conference, he played some plasma wave data for the audience. The sounds, he explained, were solid evidence that Voyager 1 had left the heliosphere.
    The heliosphere is a vast bubble of magnetism that surrounds the sun and planets. It is, essentially, the sun’s magnetic field inflated to enormous proportions by the solar wind. Inside the heliosphere is "home." Outside lies interstellar space, the realm of the stars.

    For decades, researchers have been on the edge of their seats, waiting for the Voyager probes to leave. Ironically, it took almost a year for NASA to realize the breakthrough had occurred. The reason is due to the slow cadence of transmissions from the distant spacecraft. Data stored on old-fashioned tape recorders are played back at three to six month intervals. Then it takes more time to process the readings.
    Gurnett recalls the thrill of discovery when some months-old data from the Plasma Wave Instrument reached his desk in the summer of 2013. The distant tones were conclusive: “Voyager 1 had made the crossing.”
    Strictly speaking, the plasma wave instrument does not detect sound. Instead it senses waves of electrons in the ionized gas or "plasma" that Voyager travels through. No human ear could hear these plasma waves. Nevertheless, because they occur at audio frequencies, between a few hundred and a few thousand hertz, "we can play the data through a loudspeaker and listen," says Gurnett. "The pitch and frequency tell us about the density of gas surrounding the spacecraft."

    Electron plasma oscillations: The evidence that Voyager 1 crossed into interstellar space. Listen
    When Voyager 1 was inside the heliosphere, the tones were low, around 300 Hz, typical of plasma waves coursing through the rarified solar wind. Outside, the frequency jumped to a higher pitch, between 2 and 3 kHz, corresponding to denser gas in the interstellar medium. The transition music to Gurnett’s ears.
    So far, Voyager 1 has recorded two outbursts of "interstellar plasma music"--one in Oct-Nov. 2012 and a second in April-May 2013. Both were excited by bursts of solar activity.

    Now, all copy/paste aside, If you search up what (Planet name) sounds like, you'll be able to hear all kinds of cool things. So, go forth and google! Comment what you find to be your favorite.
    Saturn's was creepy , imo.
    First shot of nazgul! Thanks to all the people who helped me out! Expect a cool picture soon!
    Looking through all my posts, I feel sad now.
    Okay, I know I've been shouting about it for the past few hours, but I'd thought I'd say it here: I am now only eight thousand points away from nazgul! I'll have it before the end of the month, if I'm lucky!
    Only if you want to, mile. I've tried to get through all this without asking for points.
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