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  • Everybody may be gone, but you people can still start your own RPs. Do we need a nanny to hold our hands? And you should start accepting RPs of which backstory you never heard of. Don't bitch about what is being offered to you. Thu wanted to start RPs before. Guess what? Rejected because some people never played the game and we're too lazy to read the history he scribbled down. Absolutely ridiculous. Go ahead and whine how RP is dead when you Don't want to help to even start. Can you be picky? No, you fucking can't. I guess we need Everybody, the babysitter to start events for us.
    I like my nan. :( But I agree, I don't get everyone's aversion to new RP. "Oh I don't know everything about it, can't play it." Funnily enough, I've never seen or read Game of Thrones, yet I enjoyed and got into the GoT RP as Crowley Greyjoy.
    You also gave enough fucks to read through the wiki.
    Shit looks like WWE vs ECW originals. That worked out, didn't it? ECW was continued, many wrestlers got their jobs back, TNA was made. WWE and TNA now compete again. Shit worked out, feelings stayed as they were between many, many people. But some changed their minds, which made them join the newer community. Now, it isn't always a question of saltiness, whether they joined TNA because of it or not, because it could always be loyalty, a trait always respected. Nor is it the fact that TNA is more insignificant than WWE, that was another thing that I was not trying to point out. Perhaps one might understand where I'm going with this, yeah? Fans are free to like both communities. WWE and TNA.
    "I wish to create something. Joseph, Father Stephen de Beaufort has offered me words on your behalf. He has spake that you are a noble man of virtue, a man deserving of GOD's grace. John Kowacz. You are a man who has countless times fought for GOD alone. You drove back the Alsacian Cult at my side, and protected me more than once. Edward de Ambray. You are a man of experience and strenght, a man I have known since I was a young boy. Your most recent declaration only bodes in your favour, for as I said, he who loves GOD above all, is he whom embodies Him the most. I wish to offer you three my most sacred honor. I wish to make you the defenders of GOD and the Palatine. Warriors born with swords of fire. And shields of ash. I would name you three the first of my Holy Knights of Visiga." -High Pointiff Daniel the third.
    The Brotherhood of the Golden Crozier

    Brothers of the Crozier:

    For we are the sword of Lucien; the shield of Lucien; the raised spears that catches the rising sun. We are the storm of swords, the song of steel: the song that sweeps across the strongholds of devout and faithless, believer and heathen, paragon and sinner. The axe that splinters shield, the hammer that cracks skull, the blade that causes many a mother to weep her bitter tears.

    We are those that hold his crozier, and we will hold the instrument that supports his legacy.
    Kits in survival games make no sense, thank you. I haven't played survival games for a shit load amount of time, but Frodo wrote something about Adam saying something about them (I only saw the cut off) so I wanted to say what I think of that. It's meant for you to use whatever you find in chests.
    What would you think about starting a casual guild - say, doing raids and heroics on weekends and Wednesday evenings? If we get enough people we might even organize events like treasure hunts, races, or duels.
    If I get three more people will you become the fifth?
    Bunny Morph + Rank giveaway on xShay 's wall!
    I was just mindlessly clicking the eggs, then suddenly I notice a little purple outline. I look closely and it's the mount. *eats half of chocolate, uses other half to buy pets*
    Got interested in Black Desert, myself, after I aw its beautiful character creation tool available on the net. Even the character creation tool needs shit ton of gigabytes, so I doubt that I'll ever get the game, but it seems really, really beautiful and I've heard people say only good things about it.
    I remember when Bucky, Nowin, Rob and me used to argue about weapons in the Ragnarok chat. Bastard or one-and-a-half swords usually came up and Bucky mentioned lots of times how they were a LOT better than longswords. Here you go.
    Longsword=bastard sword. Two-handed sword=greatsword. Apparently.
    New expansion, new gimmicks, people! I really like this one, hehehehe... Validated Doomsayer below, now no longer explosion-friendly. Well, sorta.
    Can't wait for that expansion
    Wait, no. I just looked up Samurai Jack on Wikipedia just because I wanted to check on it and it's getting renewed in 2016! I'm sure that that wasn't said the last time I checked on it.
    pls renew chowder television genie
    When I first saw an episode of this show, I couldn't understand jack about English. Too bad it was canceled.
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