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  • Hey guys! Sorry for not posting this at time, but I've got a new rank on Creative Crafter's aka CC. My rank is now Architect, I didn't even complete my plot, TheHolyMonk was impressed and just promoted me. See you in the next post.
    Hello friends.

    Whats new about me:

    Yesterday (wednesday) ive broken my leg at school. We didn't go to hospital hoping that ill be alright. Ive finished reading a big book 1 week ago and am sorry for not posting for a long time.

    Current projects:

    Im making another statue on EpicQuestz build server and making a map on Creative Crafters server builder sized plot to get Architect/Artisan and post the download link on Planet Minecraft in order to become famous myself AND to advertise the server.

    For more questions ask in commemts.

    P.S upcoming post! Ill soon post that 100 questions invented by myself as no one suggests them.
    Amazin news! CC (Creative Crafters) are now OPEN! visit the site page and join the server, dont forget to tell friends and like this post!
    Happy new year everyone!!

    I recieve gifts that night, and ive got a GoPro 4!! Guys, be a hero.
    Also ive bought myself a new computer, the best of that days, aswell as my sister finally got a Minecraft account! I will also add her to enjin and tell you what it is. Friending her would be appreciated. Also thanks to 30 subscribers on Planst Minecraft, ill post a 30 sub special very soon!

    Oh forgot to say!
    Several people may remeber my IGN was FoxVlad, well, my sister is FoxMasha! You can friend her on mineplex, she is VERY active.
    I have watched Star Wars VII the force awakens and really liked it. Honestly the trailer is way impressiver that the movie.
    I watched it with mine too! Also my little sister who is getting a Minecraft account very very soon!
    And My work has being noticed ↓↓↓↓
    なつみ [JP]
    That's from NovaSkin Limefox. The name is on the bottom left corner. I also noticed that the player's legs are messed up too >->
    uhhh... are you gonna use the profile picture my friend made for you?
    Give me the file and I'll set it. I've never saw it too :/
    If you can make me a good Profile picture (my head) please private message me it <3 i will really appreciate it! (do not msg me my head, i want a thing drawn )
    will try to fix 1 for you
    Ask me questions and i will choose top 100 wich will be figuring in "about me" information.

    Note, You cam write them in these comments, Private message, write a new post on my wall or tweet with @TheLimeFoxMC on Twitter. Also On my Youtube videos comments.
    Selfie with a random zombie which spawned in my farm on Skyblock.

    Also i decided to change my head to human Note that i made the skin myself :3
    xD selfie with zombie
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