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! Mack !
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  • I found a black and white version of Titans map! I want to colour the nations. Anyone know a good program?
    is there like a map Where we can see Where kindoms are, The land people control? Cuz ive just seen normal ME maps
    Dang... I hate Rockslide! He shut down Role Play! And now we won't be able to RP untill Titan makes a website!
    Are you replacing it with a pic of cools mom?......I see how it is.
    Oh! And in RP when I said on my gate was the symbole of Mithrin, which was a dragon wraped around an axe? Well this is sorta how that would look...
    Though I may like the sword idea more...
    I promised Titanic that if he donated I'd post a pic of Jim Carrey...
    ! Mack !
    ! Mack !
    Thank you, I knew you'd be a fan of my work...
    I made this a couple of days ago... Sorry for all y'all that aren't in it!
    why you so mean to me!? D;
    Just finished the Silmirillion... My god it's good, but for the first like 100 pages it's as boring as crap. I love the ending though with the fall of Númerer and The Last Alliance. I highly recommend reading it!
    This one didn't attach to the file... Anyways this one is the bottem one!
    ! Mack !
    ! Mack !
    Took a long time... A lot of analyzing a tiny game boy screen. And also a lot of sand...
    So I've been creating a bunch of pixel art based off of the Infamous franchise, "The legend of Zelda" these two pieces I just finished... The top one I finished by myself, the bottem one I finished with friends.
    ! Mack !
    ! Mack !
    Oh yes Kingdom Hearts! I recall playing that game on a few occasions at my friends house. Do you want crossed kekblades in front of a shield? Like the coat of arms for the Holy See?
    I've been playing a lot of Portal/Portal 2... And when I started playing, I be like; "Yay! It's a puzzle game! " but /After/ I finished the game. I noticed how much storyline there actually is to it! From Rattman to Black Mesa, I love it!

    So I'm asking you guys... What are your favorite games and why?
    This sucks... So the mods that were on the server when the server was young and being demoted. Vets are leaving the server because of other outside of mine craft things. And every other week our server gets involved in some sort of competitive upheaval! I feel sorry for the direction this server is heading. It would be nice if everyone cooperated to make Empire War a better place... That is all...
    ! Mack !
    ! Mack !
    No farmer isn't the oldest mod.. Lockrules is!
    Midterms are coming up so I'll have less time to play (Not that I've been playing much recently, all I seem to do now is go on forums) so anyways one Midterms are over I'll come back on actively!
    So I'm super sorry about my behaviour on Conwy forums, and I hope we can overlook this awkward circumstance! Anyways Conwy is bae and I'm thankful there is no more tension!
    Got damn lucky it all ended well between the owners. I was facepalming so my hand almost travelled through my head during the Conwy rage event. I felt kinda embaressed for being staff on Ew -_-
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