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  • Watermelon2002 is the only person I can think of that has had the privilege of appealing to me so many times and getting denied more than any other person.
    Athorian made an appeal for hacking already in 2012. I don't understand how he could use that account during more recent incidents.

    Have you ever:

    Kissed a boy? No

    Kissed a girl? No (why do you have to point it out :'(

    Dated a boy? No

    Dated a girl? What is this date thing you speak of?

    Broken the law? Does being too kool count?

    Drunk underage? OJ all day

    Used a fake i.d.? How do you think Im even on social media?

    Done any drugs? Weakks memes

    Taken a pregnancy test? Hopefully not

    Taken a test for STI's? Nope, virgin

    Had a rebound relationship? I don't even have regular relationships

    Performed sexual acts with someone you don't know? Nah

    Stolen from a shop? Once with a pack of gummy bears when I was younger

    Been the "bad" one in a breakup? Lol I can't even get a date

    Have a crush? Twice yes

    Have a significant other? Nope

    Feel guilty about something? All the time

    Know what you want to be when you're older? I want to own a self serve breakfast buffet

    Have any big secrets? Nah

    Who was your first kiss? (And what was it like?) Didn't kiss anyone ever

    What is your single greatest fear? Arguing with family

    What keeps you awake at night? Victas stalking me

    What is your worst ever memory? (Most embarrassing/terrifying?)
    BOLD WHICH ONES APPLY: Mom having heart attack

    Your name begins with a letter A through J.
    You’ve considered joining the military.
    Yuh h@+3 w3n ppl uze inc0rr3c+ gr@.
    That was difficult for you to decipher
    You live on the West Coast.
    You’ve attended a wedding.
    You have anti-social moments. (oh please Im always antisocial)
    At one point today, you wanted to punch somebody in the face. (too many times)
    It’s after 3pm where you are.
    You hate Mondays. (like any regular human being yes)
    You’re afraid of heights.
    You don’t like Obama. (as a person he's a chill dude tho)
    You’ve been in the newspaper.
    You donate to charity whenever you can.
    You use plastic bags at the grocery store.
    You have/had a teacher that you wanted to curb stomp.
    You’ve gone camping.
    You eat too much.
    You love fast food.
    You’ve been to the beach.
    You’ve been to Disneyland or Six Flags. (Disneyland)
    There are no candles in your bedroom.
    You enjoy reading.
    You are well known in your community.
    General Questions:

    1. Did you wake up cranky?

    2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
    At 14 that would just be akward

    3. Do you prefer to be friends with boys or girls?
    Hard to say, what is a friend?

    4. Would you ever smile at a stranger?
    I like staying out of prison

    5. Can you commit to one person?
    Im committed to myself

    6. How do you look right now?
    Sexy as always (but a bit unshaven)

    7. What exactly are you wearing?
    Shorts and a sleeveless shirt

    8. How often do you listen to music?

    9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?

    10. Do you think your life will change dramatically soon?

    11. Are you a social or antisocial person?
    so antisocial the last time I had a friend was in the womb

    12. If the person you like says that they like someone else, what would you do?
    Feel very upset

    13. Are you good at hiding your feelings?

    14. Can you drive stick?
    Although no one will say it I have expert driving skills (only crash occasionally)

    15. Do you care if people talk badly about you?
    If they want to live they better not

    16. Are you going out of town soon?
    Already out of town suckas!

    17. When was the last time you cried?
    Beginning of finals week

    18. Have you ever liked someone you haven't expected to?

    19. If you could change your eye color, would you?

    20. Name something you have to do tomorrow.
    Wake up

    21. Name something you dislike about today.
    Messing up my ankle

    22. Have you ever liked one of your friends of the opposite sex?

    23. Are you nice to everyone?

    24. What are you sitting on right now?
    My bed

    25. Can you last in a relationship for six months without cheating?
    If I can get in a relationship yea

    26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn't have?
    Not really

    27. Who was the last person you talked to before going to bed last night?
    Myself in a dark room whispering words of ancient power

    28. Do you get a lot of colds?
    Yea my immune system sucks

    29. Have your pants ever fallen down in public?

    30. Does anyone hate you?

    31. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?

    32. Do you like scary movies?

    33. Are you a jealous person?
    Of some people yea (my reflection for instance)

    34. If you had to delete a year of your life, what would it be?
    12th year

    35. Do you have a favorite saying?

    1. Asked someone to marry you? I

    2. Kissed one of your friends? I

    3. Danced on a table in a bar? I

    4. Ever told a lie? G

    5. Had feelings for someone whom you can't have? I

    6. Ever kissed someone of the same sex? I

    7. Kissed a picture? I

    8. Slept in until 5 PM? I

    9. Fallen asleep at work/school? I

    10. Held a snake? G

    11. Been suspended from school? I

    12. Worked at a fast food chain/restaurant? I

    13. Stolen something? G

    14. Been fired from a job? I

    15. Done something you regret? G

    16. Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? G

    17. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? G

    18. Kissed in the rain? I

    19. Sat on a roof top? I

    20. Kissed someone you shouldn't? I

    21. Sang in the shower? GGGGGGGGGGGG

    22. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? I

    23. Shaved your head? G (still have the pics)

    24. Slept naked? G

    25. Had a boxing membership? I

    26. Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? I

    27. Been in a band? I

    28. Shot a gun? I

    29. Donated Blood? I

    30. Eaten alligator meat? I (what the hell is this type of question)

    31. Eaten cheesecake? I

    32. Still love someone you shouldn't? G

    33. Have/had a tattoo? I

    34. Liked someone, but will never tell who? G

    35. Been too honest? G

    36. Ruined a surprise? G

    37. Ate in a restaurant and got really bloated that you can't walk afterwards? G

    38. Erased someone in your friends list? G

    39. Dressed in a woman's clothes (if you're a guy) or man's clothes (if you're a girl)? I

    40. Joined a pageant? I

    41. Been told that you're handsome or beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? G

    42. Still have communication w/ your ex? I

    43. Cheated on someone? I

    44. Get totally drunk one night and you have an important exam tomorrow morning? I

    45. A total stranger treated you by paying your fare? I

    46. Get totally angry that you cried so hard? G

    47. Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? G

    48. Thought about suicide? G

    49. Thought about murder? G

    50. How about Mass Murder? G (oh you have no idea)

    51. Rode in a stranger's vehicle? I

    52. Stalked someone? G (all past and present staff members including Rockslide)

    53. Had a girlfriend/boyfriend? I
    I might do this at my wall soon :P
    Your profile picture above is of a balor, you're not a balor, you're tanetal, you false-sense-of-security-er. Speaking of which Verbing Weirds Language.
    Sasiru finally managed to fix the wifi along with the help of a very tech savvy step father of mine. Its good to be home
    For some reason I can't get on, the only server I can connect to is Empire Wars :/
    Wanna play EW with me later? :3
    *logs onto conwy and makes an appeal*
    *instantly is aware of the monk_10 situation even though presumably he has never heard of him and is now advocating for him*
    *admits to using the exact same vpn*
    But guys, its TOTALLY not like monk_10 is Athorian
    Or maybe that's what he wants you to believe.. but it could also be monk in a desperate way to protect himself, not being Athorian. Though monk did indeed seem suspicious.. if he hacked he probably used something as sneaky as Athorian did.
    Monk_10 is gone! Thank you Magikarp! Btw, on his ban appeal he admitted to hacking. He said " we have completely different hacking styles" XD
    How would you rate me? 5/7, better than the first Batman movie, or what?
    ie: 10/10 would do again
    Weak would be more scary if he were a mod.
    RekTrain Darisens
    Oh, god. Corny would fall into anarchy with all the awful jokes. "If you are what you eat, Kurt Cobain would be a shotgun shell." - Weak 2015
    Hey man! I just wanted to thank you for being such an amazing mod! maybe one day i can be like you! As long as i tryhard for days and don't act mean i know i can do it! - alter ego _Sexyy_
    Ish i was joking xD
    No minecraft at the ballista, so sad. :(
    I think he means mine cart
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