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  • I am once again blown off my feet by the amount of detail and skill that the builders of Westeroscraft have put into their buildings. With great consistency I may add! Astounding what practice and talent can do. From all the great builders I know (and I like to think I know a /enough/) I'd say the builders on Westeroscraft are a breed all their own; some of the best builders Minecraft could produce.

    And usually, it's not their biggest builds. While still impressive beyond belief, builds such as the Keep of Stonehedge is maybe the best castle I've ever seen in Minecraft. All the smaller builds have their own unique styles, giving them life.
    Personally I love Pyke and the Dreadfort. Truely, the Dreadfort looks amazing ;3
    Andrew logic: Let's use a definition to argue a statement that was based entirely on context and the implied comparisons. Great work. Splendid. I wonder if he just wants to argue for the sake of arguing? If so, I highly recommend bringing more than a definition to protect your hind. Also, a use of grammar, proper spelling, correct sentence structure, transitional words, vocabulary, and a general sense of writing a paragraph would be nice.
    Therefore, you're agree that I'm right? Alright then, I enjoy compliments about my sense of logic. :)
    I've spoken to several players, and they've convinced me to retake my old moderator position. By force if need be. Let us bring this to all players: #Prom4Mod (or #Tyranny)

    We need to be serious about this. *Rubs hands together with an evil grin*
    Akam logic: let's counter a point by saying something irrelevant to the topic as to distract everyone from the fact that I'm losing a debate.
    And, when have I done that? I take pride in keeping to relevant topics during a debate.
    In reply to the excellent example of typical American education:

    Liberation Day (Netherlands)

    The nation was liberated largely by the First Canadian Army, which included in addition to Canadian forces the British I Corps, and the 1st Polish Armoured Division, as well as, at various times, American, Belgian, Dutch and Czechoslovak troops. Parts of the country, in particular the south-east, were liberated by the British Second Army, which included American and Polish airborne forces, (see Operation Market Garden) and French airbornes (see Operation Amherst). On 5 May 1945, the Canadian General Charles Foulkes and the German Commander-in-Chief Johannes Blaskowitz reached an agreement on the capitulation of German forces in the Netherlands in Hotel de Wereld in Wageningen. One day later, the capitulation document was signed in the auditorium of Wageningen University, located next door.
    American education typically forgets to mention the contributions of others because they want to have their citizens know "how great they are." U.S is not alone, but they are famous for seriously "forgetting" facts in order to persuade the American public that they are the greatest. And I wasn't ignoring other wars, I was stating facts about this war in particular. The topic was about this war, not others. America was not such a deciding factor as they make themselves out to be.
    When I said you can post memes about me, I meant they had to at least be funny. I've done some fairly stupid stuff on EW, so it really shouldn't be that hard.
    I don't get it. Are you the old mod prometheus or are you some impostor or what are you?
    I don't have an issue with you being smart, supposedly. I take issue when you don't seem to use any of it on the forums, nor in discussions about larger topics of a grand variety. There are thousands of people like you Akam, in every country. But most of them don't g about shooting others down and doing self-promotion. Your wall is evidence to that alone, if not your comments on many forum threads. Without doubt, your supposedly image is what is required to get into great universities. However, I simply don't see how you can place yourself into that group when you can't even carry a rational and logical argument presented against you without openly insulting others.
    Why on Earth would they merge? That's just stupid! You guys don't want wars? You don't want corruption? It's as if you don't want to RP all the interesting parts that come from being an empire in a land full of empires. If anyone cares for my advice, a merge would hinder the server more then you ever know.

    A bit late but its obvious that no merger would occur. RP breaking is least of the reasons.
    Personally, I think RP wars need to be extremely well planned if the staff team wants to include PvP.
    PvP is essentially, the enemy of RP communities from personal experience. Lots of bad things happen when PvP takes place on a small community of RPers. So, if they do feel like implementing it, unless PvP is selective circumstances only, they need to set some really tough guidelines, plus enforce those rules dramatically.

    Anyways, for RP wars. I'd imagine a separate forum that was designed for battles/wars/raids and alike would be best. A forums for raids where the players of either faction could discuss terms, and agree on location, time and other things. This way, both can schedule to have their max numbers on at that time. In addition, players could agree on some spoils. Planning everything ahead will help solve confusion and aid in stopping OOC arguments from erupting.

    For wars, I'd personally enjoy seeing that sort of thing be handled mostly in RP, or at least the diplomatic, and interior faction events that correspond with a town at war. As for locations of battles, you could follow the same idea as raids. But, since it's a war, you'd imagine that one side would claim the other either by victory on the battlefield, or via surrendering.Of course a faction could also run the possibility of using diplomacy to agree on terms to stop the war. But, how do you plan ALL the possible locations of battles. Well that would be more of an RP solution. But depending on who won, a side could decide to enter on the offensive after an attack, or remain on the defensive. This would all need to be RPed out.

    Just my thoughts.
    I should definitely join Cookie's empire! All bow to Arsand- oh wait...
    All bow to *whatever-the-name-of-the-faction-is-because-I-can't-remember*
    Not even close o.o Edinbourgh :p
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