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Regent of Carthage

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  • I have quite a few armies and cities, so I am looking for Captains and Mayors to lead them. Mayors lead cities, Captains lead armies. If you want to rule a city, post your strengths and weaknesses as a political leader, and your siege defense capabilities.
    If you want to lead an army, list your strengths and weaknesses as a warrior, show your skills as a builder, and your willingness to kill. If you want to, you can also give your RP character Bio. Also, tell me why you want to be captain or mayor.
    Should I make the story take place in the Third Age, Fourth Age, or Fifth Age?
    The fourth age ended with the end of the War of Flame between Akam and Lazee :p
    "Okay then. That's what I'll do; I will tell you a story. All these people have lived in terror of you and your judgement. All these people who's ancestors devoted themselves, sacrificed themselves to you. Oh, you like to think you're a god. You're not a god, you're just a parasite, eaten out with jealousy and envy and longing for the power of other. So... So... Come on, then. Take mine. Take my life. I've lived a long one and I've seen a few things. I walked away from the War of Wrath. I marked the passing of Gondolin. I saw the birth of Lord Turgon and I watched as my city burned, moment by moment, until nothing remained. No land. No water. Just me. I walked in cities where the lawswere devised by the mind of a madman. I've watched empires freeze and creations burn. I have seen things you wouldn't believe. I have lost things you will never understand. And I know things, secrets that must never be told and knowledge that must never be spoken." - Unknown Person to a Dark Lord.
    Since the applications for my story haven't been very detailed, I have set up a layout for how the application should look.

    Weapon of choice:
    Name of weapon (optional):
    Reason for being in the area of New Gondolin:

    Name: Dimitri
    Weapon of choice: Sword
    Name of weapon(optional): Grimsever
    Reason for being in the area of New Gondolin: Inspecting the city for reasons only known to him.
    Occupation: Archon of Rohan.

    Note: New Gondolin is in the north, about 500 miles north of Forochel. Let's just say
    that there is civilaztion is this far north, for story's sake.
    Name: Arak; Main Weapon: Long bow; Secondary: Long knife; Reason for being in New Gondolin: you know, thug life; Occupation; um... Just an average (BA, orc slayer) joe
    Possible part of a new story..

    "Trees, covered in the early mornings dew, sparkled as if they were made of diamonds. Great quartz walls, lined with guards, solemn and ever watching. 10 great gates, each made of a different material, blocked the way into the great city in the north. 12 statues, each of a different person stood ever vigilant over the palace. This is New Gondolin, the Hidden City, built by the last Half-Elves of Gondolin and ruled by the son of Dimitri, archon of Rohan.... But a shadow has fallen over the lands of Middle-Earth. And it's wrath may lay waste to the land."
    Regent of Carthage
    Regent of Carthage
    I'll make you accompany Beepbobit on a diplomatic mission to Forochel and are mistaken of a traitor.
    Okay, as of tomorrow, I will be going to the wonderful world of Europe. I will be gone for about a month. While I'm gone, Kordian will be in charge of Rohan. You will obey him. He is NOT the archon. Farewell, and death to elves.
    Do you know what I hate more than elves and arrow spammers? People that hate on others just because thEY DONT WATCH THE SAME BLOODY SHOW. THIS SERVER COMMUNITY IS GOING DOWN THE DRAIN BECAUSE SOME FOOLS OF A PUTIN GET PISSED OFF BECAUSE THEY DON'T WATCH Go BLOODY THRONES. Also, in like 1 and a half, I'm going to Europe/
    I play it. At first I couldn't get past Tharzog. But after that, I breezed through the rest of the game. Although I can't say I didn't want to rip my hair out in some boss fights. So yeah, really good game and I'm thinking of playing on Hero Mode.
    So, the vote is in. The captain of the guard is..... Kordian. The lieutenants of the guard are..... Rolo and Cool. The baron of the Eastfold or whatever the title you want is.... ArdA. The Baroness of the westfold is.... Quirky. Pwner is the leader of the royal engineers, which includes scouts. Cre and magnus are now the guardians of the fords of Isen. The captain of the guard has a small reigment of winged hussars. The lieutenants have a guard of medium horsemen. The Baron has a group of elite warriors, skilled in many things and the Baroness has a small army of elven trained archers. The Guardians are given two groups of melee and ranged infantry. And the royal engineer, pwner, has dwarf trained engineers and something much like the grey company. If you have any questions, ask. Welcome to Rohan.
    As very few of you know, I am the archon of Rohan now. So, I need a Captain of the Guard. They need to be a good pvper, loyal, and a good tactician. If you wish to apply, place your application below. Good luck and may the odds ever be in you're favor.
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