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  • RIP EW

    This is the end of an era. The last day the server is open everyone should join, everyone who once played it, and raise EW up to what it was in its glory days once more before the end.
    Cpt. Rex
    Cpt. Rex
    It will also probably mark the end of my minecraft time.. clem and mia and mass and cadmus pls keep in touch
    Everyone joining wont bring EW back to it's glory days.
    My mom's comment on my brother trying to copy her signature:

    "That looks like chicken scratch written by a blind chicken."
    Making some egg-less cookie dough because, let's be honest, raw cookie dough usually tastes better than the cookies.

    *makes raw cookie dough to eat*
    *smiles because just cheated life"
    Me: "Hah! I can eat my cookie dough and not get salmonella"
    *goes online*
    *sees article describing how you can get sick from eating "raw flour"*

    MORAL: Life always wins
    Cpt. Rex
    Cpt. Rex
    1. u start *smiles...life* with a * and end with " 2. XD nice try miss joneses 3. can u pls bake me cookies? 3.5 bich czezh out da journalism article i wrote, in like 2 hours skyping u link cuz my name is in link
    1. I wrote it on my phone, so I'm allowed to make grammatical errors. 2. I would've made this a reply to your comment, but my phone is being tempermental and is not letting me make replies. 3. I read the article.
    I saw a store that sold cookie dough for eating once.
    "Fight until your last breath,.....or until you're dead." Your words has inspired people, Ripley...
    I just watched the new Ghostbusters. Screw all the sexist haters, that movie was freaking amazing. I went to a popular movie theater in my town for the premiere, and my family and I were THE ONLY ONES IN THE THEATER. Now I've been to all the other sci-fi movie premieres, but that's the first one I've gone to that's been empty. I don't know if no one is going to see it because of the negative connotation with the term "remake" or because they're sexist, but the movie was really good. Screw the haters. You guys should go see it, super funny.
    Regent of Carthage
    Regent of Carthage
    Meh, I just think that it's a movie that shouldn't have been remade. The first two were good, tho.
    Ya, they're remaking a bunch of movies now from the same time period as Ghostbusters, some of them should just be left alone, but this Ghostbusters remake was actually REALLY good, like the first one was better, but thats because it was the original
    Cpt. Rex
    Cpt. Rex
    why am I only person who liked ur post?
    Cpt. Rex
    Cpt. Rex
    I just think that the doctors regenerating is BBC's way of dealing with the fact that everyone hates that role and wants to quit eventually. its like the dark arts class or whatever could not hav more than 1 teacher
    I don't think that's it. I think it's a way to refresh the show every couple years or so. I mean, the show has been going on for 50+ years, you can't expect the same actor to play the Doctor for that long. Actors who played the Doctor have said that they loved the role; Matt Smith says he would love to come back.
    Thank god this wasn't me, but still so funny. I could totally see this happening; I know many people who almost had panic attacks (me included).
    America may have her faults, but at the end of the day my sense of patriotism and pride to be a part of this nation outweighs all the current political turmoil. Happy fourth of July!
    Writing my final speech for speech class at the moment. I decided to make my topic on the nerd and geek cultures. I'm sure my class will have a super fun time listening to me rant about how awesome it is to be a geek/nerd. xD

    Urban dictionary defines nerd as “one whose IQ exceeds his weight” and geek as “the people you pick on in high school and wind up working for as an adult.”
    I love it
    I learned that a nerd is someone who has a lot of useful information, Like a smart kid at school A geek is someone who has a lot of not useful information on a topic such as star wars. since almost everyone is a geek about something, geeks are classified on what they specialize in. such as a Star wars geek.
    I agree with that definition xD
    As I marathon LOTR, I am once again impressed with the accuracy of EW's map details.
    Cpt. Rex
    Cpt. Rex
    And what about the orcs even killing one ent? or huorns speeding around like goblins high on crackainejuana? Maybe the battle of lagtown was there too?
    Speech class, trying decide between doing the speech from Independence day, Sam's speech in Twin Towers, and Galadriel's monologue.
    And yes, I'm excited for the new movie.
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