Flaws in Helm's Deep:
1): The Trolls are against the lore.
2): The Trolls have Iron Boots making them more OP.
3): The glittering caves segment is pointless because Rohan can never recap the keep.
4): Berserkers are only used to blow stuff up, when they were Isengard's most elite melee warriors.
5): You can't blow up the wall without a donor online.
6): Slow, laggy horses.
7): Rohan gets slaughtered on the fields even if they manage to hold the keep, which they never do anyways.
8 ): Rohan has little class variety, with Soldier, Archer, and Mage being the only free combat classes (They need Spearman)
9): The spawns for the First and Second layer flags are in the same place.
10): Rohan just never wins.
So why do people like this map, anyway?