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  • 'ǝƃɐd ɹnoʎ oʇuo sIɥʇ ǝʇsɐd puɐ ʎdoɔ 'sʎɐs sIɥʇ ʇɐɥʍ ʇno ǝɹnƃIɟ oʇ ɥƃnouǝ ʇɹɐɯs ǝɹɐ noʎ ɟI 'ǝɹoɯ ɹo 'spuoɔǝs ʎʇuǝʍʇ ɹoɟ ʎsnq qoou ɐ dǝǝʞ oʇ ʍoɥ sı sıɥʇ'
    Not gonna be that active, don't expect me as of how I was before the past weeks.
    Aww ok ;-;
    Goodbye, Miacrazypup. I will miss you a lot, and so will Zoom, Sitdownm8, and everyone else who you are saying goodbye to. We had our fun times, lots of em. I only wish they were more.
    So we got a small writing topic on pick a book character or comic character and write about what would happen if they came to life. So, Why would I not choose Warrior Cats? Heres what I have.
    Deafening howls broke through the trees, me and my friend, Chay, shiver.
    "So loud. Just what is making that noise?" She fretted, looking deep into the woods from where the sound came from.
    "Dunno," I replied, feeling a ting of guilt in my stomach. 'What helps if I can't even assure her it's okay? I did lead her into this mess,' I thought in my head. I could feel Chay wanting to dart off, running back home to the safety.
    "No," I whispered, "It would only bring attention."
    The howls grew louder, making it seem like the whole forest was shaking from the loud howls and rumbles. The sound was growing closer and closer ...
    Then something moved in the tall grass up ahead.
    "RUN!" Chay shouted, dashing off the other way.
    "Chay! NO!" I screamed, then starting following after her when I heard a loud snarl.
    The mud was very slippery, making me slip at every turn. The sounds of paws crashing down into the forest floor made my stomach feel sick. 'Where do we go now? I don't know this area much,'
    Just then, something amazed my eyes.
    "The bramble entrance... Go in it.." I breathed out, panting. Chay ran to it, grabbing my hand and yanking me in with her.
    "Thanks," I muttered, sitting down right. "Maybe we can stay here and be safe."
    But as I looked at Chay, all I saw was round, blue eyes.
    "They... They... They followed us!"
    Just as she said that, the bramble screen tore apart from some huge dogs. They yowled, jaws wide open. Chay screamed, kicking at one of the dogs. I did the same, hitting as hard as I could with each blow. Just then, when one of the mutts was about to leap at me, another yowl broke through the woods; a cat yowl. Or should I say, cat yowls.
    Then, with a loud screech, a flame-colored tom with a brown striped tom at his flank broke through, leaping at the large dogs. Other cats ran in, too, screeching and yowling with fiery. I then noticed something wonderful..
    "Chay.. Look Chay... White long fur, brown pelt, fire pelt, black with green eyes, grey with white muzzle.. Don't you see? It's the Warrior Cats!" I said in an excited voice. Chay stared, then let out a loud gasp.
    "Firestar! Brambleclaw! Cloudtail! Bluestar! Birchfall! Brackenfur! Stonefur! Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and Mistystar!" She screeched in a high pitched voice, making some of the cats turn around.
    Just when she had finished naming all the cats, the dogs were fleeing out, screeching and yowling with terror. All the cats were still until Firestar said something to them, and they all scattered about, bumping into eachother sometimes. When all of them were in groups, it seemed, Firestar turned around with Brambleclaw at his side and dipped his head.
    "Mrrrrrow," He meowed to them. She didn't understand what it meant, but didn't care, either. She could tell by Chay's facial expression that she couldn't, either.
    Friend: "What do you like to do?"
    Me: "I draw,"
    Friend: "What do you like to draw?"
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