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  • Arrow spammers on the wall, torn them all a new asshole with this pretty girl next to me NovaMarie
    You ripped the ones I made them? damn
    ooh that is the collage you were talking about... oooh
    "oooh weak you're such a hacker, omg stop or I'll report you" nah bitch you just lack skill and common sense.
    _Skylios_ : Just leave, nobody even likes you.

    Well gee wilikers tell me something I don't know
    RekTrain Darisens
    I thought I was the only person who said Jee willikers.
    The good thing about Conwy is that even though I fucking hate it's community, the PvP concept allows me to kill them.
    The sad thing is people are blurred to the difference between Pay to Win and Perk. If a paid class is the only reason you're struggling getting to an objective, than it's Pay to Win, because only that specific class is not allowing you to enjoy the game and play it normally, instead having to adjust to the extra damage and extra attributes that certain paid classes have.
    Basic PvPers enjoy fighting equal hand-to-hand combat, now, archers can be an exception. But when someone can blind you, slow you down, poison you, make you bleed. The playing field becomes unbalanced. Most people would argue "Well certain classes are made for certain things." Yes that is true. But those certain things the classes are used for can be forgotten.
    Take Mace for example, mace is made to have the winning hand in 1v1s or perhaps a weak 2v1. using it's stun allows the player to juke the enemy without being tracked, to kill easier. When a mace is overrun with 3+ enemies, that mace is usually done for. So players would be thought to choose a more preferred class that's suitable to handle those situations. Instead, this new generation community, relies on the help of other donor classes, to form a group of the same Over powered class. When you combine the perks and damage of one mace, with 3 others. That group is near to unstoppable.
    Now of course there are certain situations where this "group" of donors can be overpowered themselves, like pinned by archers, or trapped. But 80 Percent of the time, it is just that group running around obtaining free kills because anyone that attempts to fight one or all, is constantly stunned and killed withing seconds.
    More classes follow this "Pack" theory, such as warhound, berserker, and crossbow.
    Not to mention this new generation of Conwy residents purchase the more OP classes, not for enjoyment, but for better score, more kills, more ease. That results in the more appearances of these purchased classes on the battlefield. Now, a long time ago, these classes were uncommon on the field, making them more of a fear, or a rare sight, rather than an annoyance.
    These people that purchase the classes, making their gameplay easier, don't understand that they are sucking the joy of those who actually enjoy working to gain victory. Which has resulted in alot of players leaving the community, or being less active.
    In the past, the player would spawn, head to the nearest enemy flag and capture it, reading the area, noticing maybe 2 enemy swords and an archer. Maybe throw in a zerker. O.K. the player would adjust to the small differences in enemy force.
    Now, the player would spawn, fight their way to the nearest enemy flag, by now their health would be down to half or less. And as they look around they notice 1 swordsman, 3 archers, 2 maces, 1 crossbow, 1 medic, and 1 engineer. The player is overwhelmed and eventually gets killed without the chance of survival.
    Class systems can be either fun or irritating, and Conwy is on the borderline of both concepts. Nothing against the staff, or the owner. I just don't appreciate the choices the community makes in ruining the gameplay of others.
    This is what inspired me to make my own server, to rid the class system and allow the individual to obtain and use custom weapons and gear that bests suits them. Ranked and unranked will allow the player to fight equally or with his/her gear. So players that dislike OP weapons will be given to choice to avoid that concept.
    Okay now enough of my bitching, I need some advil.
    I'd honestly pay more for smaller perks in other types of gamemodes. If Rock expanded the server abit, from just simple conquest to other things.
    So, are there going to be Races and Specilties?
    Race: Orc, Human, Elf
    Specilties: Ranger, Knight, Rouge
    My current plan doesn't include it, but I could always find a way to implement it.
    When you corner an archer into a small room so he spams the doorway, so you just stand outside waiting like
    funny ^^
    When you're trying to cap a flag by yourself and you see 5 enemy tags disappear under the floorboard and you're just freaking out like
    When you see a Top Player get raped and you're just standing there like
    Love all these knew ones lol
    This kid Adverts on our server, apparently he's an admin on the server he's advertising. And he lied. Saying it wasn't him. Lol.
    Once I get my hands on you, ya lil' shit....
    I'm color blind with red, so does that word say asshole?
    When people who overuse a donor class start to counter-argue how it's not OP
    funy meme
    Just some basic ideas for Gear names, these are all helmets. I'm planning on doing a color code for types of gear based on how common they are, or how powerful.
    Light Green - Very Common
    Light Blue - Common
    Dark Blue - Uncommon
    Purple - Rare
    Red - Very Rare
    Players can obtain these items from either the market, or by collecting them raids, where a group of 4 - 6 players enter a large map, fighting off mobs to reach the final boss or goal.
    JUST AN FYI; These 5 items are just ideas, may not be actually implemented. Item attributes (Damage, Defense, etc..) will be totally different from basic Minecraft charts. Every weapon/armour will be unique in its own way.
    Weapons will also be divided into Primary and secondary. Primary being what you think to be, like the bigger weapons and such. And secondary being either another smaller weapon, or a another item (Unconfirmed).
    For a color coded system, wh not try the Karate Bealt Colors? Where White is Lowest, Yellow, ect. All the way up to Black being the highest? Also are you going to take Black Rock Castle on to this possible server? Considering that was your idea in the first place?
    Conwy is becoming a "Pay to Win" and most people would argue this. But with everyone buying all the bitch-classes, all I see is Xbow, Mace, Zerker, and the motherfucking warhound. And when there's a match that has 6 maces coming at you at once, or with 4 Xbows sniping at the same hard to reach spot, all they are getting is just free kills, while other people actually work hard and earn kills with respect. A lot of people are leaving Conwy, and they have their reasons. Here's mine.
    Last thing.... Mace is not OP, I beat Maces fairly easily, the mining fatigue doesn't actually effect your attack speed, just makes it look way slower. But yes it does brain fuck you.
    I lub me some maybrotato
    Mayo and a Gawd damn potato... *Puking Emoji*
    together we unite to form Mayobrotato!!!
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