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  • For those interested, the Castle Black map edit is going well. I'd post screenshots, but I want it to be a surprise.
    For the most part I've edited the things that people have complained about the most. Aswell as adding better detail to the map.
    Buy me dinner first babe
    Attention children! I have interesting news!
    My goal by the end of the year is to start up a server.
    It will be a PvP server, mainly focused on 1v1 and 2v2 Gladiator fighting, where the loser(s) lose money and the winner(s) earn money, while people spectating can make bets to earn and lose money as well.
    I'd like the player to rise up in rank and power by winning matches and buying/upgrading his/her weapons and gear. While there are the classic Arena-style matches. Players can also play skirmishes and raids, Skirmishes where a player vs. player team match is held (Probably 8 v 8 )
    in medium scale maps, playing Conquest, CTF, King of the hill, and Juggernaut. And Raids (PvE or PvP) Players enter a dungeon/castle and fight their way to an objective. Skirmishes earn the player money and tokens depending on whether they win or lose. And raids earn the player Cool gear and Tokens. In addition to creating the plugins needed to make these work. I'd also have to create all the varieties of maps and locations.

    Yes I understand this seems like a huge and difficult thing to do, but I am determined. And maybe some of you guys could help me out! Whether it's with developing the plugins or simply creating maps. I can even accept new ideas or things that seem better.
    gg wp
    The Words of Weak (And when to use them!)

    1: "Get dunked on" ; Kill a player with an Ariel Strike, or Re-take a flag right before it changes color.
    2: "GeeGee" ; Complete a full match Win or Lose
    3: " Swiggity swag I'm stealin' yo flag" ; With confidence, capturing any flag point
    4: "This View is nice" ; Capture the Horn on Rohan at the beginning of the match. OR Capture the Watchtower on Rumrage at any point of the match.
    5: "Gee Wilikers" ; Get killed due to an overrun (3v1 or more)
    6: "That really rustled my jimmies" ; Get killed by a friend, or a cheapshot kill
    7: "Step down, son" ; Kill a player puppy-guarding a passage/flag
    8: "Ooo baby a triple" ; Achieve three kills on a row
    9: "*claps*" ; Notice a player (ages 12 and below) talking shit in chat
    10: "Stand tall, young blood" ; Receive a challenge by an enemy player to 1v1 or take a flag.
    11: "Hory shet" ; Die by a surprise attack
    12: "Drown in your own blood" ; Used only during a rage, or kill an enemy that deserves a brutal death
    13: "Snap crackle and pop, son" ; Complete a match with 0 deaths
    14: "Swiggity sortress I'm taking the fortress" ; Capture the Fort on Rumrage
    15: "You big silly willy" ; Knock a Halb off a cliff to his/her death
    16: "FOR NARNIA"
    I would make a banner like that for my wall but i only have like 2 people ever accuse meh of hackin
    ... That tots wasnts mes bro...
    Milestone: 500th MvP.
    Honestly not the best score, and Freek did better. But yay I did something.
    ^^ *facedesk*
    Ever get that feeling where you just want to bash someone's fucking head in with a wrench?
    ^thats when i fight people like you or Freek
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