The Position of Junior Dungeon Master is almost not even a staff position. It is a test period, to see if that person is capable to handle what they need to do. Some fly through it with flying colors, and others just need a bit more time. After recent events in the last three weeks, it has been decided that Nowin3D needs more time. Some of our reasons are lack of trust in the team, immaturity, and lack of communication. There is certain qualities in a team that is required. If those qualities are not met, then it damages the team. We can not have that.
Do not forget Nowin, as with all JDM's, we will re-instate you in time when we think the time is right. We will continue this process until you are a Dungeon Master!
While Nowin is no longer staff, he will continue the mini-events for as long as there is a positive reception of them.
I would also like to officially welcome back Everybody13 to the team! He is quite a talented guy and I can't wait for everyone to see what he has planned for our community.