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  • Stannis Baratheon: Father of the Year..No throne is worth that price......... #DownWithAnotherFalseKing #InTargerynWeTrust
    Stannis "Bring your daughter to the slaughter" Baratheon
    Just so everyone knows, my amazing staff just was in a LONGGGG 2 & 1/2 hour meeting. Talking and then writing down what changes we are going to make. So if you don't give each and every one of them a pat on the back, I will hunt you down.......
    This ones for you Titan! *pat on the back*
    Ragnarok Role-Play: LOTR Closed, GoT Continues
    I hope troop counts, troop locations and territories will stay the same.
    So in case you have dropped out of Role-Play as of late, now would be a excellent time to jump back in. A new chapter in Role-Play is going to begin very soon! My most recent post which may seem typical to some is actually quite MIND-BLOWING. I have been designing a plot and now I am connecting the dots of something I did two months ago to now. Now some of you may be going, "Meh" when you see my post. I am sorry, but I just have to post how freaking excited I am about where this is going to lead to. I know there is players that are going to love this, players that are going to hate me when they haven't seen the full picture but trust me, things are about to get really good. So join RP now and watch a two month plot begin to unfold for all.
    Very funny video, a must watch, but after they did the "Disney Filter" bit, just shut the video off at 3:40, they do crappy humor after that.
    Titan i haz an idea use ur witchy powers to rise an undead skeletal mumakil pl0x it would be awesome
    Take this time to remember what HArandor was, ladies and gents. For tonight, things are going to happen that can not be undone.
    I shall remember that massively underpopulated and lightly guarded buffer zone of a desert with fondness.
    Congratulations to arakrsptec for being the first person to get Role-Player of the Week twice! He is also the first person to have way toooo many tags. And ALSO the very FIRST person to get the "Outstanding Role-Player" tag which goes only to the most elite role-players who have gone beyond doing an amazing job at role-playing. I feel very honored to have Role-Played with Arak and he deserves this tag.
    You deserve the outstanding wit tag!
    Attention people role-playing with me. From now till next Monday I will be working every afternoon/eveninb. So if you are role-playing with me, i will only reply in the morning Or if i dont get back at 11 at night, then ill rp some then. Basicalky, just tag me in your posts ans try to answer me as soon as you can. Thanks! Oh Tuesday, how i wish you were here already.
    So Arak now has a Fumble Cult, and there is no alliterative motives behind this cult. HAIL HYRA! I mean, Long Live Fumble!
    that picture for some reason reminds me of the Plague app I have on my Phone xD
    The Position of Junior Dungeon Master is almost not even a staff position. It is a test period, to see if that person is capable to handle what they need to do. Some fly through it with flying colors, and others just need a bit more time. After recent events in the last three weeks, it has been decided that Nowin3D needs more time. Some of our reasons are lack of trust in the team, immaturity, and lack of communication. There is certain qualities in a team that is required. If those qualities are not met, then it damages the team. We can not have that.

    Do not forget Nowin, as with all JDM's, we will re-instate you in time when we think the time is right. We will continue this process until you are a Dungeon Master!

    While Nowin is no longer staff, he will continue the mini-events for as long as there is a positive reception of them.

    I would also like to officially welcome back Everybody13 to the team! He is quite a talented guy and I can't wait for everyone to see what he has planned for our community.
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