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Empire War Forums

Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
You know those people who use Netflix, even though you can watch any series or movie on the internet for free, but they just pay for it? ...never got those people either.
yea but it takes like 10-40 minutes to find a pirated video. and then once you find it their servers are usually horrible and you have to wait forever for them to load. much more convenient to use Netflix.
not to mention all the ads/viruses you can run into.....
Not sure why you don't.. I would use Netflix aswell if things were actually available on it.. It's much easier to use, you support the things you watch and the price is pretty low.
I like Hulu more
Haven't tried it. Better?
Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
[user]4289752[/user] It takes ten to forpfffhh... oh come on, please don't make me laugh. It (regularly, of course, there are some videos that do not exist on the free net, but then again, there are a lot more that don't exist on Netflix...) takes me an absolute maximum of 10 minutes to find a video, and that is VERY unusual. Now I feel like your comment comes from someone who actually does not watch free streams on the internet, because I'll tell you what it really is like. Say I want to watch, let's say, an episode of Vikings. I search "kinox" on google, go to the site, search for "vikings" in the search bar, click on the english version, select my season, select my episode, select a streaming host (preferebly Streamcloud) and watch away. Oh and to "Their servers are horrible" I can only say... well no. The videos load flipping well and you can watch in HD. That takes about 3 minutes. I doubt Netflix will be any faster... So now, let's assume the series I am looking for does not exist. On Netflix, you would say "Aw well" and watch something else. BUT YOU CAN JUST FUCKING SEARCH "vikings season [x] episode [x] stream english" AND IT WILL BRING UP SEVERAL WORKING SITES. So: If you have a prefered site you use for streaming, it works just as well as Netflix, minus the part where you pay something. If what you are looking for does not exist on that site, chances are still high you will find another site where you can watch it. It can be watched without having to pause for buffering, and in HD. You will have more content available than on Netflix. ...what was so great about Netflix again?