I've honestly been feeling that I lot at school, although no one's accused me of being a loner. I really don't fit in with a lot of the 'popular groups' at my school. I always do best with the geeks though. I would rather know who I am than be who I'm not.
btw same shit here zoom, only that you can look away from gold digging women but, dosen't take you a while to find a "Pretender" among the guys in the edgy popular groups. "Oh this is sooo hard that I need to actually kill myself xD". Typical guy in one of these guys right? That's their humor. Now imagine, these folks, when they get hard when they having some sweet sex, they will say: I'm so hard I need to actually kill myself xD. They just put it in without any context. why. I don't understand, how is that funny. how many percent braincells do I have to lose, 80%? why. Oh yeah, Sorry boys, the dictionary is actually far more interesting than ya'll fellas, and with actual explanations! "We don't care so." *laughs in retarded* (Fuckin generic ass boring circlejerking fuckin idiots blows my mind more a scottsman blow his blowpipe.)
Oeh, what school are you attending? Are you in Secondary or already in university (of applied science, which apparently is the English name for Hogeschool)