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Empire War Forums

Is there anything I can say to make you change your mind about your God? Is there anything you can say to utterly convince me of his existence? A debate is supposed to persuade someone on a certain point, or to at least widen their perspective. If nobody's willing to budge, then it's just a waste of time--that's what I mean. Also, on Islam. I'm not a Muslim and I won't claim to have read the Qur'an or have a thorough understanding of the religion, but I've taken an academic interest in the Islamic world these past months. The bare minimum needed to be a Muslim is to truly accept that there is no God but God, and that Muhammad is the Prophet of God. Shi'as add something else about 'Ali being the first Imam. This creed, the shahda, is one of Five Pillars of Islam, the others being the giving of alms, the daily prayers, fasting during Rahmadan, and the Pilgrimage to Mecca. Nowhere in these minimal requirements does it require you to wage war on the heathens to be a true Muhammadan, despite other more bellicose passages of the Qur'an, and hadith. I'm sure you needn't dig too deep to find verses of the Bible that invite believers to be holy swords against evil and whatnot.
Being a Muslim doesn't require such things, but it is written in the book. And there are no verses in the Bible commanding Christians to kill anyone
PotatoDragon ,give me the name of the surah and the verse that say to kill non muslims in quran
lol "Being a Muslim doesn't require such things, but it is written in the book. And there are no verses in the Bible commanding Christians to kill anyone" *cough* *cough* the natives and spanish inquistion
Also there is a thing called "jihad rules" in islam The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Avoid the seven sins ... and promise them to take up the day of crawling." Narrated by al-Bukhaari. the seven sins are : 1)not believing in allah 2), witchcraft, 3) and the killing of the soul that God denied (you should not kill people for no true reason) 4) and doing riba (can be roughly translated as "usury", or unjust, exploitative gains made in trade or business under Islamic law. Riba is mentioned and condemned in several different verses in the Qur'an) , 5) and eat the orphan's money, 6) and take up the day of crawling, (if a group of believers were under attack ,you have not to let them die and run away from the battlefield,) 7)Fornication,
It may become jihad to impose an eye on every Muslim man or woman, adult or boy, in the following two cases: 1 / If the enemy attacked a spot of Muslim countries, no matter how small, the people of that spot must pay it and remove it, if they can not get close to them, and so on, so that the duty of all Muslims is done, and we do not mean the country or the spot the official geographical scope of each country, From east to west is one country, and the nation of Islam is one nation. If a country in an Islamic country was invaded and aligned with a country in another country, it would have been faster to the town adjacent to it to other distant cities. . 2 - If the imam (ruler) announced the general nafir, they must be with him. The Almighty said: "O ye who believe in your wealth, if you are told that you are disobedient in the way of Allah, you will be burdened to the earth." [Repentance: 38]. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said. Jihad becomes the imposition of an eye also on those who attended the battle, and met the rows or armies, it is one of the biggest sins escape the Muslim from the battlefield.
The Natives and the Spanish Inquisition aren't commanded in the Bible. This argument is strictly about what the books say, not what the followers do. Humans are corrupt and will do evil despite the book they follow. Here is Surah 3:56 I think. "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help."
talkin about christianity there is many versions of bible ,the christians are tottaly confused about what bible should they read and follow and compared to islam ,we only have one holy book and its quran never changed or touched
Blah blah heard that a lot, and it's false. The Bible has remained the same as it always was, and different translations are only grammatical changes. Our denominations don't Murder each other, like the Muslims do. If you want to argue, choose a topic and stick to it
"Video unavailable" lol and that's ridiculous.
PotatoDragon you just say that its false without proving it
By the way the video work for me
Yes that true ,the muslims are always fighting each other But islam dont allow that ,killing your muslim brother is a big sin ,the problem is not from islam ,its from people that call themselves "muslims" and they dont follow or even know the islamic rules "shariaa" and the quran and hadith
like you said Humans are corrupt and will do evil despite the book they follow.
I can prove the Bible true, however I'd need to know what I'm arguing against. The link you sent didn't work, therefore I can't debate it. Perhaps the reason nobody enjoys arguing with you is because you send 3-6 messages, all arguing a different point, not allowing me to properly respond to all. This now becomes a squabble rather than a debate
"Our denominations don't murder each other, like yours." Islam needs help, much like Christianity did. Protestants and Catholics were at each others throats, and honestly our disputes were just as bad as the modern Islamic ones.
I don't consider Catholics to be Christians because of some basic core values which differ from the Bible. Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, LDS, and the Watchtower Society are all false Christianities. Catholics follow the Pope's words (a folly man) over the Bible. This is in direct contrast to the scriptures they claim to read. They believe in salvation by works (sacraments & all that) rather than the salvation by faith which is written in the Bible. It simply isn't real Christianity.
You are weakining your own argument about that muslims murder each other and christians dont. The muslims that murder the others see each other as fame mislims just as you see catholics as fase christians. The bible contains to much bullshit to be proven true
@PotatoDragon "The Bible has remained the same as it always was" yeah nice joke 1-the original manuscripts of the new testament has been lost in the the first century and the oldest one you have now belong to the first half of 2nd century,so you don't even have a prove if it was changed or not. 2-"different translations are only grammatical changes" oh then can you explain why some bibles has some deleted or added chapters and some changes in the order of the events in some stories ? and i'd also like to know why 1 john 5 7 (which is your stongest prove to trinity) just showed up in the 15 century ?