Is there anything I can say to make you change your mind about your God? Is there anything you can say to utterly convince me of his existence? A debate is supposed to persuade someone on a certain point, or to at least widen their perspective. If nobody's willing to budge, then it's just a waste of time--that's what I mean. Also, on Islam. I'm not a Muslim and I won't claim to have read the Qur'an or have a thorough understanding of the religion, but I've taken an academic interest in the Islamic world these past months. The bare minimum needed to be a Muslim is to truly accept that there is no God but God, and that Muhammad is the Prophet of God. Shi'as add something else about 'Ali being the first Imam. This creed, the shahda, is one of Five Pillars of Islam, the others being the giving of alms, the daily prayers, fasting during Rahmadan, and the Pilgrimage to Mecca. Nowhere in these minimal requirements does it require you to wage war on the heathens to be a true Muhammadan, despite other more bellicose passages of the Qur'an, and hadith. I'm sure you needn't dig too deep to find verses of the Bible that invite believers to be holy swords against evil and whatnot.