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Search results

  1. LimeeFox

    Spy class idea

    Hey once again. Today I'm sharing my pretty old idea. Having a spy class. Spies would be able to see enemy team chat which would be highlighted for them (either a special color or a DING sound). I'm not very strong in inventing a loadout, so fix something sounds weird. It would be a point...
  2. LimeeFox

    Welcome message as Title

    Greetings dear readers. Here's a nice (atleast in my opinion) suggestion that might improve the first impression about the server. When a new player joins, the player should have a title (a text in the middle of the screen) displayed saying something like "Welcome to EmpireWar, a Lord of the...
  3. LimeeFox

    Background music map-specific

    To make EW feel more lotr, much more, I suggest making an optional setting in /settings of having music on background. The music would be not very loud, really just background music. If the playlist for the map was over, it'd just start over. EXAMPLE: For Moria Great Halls you can have a...
  4. LimeeFox

    Looking for party

    Come on barbie lets go party
  5. LimeeFox

    An idea on how to fix Troll opness

    Hey. I find there no need to nerf troll. It will be going ok only when there are many players on, so what I suggest is make it available only when a certain amount of players are playing in teams.
  6. LimeeFox

    Tutorial not working

    Pictures are not needed to say that tutorial sign doesnt work
  7. LimeeFox

    Fireworks are gone

    Listen to me. Today I connected to spend another 30 mins of my useless life to launch fireworks but oh what I see!? NO FIREWORKS so now fix it or you'll have -1 player
  8. LimeeFox

    You might be v2

    Example: If you are obsessed with cephalopods, you might be lavish. Rules: One person must post before you can post again. Its a game, do not be offended if someone says something rude; it is supposed to be amusing. Let me start: If you build walls you might be Trump
  9. LimeeFox

    Let's discuss the weather

    This is not a forum game since I would like to seriously talk about the weather. So let's begin.
  10. LimeeFox

    ability to complain about anything (just ask)

    I can complain about anything u write here, just ask and ill be very negative and find an argument against. Quotes from other threads are accepted with pleasure!
  11. LimeeFox

    Rage Thread III

    Necroposting sucks and I hate forums psdoiujgfho\weiudgfho \siduhgffi filthy little hobbits!
  12. LimeeFox

    New Game Mode: The attack of the dragon

    Hey there empire warriors (this hi meesage is becoming boring isn't it?) Today I'd like to share something very very special with you on this suggestion thread. Lately, I've seen some people saying that Esgaroth (Laketown) isn't a good map, like they don't want to play it. Well, a few days ago...
  13. LimeeFox

    Squads & hordes idea

    Originally I wanted to wait a bit with posting this, but for some reason decided to post this now. Hey again, empire warriors! Not very long ago, an idea of Squades & Hordes came me in mind. Let me explain: My idea is to add squads and hordes, basically small groups of players (2 - 7) who would...
  14. LimeeFox

    Cove story Competition Finalists (Judging phase)

    Hey empire warriors, sorry for this taking so long, I simply didn't have the time to announce the judging phase of the Cove story Competition To start off, Here are the participants. You may vote for your favorite story, even if it is your own. But please vote only once (this includes enjin alt...
  15. LimeeFox

    Men Left Indicator

    Hey! I don't know if any of you thought what would change if this was added, but on old EmpireWar, if you remember, each player could see how many creatures (men, ents, dwarves, orcs etc...) were left till the end of the game on the right side of the screen like here: Basically it also...
  16. LimeeFox

    Cove story competition!

    Hello everyone! With StealWonder's agreement, I am happy to announce Cove's Story contest! There is a map on EmpireWar, Cove, which needs a story. The contest is about to Invent a story of Cove! Reward: your story will be shown on the wall in Cove's Lobby. Main goal & rules: Each place must...
  17. LimeeFox

    Server with 28 slots is getting full often

    It is at least the second time of the week when I try to connect while the server is full, considering that I am not as active as I was before. I really like EmpireWar and wish it all good! I hope I can play on it again soon... (requests 32 slots)
  18. LimeeFox

    Glittering Caves to Helm's Deep

    How about adding Glittering Caves to helm's deep? The last stand and chance for Rohan to win. Like on the old Helm's deep, remember?
  19. LimeeFox

    Increase the number of planks for the Constructor class

    Constructor class is being not effective with such a small number of maximum planks that you can have in your inventory. I suggest to increase it at least that it is 6 blocks. There can also be like 6 blocks in the beginning and when you click a chest you get only 4.
  20. LimeeFox

    Mapswitch vote

    Add back /votefor and /voteagainst and basically the map switch system.