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You might be v2


Staff member
V2 Legend
If you are obsessed with cephalopods, you might be lavish.

One person must post before you can post again.
Its a game, do not be offended if someone says something rude; it is supposed to be amusing.

Let me start:
If you build walls
you might be Trump
If you casually mention Lavish, who has not been active for years
You might be LimeeFox.
If you swear on the forums, in direct contravention of the forum rules...
You might be TheWitherKingHD
If you join ew for 30 minutes to simply launch fireworks and run around the lobby with no reason
you might be LimeeFox
If you join Empirewar to be afk all day,
you might be Craig_Gavinson
If you call yourself a legendary minecraft pvper, You might be less than 13 years old.
If you think Gundabad1 is 13, but actually is 9.
You might be a Swed

haHA im 9 btw
He aid less than 13 years old (9 is less so he guessed right)

If you notice you accidentally own a server you might be sjoerdtim