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Search results

  1. Tobberz

    Last Stand Mechanic

    Inspired by this thread. I've always felt that the final flag on a map should have *more* of a "Last Stand" feel than it does now. Right now, the current mechanic is that - exceptionally - defenders can still spawn when the final flag has been neutralised by the attackers. This allows them to...
  2. Tobberz

    LimeeFox Promotion to Administrator

    Promotion to Administrator of Empire War Throughout the past half-decade, @LimeeFox has worked tirelessly as a member of the community (and for the past two years, the Developer Team) to improve Empire War as a community and drive forward the release and development of the v3 server. As an...
  3. Tobberz

    Forums are now Integrated with Discord!

    All new threads & forum replies will now show up on the Discord #forums channel! If you have any ideas about how to improve or change the system, please let me know - the possibilities are limitless.* *They actually are limited, but you get my point.
  4. Tobberz

    Staff, Moria Update, and Opening Times

    Greetings! With the successful launch of our Eriador Update on Saturday, I've a few other notices to mention... and a few congratulations to make! Staff Promotions @Starship and @redbommer were promoted to the positions of Pre-Mod in late July last year. With the launch of v3 they were renamed...
  5. Tobberz

    2024: Past, Present, Future

    Happy New Year! With 2024 having dawned, I thought I would take the opportunity to reflect on the road travelled so far, the current state of Empire War, and what is in store for the future. This will be a bit of a ramble, but it's what you get from Tobberz and why you love me... hopefully...
  6. Tobberz

    V3 Open Beta Feedback

    Empire War Open Beta (3.0.4) Feedback First two months (September 22nd - November 26th) Good day to all of you! Thank you so much for playing on our weekend Open Beta play sessions these past two months. Your experience has been immensely helpful and instructive to us, as well as hopefully...
  7. Tobberz

    11th Anniversary Weekend!!

    Happy 11th Birthday Empire War! I'll leave the rambling for a proper update post but goddamn, it is insane that this community server has been going for eleven years now! We're really busy developing v3, but are gonna have a Anniversary Special Weekend anyway! Starting now (Friday night) until...
  8. Tobberz

    A Message to our V2 Donors

    Dear V2 Donors, First of all, thank you so much for contributing financially to V2. We took the hard decision in 2017 to restart the server with a new store and new donation system, and in the almost-six years since, so many of you have invested in Empire War, the server, and its community...
  9. Tobberz

    Preparation for v3

    The Transition Begins! With the Grand Release of v3 happening in but 11 days, I thought I should outline some changes taking place over the next few days. Today: I have disabled the donor store on Ko-Fi. It will remain disabled until the finalisation of the setup of donations on v3. This is to...
  10. Tobberz


    New Staff Members! Congratulations to @Starship and @redbommer for their promotions to Pre-Moderator! They have proven valuable members of the community and we look forward to their further involvement in the server and the staff team. Also congratulations to @De_Mik , for his promotion to...
  11. Tobberz

    Welcome to our New Forums!

    A new era Welcome to the new Empire War forum! If you somehow didn't notice, Enjin shut down a few months ago, meaning we have been without a website since the 30th of April. If you haven't seen it already, I encourage you to read my announcement about it...
  12. Tobberz

    Enjin Shutting Down

    For the past 11 years, Enjin has provided us a place which will always hold a special place in the hearts of our Community. The Home of Empire War Whilst our servers have evolved, and maps have been removed and added, this website has remained as the pillar upon which the people of Empire War...
  13. Tobberz

    Moria Update!

    Moria Great Halls Update The builders and I have updated some major parts of the Great Halls map, specifically the 21st Hall, Balin's Tomb, and part of the Great Stairs. 21st Hall LimeeFox has undertaken a major update to this area. Gone are those weird mounds of rubble, and we're back to a more...
  14. Tobberz

    General Update

    A Ramble from Tobberz Hi all, I've a few things to say which would go beyond Discord's character limit, so we'll have to deal with ol'Enjin until such a time that a new website is established <3 Lag & Player Cap You'll remember that one of the principle reasons that EW v2 was shut down about 14...
  15. Tobberz

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year! It's been an odd year, so I think a short reivew of what's been going on is in order. Maybe this will become a New Year's traditon, or maybe not. The status 12 months ago It's something I had - hilariously - forgotten, but at the beginning of 2020 Empire War didn't exist. I had...
  16. Tobberz

    Edhellond Revamp & More

    Edhellond Revamp, Maps Re-Added, and More So I haven't been doing updates old-style on the website - you'll find almost all the stuff I've done since the server came back up in Discord, on the #update-feed and #announcements channel. I'm just doing this update here to announce the recent changes...
  17. Tobberz

    Suggestions up to April 18th

    Suggestions from the Discord #suggestions channel categorised by player, and the outcome, up until day end of April 18th. Implemented Good idea Discussion needed No Weby - Fix forcenazgul - AFK kick - Gold Carrier KB 2 - Install DiscordMC - Give pts to winning team - Increase fireball KB -...
  18. Tobberz

    Testing Forum Feed

    Ignore this, or reply to it if you really want. A rudimentary feed from the forums is all :)
  19. Tobberz

    Junar Mute appeal

    I warned you four times and you were happy to ignore my warnings four times. You haven't changed as a person. You're still the same guy I dealt with then, and honestly the same sort of guy I've muted so many times beyond count. I see no reason why you won't go about it again considering you...
  20. Tobberz

    Back already??

    "But the server only shut down 3 months ago! What is going on? Help!" Relax noble player, let me explain all. Firstly, let me remind you. I shut EW down for 3 reasons: a) Lack of time or motivation to work on it b) unresolvable lag and a lot of bugs c) dissatisfaction with the server as a whole...