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a EW history book (sort of)

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When i joined, most people remember me for playing on the team of the orcs and reminding them how tasty gondor was w/ ketchup...
When I first joined, I was one of the always raging nubs. Then I left for some long forgotten reason. Then I remembered and rejoined it, feeling quite happy that it still existed. Then idk.
ok guys thanks for all this i'm going to start working on a article for the golden age so lets focus on that ok? other articles will be made after also the main reason for the first being on the golden age is because a lot of "noobs" don't understand how it was like because to them it basically sounds like ok so the majority of you just died every 5 seconds not the whole a lot of people we all liked were on and tim god and titan were always on oh and for Storm's sake i'll use punctuation in the book. (notice the period storm :D)
1. Found server in early 2014/late 2013
2. Joined on Minas Tirinth, Third Gate, spawned as archer. Killed some people, then died and spawned as troll. Killed a Commander and his little legion 'o' united with the help of some other trolls.
3. Played more often, met Beepbobit.
4. Joined forums.
5. Suvived the Lazee-Akam, Kingjoseph-Akam Wars.
6. RP occured.
7. Still played, but all that changed when the Lag Nation attacked...

I am DimitriP_13421 of the Motherland. My family has seen war, and so have I. Pleased to meet the people that think they can somehow make this, and hello once more to EW. Death to the EULA!
I may throw in my 2 pennies too.
I joined around December 2012/January 2013, I wasn't really active back then, maybe came on like once a week, found the server by searching ''war'' from some place. I became more active around February/March 2013, I wasn't very talkative back then. I started talking more around May/June 2013, when I started to make friends in server. The first person, who I really got a long was Tonino2000, at that time, the recruiting for RP server was going on, so, he recruited me to Blackfyre. On 24th of June(or 23rd), the first testing of LMS happened, the map was Mirkwood, though, the event only lasted for 3 days, it was fun, very very fun. And then, 1 month later, the RP opened, I was lucky enough to get in the server. I remember the days in the server were nearly an hour long due to lag. I searched for Blackfyre in the first 3 days, until I got sick of searching and just asked for coordinates. And not that much time later, the first wars happened with Demons and Ilthilien. And then the server was closed, for me, the best times got over with that, older players, whom I had know for some time, started leaving, however, I still made a lot of new friends, I'd bring up Wacko, whom I met at RP server. At the end of the year, I got quite well along with Tim and helped him with some stuff (EQ christmas stuff). In 2014, I became quite popular in the server and my popularity grew. I got along with everyone, I think. I made a lot more friends and I enjoyed playing in the server, however, the maps started to get boring over time, however, the community kept me playing. And I don't really remember what happened at the first half of the 2014, but I do remember we had a factions server, and there basically was only 1 town, which me and Anrza lead. It had 2 forts and a ton of houses. Then, at some time, I remember Tim built the new Moria, and at that time, I was temp OP :P My name was all nice and bold. I made a lava river at the new Moria. Then, at the end of the year, I didn't really connect with the community anymore and I missed the old people a lot, so I left the server about 2 times, until like 4 months ago, I actually did leave the server, though, made no official statement or something like that.

Oh, right, there was this Avatar stuff too once. And then there has been several times when I have been smitten, caged, poured lava on, muted, banned etc.


I joined between October 2013 and December 2013 I didn't really know what to do since I just got minecraft in September and I had a very bad computer which I couldn't 10fps. In December 2013 right after Christmas I decided to get lord rank. shortly after I decided to play a game of lms. I was on the mirkwood map and I saw the queen spider so I went for it. sadly I was drinking a glass of water and right after I defeated the spider queen I spilt the water all over my laptop(the computer I speak of earlier) Because of this "accident" I couldn't play on ew till September 2014 by the time I got on a lot of thing had changed I lost all my old screenshots so I cant remember who was on when I used to be playing but I could not find out from anyone what happened to luke_pyle?
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