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A Roleplay quest (By lucolas01))

*The barkeep spits onto the counter, wiping it off with a rag*

"We don't deal with demons from the dead lands up north. We never seen you folks before and you came in from the north. Only monsters come from that way."
"You came in from the dark forest. You come into our town fully armed and looking like you came through hell. What's ta say your not just waiting to kill us in our sleep. Besides, there is nothing north of here."
*Talking to bartender*
We came out from a cave and were met by
a Sorcerer. He summoned some creatures made of vine.
We fought hard to defeat these.
*Takes a piece of the creature out of his pouch*
See? here is proof of the vine creature.
We came out there and were met by a sorcerer and he summoned
creatures of vine! We can show you if you want. Its only a couple
hours away from the plains
*The man lets out a deep laugh*

"You take me for a fool? This is just a bit of a common vine. Nothing magical about it. Get on out o' my tavern a'fore I have the guards come drag you out."
*Leaves the Tavern*
*Talking to Andrew and Beepbobit, and Dimitri*
I may have an Idea.
What if we... just run and steal the equipment we need
basically armor, weapons, and food.
Andrew and I will hit up the food shop.
and Beepbobit and Dimitri will
hit up the blacksmith so we can get armor
Are we ready?
Plan 2:
We go to another Tavern, If they do not
welcome us and tell us why we are not welcome.. We steal from the blacksmith
get food, AND RUN
*Looking around they would notice that stealing, though not impossible, would be incredibly hard. No fewer than four guard patrol the market with several more on patrol down the street out of town. To make matters worse night is falling and soon the gates will be shut, not to mention that the guard will probably be increased. A very detailed plan and careful execution would be required to pull it off*
I have an idea hmm I could be a guard then join them I'll see the situation intensify or not then I'll join in
*Carries out plan 2*
*The group goes to another tavern and asks the bartender*
Why does everyone not want to do business with us?
We just came from the forest because we are just simply
making our way to somewhere and got caught up in the forest.
Can we have a night's stay here and could you tell us why no one
wants to do business with us?
*The man stays silent for a moment. Seconds later Dimitri would feel several hands grab him and pull him back, then a heavy fist slam into his gut*
Ok take me to prison then.....
*Kordian tries to free himself and then runs to the nearest stable
to steal a horse AND RUN
*Both Dimitri's arms would be pinned, he would be literally helpless as a man repeatedly pounds a hard fist into his gut, As for Kordian he would find himself in a identical position as the thugs beat the crap out of them. The door is blocked by several more rough looking men.*