*Once at the top they would notice the trapdoor swings outward easily, leaving them in glaring sunlight at the southern edge of the forest. As they emerge into the lands they would notice that they are nothing like the old mans description. No ogers, nor giants, no any monster walks. Yet before them a single figure in dark red robes stands. In his left hand he holds a large book.*
"So laddies you made it out did you? Hmm I was hoping that one of my minions would have killed you so I could have some more ingredients for my potions. No matter, if the Monsters didn't get you then these will."
*He opens the tome and reads a passage, three large monsters, seeming to be made of moss and vines rise from the earth and let out laughs like the groaning of trees in high winds before attacking!
The first moves in toward Beepbobit and swings a large mossy arm down toward his head
The second moves toward Dimitri and swings a long stroke from left to right toward his side, aiming to literally toss him toward the forest behind.
The third charges headlong at the still disabled Andrew (as no one has healed him yet) ready to pummel him into the dust.*