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A Roleplay quest (By lucolas01))

Guys its not that easy to find books he has to give them to us. Anyhow, what animals are there to use? Also remember you had 10 arrows total, and you used at least 3... And kordian has a bow Dimitri, with 7 arrows or less ((xD)) but we also have 2 (two) javelins and each armed with melee weapons
((theres no other jobs? because im just not a hunter I use a sword and am strong not the hunter I guess I could set traps but can you give me a job like mining and preferable a quest))
*As the group walks they spot several deer that quickly run. As well as the lumbering form of a bear in the distance. Night would draw the howls of wolves ever closer*
*says to the others* "its a good thing wolfs don't attack multiple humans but I thought I saw a bear over there in the distance that may be a problem the javalins will do if he attacks"
*grabs a stick and makes a torch. draws sword and starts to head towards some trees in the middle of the plains
((It shall be the warg attack in the fellowship))
*Prepares his javelin in his right hand for a throw, with his staff in his left. My staff has a light now, I tied the crystal from the cave which glows when near people on to my staff using some of the extra rope from when we untied kordian and Dimitri ((dammit why did we do that?)) Anyways I also keep my dagger on the ready in my sheath in case I need it
"Prepare yourselves! Aim, Fire at will!"
*Throws his javelin with full force, aiming for the chest of the bear in order to make it bend over so Kordian can get a good shot. Then pulls his staff into both hands for a better combat position, and backs away slightly
((So the light thing is ok? Can I modify it more, like add my knife to it so it has a blade or something like that? or carve it to be more decorative or have a point? I won't do anything you don't allow))
((Right now the end of the staff will be very heavy. Those crystals are not that light))

*The javelin hit's the bear as it charges, penetrating lightly into the bears flank as it comes withing a few meters of them*
((That's fine, more weight adds to the swing momentum))
*Beepbobit roars "Aaaaarrrggghhh" *but more intimidating and takes a swing with his staff, plopping the bear on the head with its end, then spinning to hide behind a nearby tree, where he draws his knife
*Dimitri's rash assault gets him a blow to the shoulder, sending him falling back toward the fire as the bear turns it's attention to the club swinging at his head. The force of the blow would stun it for a moment leaving it's flanks open*

!Dimitri has lost the use of his left shoulder until it can be bandaged, and it will be weak until the return to town!

((Going to town heals all non-life threatening wounds sustained in the wilds))