*Starts eating only a small part of his meal*
I'm sorry... But I'm just a little paranoid a wild animal
or some bandits might attack us
*Stands on top of the wagon with bow in hand*
I'll watch.. you guys eat.. Once you are done..
I'll eat when we are on the way on the cart..
*is looking out into the distance looking for something and getting that fealing that he got right before the bear struck them in the night*
((roll you D20 to see if I see dimitri and x1936?))
((no you half to wait for lucos to roll his dia and you half to make a stealth check which on a paladin its hard to see stealthy people :/ but beepbobit might notice you or korthian yea korthian should get like a +4 to noticing you since he is a ranger/rogue))
((I thought he was still in a ally hiding from guards we never fled as a group? or rped it I think you need to go study what happened more closely, dimitriP wanted to grunt to kill us so it did and I called for guards but no one knows it was dimitriP who did it so why does he have a bounty on his head? and the guards would really trust a grunt? that attacked us and has no proof anyone told him anything? you got a little confused ))
((The grunt was our friend tho... you paid him to kill them... either way sleep is a good thing to get I won't be tired tomorrow when we actually need to fight. We only need 1 guard))
((no no no we paid the man for the map and dimitriP tried to kill us with the grunt and I called for a guard and he came and arrested the grunt and the grunt told him everything (which I don't think the guard would believe from him) and dimitrip kicked him in the balls so idk why dimirip has a bounty on his head since no one knows he did anything wrong and here we are at night))