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Anniversary & Build Weekend


Network Owner
Staff member
Network Owner
It's our 5th Anniversary soon!
As is usual around this time of year, the staff team has begun preparing for our anniversary. This marks the founding of the EW Siege server in 2012, and has been celebrated every year except in 2016 (when we were dormant). We have a variety of events planned for the Weekend 11/12th November:
  • Last Man Standing (LMS): Wherein you try and survive as long as possible against oncoming monster hoardes.
  • Smaug vs Players: Fairly self-explanatory. Smaug (played by a staff member) will attack Laketown or Erebor, using his entire might to attempt to kill the entire population, and it is down to you and your team-mates to kill him.
  • Hunger Games: Unlikely but possible. If it were to happen, it would take place on Osgiliath or Edoras, as they are most suited to the gamemode.
  • Point booster for the weekend: Probably double points.
  • If you have more ideas, check this thread to see if it has been suggested already, and if it hasn't, please go ahead and tell us your idea!
Possible Prizes:
  • Point classes.
  • Donor classes.
  • A set number of points.
  • Feel free to suggest more prizes to us!
Join our EpicQuestz Build Weekend!
We will be holding a 'Build Weekend' on our official build server - EpicQuestz. Normally you would have to apply, but from Friday 27th to Sunday 29th of October, you can come on and have a go at building a LMS map for the 5th Anniversary! As well as having the chance to get your map played by the community, the top completed maps will earn their creators a reward on EmpireWar (the prize has yet to be decided).
You are free to join no matter your building experience, and we hope to see you there. You can build the map alone or with your friends.
Five Long Years...
Lastly, I would like to personally congratulate you all on being a part of this brilliant community. Yes, it has changed a lot over the past half-decade - many have moved on, and many new players have joined. However, EmpireWar has endured throughout all that change - and so, incidentally, has our wonderful Owner sjoerdtim.
It doesn't matter whether you first joined in 2012 or 2017 - it is time to cherish the past and look forward to the future. There is no denying that this server has played a part in the lives of thousands of people - and whether that part be small of large, it is something to look back on fondly.

Remember, Build Weekend from 27th-29th October, Anniversary from 11th-12th November. See you there!