Me and the [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user] (also known as DimitriP) are currently working on a brand new LotR RP!
Why should that have your attention?
Because in this one, the Fellowship didn't win, of course!
The ring is lost somewhere, Gondor and Rohan have fallen, the evil realms have taken hold of Middle Earth. Yet, Sauron still craves for the One Ring, and the palantìri might hold the answer to its location. However, in these 50 years, those who would dare challenge the Dark Lord have arisen. Would they support their master's quest, or uproot the Red Eye from this realm?
Anyway, this thread exists for two purposes.
1-Head counting. I want to see how many people are interested in this, so that I may not have worked in vain. Also, it will help us ''calibrate'' the RP mechanics, number of nations, etc.
2-Enlisting. It's just me and Dim, so if anyone wants to help, hop on aboard!
Anyhow, if you want to call dibs on the nations, here they are (so far). I also wrote some ''guidelines'' for how they could work, but in the end, it's the player's choice in how they want to rule.
And if you want the available races for your adventurer or mercenary, here they are!
Answer in the comments if you want to help or join!
Me and the [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user] (also known as DimitriP) are currently working on a brand new LotR RP!
Why should that have your attention?
Because in this one, the Fellowship didn't win, of course!
The ring is lost somewhere, Gondor and Rohan have fallen, the evil realms have taken hold of Middle Earth. Yet, Sauron still craves for the One Ring, and the palantìri might hold the answer to its location. However, in these 50 years, those who would dare challenge the Dark Lord have arisen. Would they support their master's quest, or uproot the Red Eye from this realm?
Anyway, this thread exists for two purposes.
1-Head counting. I want to see how many people are interested in this, so that I may not have worked in vain. Also, it will help us ''calibrate'' the RP mechanics, number of nations, etc.
2-Enlisting. It's just me and Dim, so if anyone wants to help, hop on aboard!
Anyhow, if you want to call dibs on the nations, here they are (so far). I also wrote some ''guidelines'' for how they could work, but in the end, it's the player's choice in how they want to rule.
-Dunland: barbarian tribes that took hold of Rohan and its refugees when Mordor invaded. Tensions between orcs are rising;
-Gunndhor: mispelling of Gondor. Used to define the vassal state of eastern Gondor. Orcs rule it, somewhat developing a stable society.
-Ruuhan: mispelling of Rohan. Now a province of Mordor. (1 claim)
-Rhun: The eastern empire that extends from the shores of Rhun to the border of Mirkwood.
-Mordor: The Eye has fallen silent, so the orcs have begun ruling themselves.
-Harad: The nomadic tribes, city-states and caliphates of Near Harad banded together, from the fertile bed of the Harad-wedla to Pelargir and western Gondor. (1 claim)
-Umbar: The city-state of Umbar and its outposts along the coast of Belegaer. It also includes the coasts of Anfalas and Belfalas. (1 claim)
-Iron Hills: The dwarfs in the Iron Hills have begun falling to the dark side as well, now.
-Erebor: Beset on all sides by Easterlings, it must play a careful game of politics to retain what little autonomy it has.
-Mirkwood: Spiteful elves in the midst of the woods. Basically Erebor for leafears.
-Gladden Fields: Colony of the battle-hardened hobbits in the vale of the Anduin.
-Khand: A kingdom in the south-east of Middle Earth. It uses soldiers from many places beyond the scope of the usual Middle Earth map.
More will be added if these ones are all taken.
-Gunndhor: mispelling of Gondor. Used to define the vassal state of eastern Gondor. Orcs rule it, somewhat developing a stable society.
-Ruuhan: mispelling of Rohan. Now a province of Mordor. (1 claim)
-Rhun: The eastern empire that extends from the shores of Rhun to the border of Mirkwood.
-Mordor: The Eye has fallen silent, so the orcs have begun ruling themselves.
-Harad: The nomadic tribes, city-states and caliphates of Near Harad banded together, from the fertile bed of the Harad-wedla to Pelargir and western Gondor. (1 claim)
-Umbar: The city-state of Umbar and its outposts along the coast of Belegaer. It also includes the coasts of Anfalas and Belfalas. (1 claim)
-Iron Hills: The dwarfs in the Iron Hills have begun falling to the dark side as well, now.
-Erebor: Beset on all sides by Easterlings, it must play a careful game of politics to retain what little autonomy it has.
-Mirkwood: Spiteful elves in the midst of the woods. Basically Erebor for leafears.
-Gladden Fields: Colony of the battle-hardened hobbits in the vale of the Anduin.
-Khand: A kingdom in the south-east of Middle Earth. It uses soldiers from many places beyond the scope of the usual Middle Earth map.
More will be added if these ones are all taken.
And if you want the available races for your adventurer or mercenary, here they are!
-Men: The populations that rejoiced most in the new world include the Haradrim or Southrons from Harad and Khand, the Easterlings from Rhun, and the Dunlendings from Dunland and Enedwaith. Khand has brought mercenary populations from far away in Middle Earth, including the Variags from the East, the Pertorog or Half-trolls of and Morwaith and from the Far Harad. Oppressed and recluded populations include the Druedain in the Druadan Forest and Druwaith Iaur, the Dunedain scattered in warbands in Gondor and Eriador, the Rohirrim and Gondorians enslaved or integrated in conquered Gondor and Rohan, the Middle Men that compose the near entirety of mannish population in Eriador, the Dalemen in Erebor, the Woodmen and Beornings hidden in Western Mirkwood and the Black Numenoreans that share Umbar with countless other peoples.
-Elves: The remaining elves in Middle Earth are the Galadhrim of the reclusive Lothlorien, the Nandor and Sindar that composed the Silvan Elves of Mirkwood, the Avari of Dorwinion, integrated among the Easterlings and spiteful of their western kin, and the dwindling Sindar and Noldor in Lindon. Very few Peredhil, the Half-elven, remain.
-Dwarfs: The dwarfs, slowly falling to the temptation of Sauron, are split in clans: the Longbeards, or Durin's Folk, in Erebor and the Ered Luin, the Firebeards and Broadbeams hidden in the Ered Luin and few Ironfists and Stiffbeards, Blacklocks and Stonefoots among the Easterlings, although they are quite rare as they inhabit the far away mountain range of the Orocarni.
-Hobbits: After years of enslavement by Sharkey and their rebellion, the Hobbits grew tough, bitter and spiteful of the outside world, industrializing the Shire and becoming a force to be reckoned with. Recently, they established a colony in the Gladden Fields of the Anduin vale.
-Orcs: Orcs have finally started somewhat of a civilization in these times of ''peace''. Their main, recognized breeds include the vast numbers of the Black Uruks from Mordor, quite similar in characteristics to men, the minute, isolated Goblins hidden in the Misty Mountains, the very few Gundabad Orcs that survived the Battle of the Five Armies, the common Mordor Orcs that could be considered as the ''orcish standard'', and the lowly Snaga, bred exclusively for slavery. The Perorch, Half-orcs, have increasingly grown in number during years of raiding by the uruks.
-Elves: The remaining elves in Middle Earth are the Galadhrim of the reclusive Lothlorien, the Nandor and Sindar that composed the Silvan Elves of Mirkwood, the Avari of Dorwinion, integrated among the Easterlings and spiteful of their western kin, and the dwindling Sindar and Noldor in Lindon. Very few Peredhil, the Half-elven, remain.
-Dwarfs: The dwarfs, slowly falling to the temptation of Sauron, are split in clans: the Longbeards, or Durin's Folk, in Erebor and the Ered Luin, the Firebeards and Broadbeams hidden in the Ered Luin and few Ironfists and Stiffbeards, Blacklocks and Stonefoots among the Easterlings, although they are quite rare as they inhabit the far away mountain range of the Orocarni.
-Hobbits: After years of enslavement by Sharkey and their rebellion, the Hobbits grew tough, bitter and spiteful of the outside world, industrializing the Shire and becoming a force to be reckoned with. Recently, they established a colony in the Gladden Fields of the Anduin vale.
-Orcs: Orcs have finally started somewhat of a civilization in these times of ''peace''. Their main, recognized breeds include the vast numbers of the Black Uruks from Mordor, quite similar in characteristics to men, the minute, isolated Goblins hidden in the Misty Mountains, the very few Gundabad Orcs that survived the Battle of the Five Armies, the common Mordor Orcs that could be considered as the ''orcish standard'', and the lowly Snaga, bred exclusively for slavery. The Perorch, Half-orcs, have increasingly grown in number during years of raiding by the uruks.
Answer in the comments if you want to help or join!