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Building Dol Amroth!


Staff member
V2 Lord
I have written accounts of my journey building Dol Amroth on our sister server! This will be updated daily and contain personal yap thoughts.

In The Lord of the Rings, Dol Amroth is a city and fiefdom in the region of Western Gondor. It's a vast fortress built on cliffs, surrounded by mountains, and with only one suitable landing point.

  • The first known settlers were Sindar refugees from Beleriand in the late first age.
  • In the second age, it was settled by Galadriel and Celeborn, along with their company of elves from Lórinand.
  • A faithful Númenórean house settled in Belfalas before the downfall and built a stronghold on the promontory. Elendil gave their ruler the title of prince and his realm is known as Dor-en-Ernil.
  • The promontory was named after Amroth, the former king of Lórien, who was lost in the Bay of Belfalas.


  • The princedom is ruled by a prince
  • The Sea-Ward Tower, or Tirith Aear is the epicenter of Dol Amroth's government, military, and history


  • Dol Amroth has the greatest cavalry in Middle-Earth, rivaling the Rohirrim.
  • The Knights of the Silver Swan are an elite group of cavalry.
  • The men-at-arms of Dol Amroth are elite group of infrantry.


  • The first settlers were Nandor. They were followed by the Sindar from Beleriand, who was also followed by Silvan elves of Lothlórien.
  • The faithful of Númenor came after the elves. The elves left in TA 1981.
  • The people today are still Númenórean and are reowned harp players. They spoke Sindarin regularly.


  • The symbol of Dol Amroth is commonly described as the "Silver Swan"


  • I made it the fuck up.
Day 1 of building Dol Amroth :))
Day 2 of Building Dol Amroth:

Nothing major. Establishing exterior decoration style and finishing up the tavern. Still need the rooms.
Day 3 of building Dol Amroth:
I was originally going to make this part a whole guild house here, but I decided to make this a gated community with a bit more freedom than American ones. Idk if they have gated communities in Europe, let alone high medieval Europe, but I thought I'd make one nevertheless. It is fantasy after all. I completed 7 houses nonetheless; it turns out doing purely exterior structures for an hour is a lot quicker than doing 1 house with decoration at a time.

I eventually got bored and needed cool screenshots so I did some street decoration. I changed the wool flooring to a street pattern. I am not entirely sure if it is finalized, but I want a stone-like street to display the modernization. The wheat is there because Dol Amroth is a horse culture like Rohan. I'd imagine the difference is Dol Amroth fields heavier cavalry with their knights than Rohan does.

The feel I originally planned was patriotic and advanced society. And then someone said it was depressing. Originally, I figured Depression seems to be the result of modern society. Now, I am starting to think the meaning is deeper than it originally is. I believe it is because there are no elves anymore. It has lost Tolkien's magic when they left.

I do not think it will be like this all the time. Near the middle or end, I am planning a a knight's tourney and a beautiful castle with pointy roofs like the ones at Disney castle. But then again, we have more access to entertainment in the modern world, yet everything seems depressing compared to my travels in 3rd world countries.
Day 4 of building Dol Amroth:

While I was up late, I stayed up for 30 minutes to do this interior decoration for the local alchemist. Her room has a more home-like vibe to it.

One thing I did forget is her bathroom. So, I made one outside! And to protect her dignity, I use the houses and the walls with bar designs I had to cover up. It is well hidden! It felt more lively and the build feels less creepy once there is more life to it. It originally started out creepy due to the blue and white feeling that made me uneasy.

Later afternoon, I did 4 houses this time. The last one on the right will be a weaponsmith and he will have an entrance to a backroom business. Sometimes, this build style feels almost modded sometimes; I'm using a lot of newer blocks like deepslate and vault blocks instead of the classic stone bricks.

Plot location:/plot visit Battle_Hippie donorplots 51739612396689.png1739612408189.png1739612422300.png1739612436186.png1739612448821.png1739612459387.png1739612469600.png
Day 5 of building Dol Amroth:This became one of those days where I'm too fatigued to build right now. I did only some of the weaponsmith interior and some planning instead. They are going to be normal houses, probably. Maybe mix in a few traders in there. Idk, for the most part I have been building without a plan. I'm more of a guy who likes to build whatever he wants. That said, it is within limits. This build style. Tomorrow, I expect a much more significant progress than this. I am still just as excited to finish this; My motivation is still high. That is one of the perks of writing your progress; you self reflect and commit. It also shows the mistakes I made, and the need to correct them. Not every build will turn out in your favor. I still have that big house I never completed. I am indecisive about its exterior. I think I may restart it for the better. While it is diagonal, it lacks shape. I do not want that for an essential building.1739612546886.png1739612510644.png
Day 6 of building Dol Amroth:
I did a layout of this house and decided to do some sort of noble house. I did not build anything else today. I did more research on medieval history regarded noble houses. I want this to be a knights house1739612580252.png
Very ambitious, but the vibe is already cool! You can feel the passion when walking the streets
Day 7 of building Dol Amroth:

Good day to you fellow knights of the Silver Swan! Since the very first day, I had trouble with building this massive building. The issue with this building is even though it was diagonal, it was in many ways, still square in nature. That is okay for small builds, but massive buildings will be difficult to do. I am sure I can add extra stuff on the roofs and sides, but at this point it's just bland for a massive building, at least for me. So I moved on to other houses, and behold (look at the 2nd picture to the last picture)

I had another large building to make and it was in a weird shape layout when I made it. It might sound like a disadvantage, but instead, it gave me a huge advantage. It made me figure out instead of having one massive roof, I did double roofs at the top to scale with the actual build. That was one of my main problems with the first picture: the roof does not scale well for me. This building is much more interesting to me. There is this good feeling about finding a solution to a majority of your problems. I would like to apply this to some of the small builds also.


I am still not done with this building, but my skills with this build style received a massive glow up. This will be super important for when I make Dol Amroth's castle and its tower, Tirith Aear. This next build session tomorrow will finish this up and finally start to work on the guild house I have been having trouble on since the start. I must say, I would love to live in my build and its prince now, more than ever.
Day 9 of building Dol Amroth:

Took a long break instead. But I will continue this. On the second and third picture, I was doing interior structures. Then I messed it up so I moved on to making the structure in the first picture. I planned to have a tower on it. It will define the build style of towers in the future. I also plan to connect this building to the other building through bridge. I must say, it's good to be back on this. Though sometimes, I feel there is something missing in these streets. Idk what but I will find out.
Day 10 of building Dol Amroth: I was finalizing on roof designs. Nothing new built. But I didn't like the plants that are on top of the roof. It is a bit too much. So I'll removed that and the candles.

Also there's a new update to this server, we get pale oak wood planks and resin bricks. We also get a new armor stand plugin that's a lot easier than the last one. It will help a lot with this.

I built a royal carriage for the prince (aka meee <3 ) but his ride turned out to be too big to fit in the city. However, it comes with a kitchen with food and even a cookie jar. It also have shelves and a couch to nap in. So, it's so worth it.
Day 11 of building Dol Amroth:

On the first-third picture, this is the black market I mentioned (I think). It is not finished at all yet but so far, there is a turtle poacher ( @Starship requested it). Illegal poaching in medieval times does exist though! There is also a fence (seller of stolen goods) that's still wip. Otherwise, I did move the carriage to the location with the lowest elevation. That will be where the knight's tourney will be hosted. Swan Knights from all over Dor-en-Ernil participate in knightly jousting and their melee combat in longsword, sword and shield, hammer and shield, hunting sword and shield, and axe and shield (It's not in the lore. I made it the fuck up). I might start on this sooner to make sure the tourney will fit in the donor plot given by Battle Hippie.

On the building that requires the tower, I only finished the tower part. I lacked motivation for it at the moment but I think I know what I want for that one. That would be a guild house instead of the original house I was struggling with because it is too big. The original will be a bank instead.

I did some work on finishing up the gated community. On the right side of the last picture will be a bathhouse. In real life medieval times, most people would go to the bathhouse to wash their clothes and get a bath. It is often associated with prostitution, and it rarely not offers it. In this build plot, considering this is Tolkien, there will be no prostitution. Not in this Christian Minecraft server!
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