This is a thread to compile information on all classes on EW. More information is always needed. Feel free to correct me if I make a mistake.
Thread was locked, boohoo :-( . PM me or find some other way to contact me if there's something you want to add or correct a mistake I made.
Sharpness from voting not included.
Free Classes
All classes (except Nazgûl and Balrog) start with 5 pork that can be restocked and 2 ladders (varies) on maps that have ladders.
Soldier (Standard Soldier class)
Weapon: Iron Sword for good guys, Iron axe for bad guys, Dwarves have Iron pickaxes (Sharp II) (they do the same damage)
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Laketown Soldier (Laketown only)
Weapon: Iron Sword
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Leather Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: Resistance I
Weapon: Bow (Power I), Wood Sword/Wood Axe (Sharp I) (retextured to be stone)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Leather Leggings, Leather boots
Buffs: None
Other: On Isengard, Uruks get a Power I, Flame I bow.
Weapon: Wand (Blaze Rod) (Sharp III, Knock I)
Armour: Gold Chestplate, Leather Leggings
Buffs: None
Other: Can shoot fireball by right clicking wand every 10 seconds. Comes with 20 splash health potions. On Minas Tirith, can mage jump by left clicking ground with wand. Has class limit.
Weapon: Stone Axe, Stone Pickaxe (Eff. II)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: None
Other: 16 wood (restockable)
Maps: Minas Tirith - Both sides, Helm’s Deep - Rohan, Minas Morgul - Both sides
Troll Mordor only
Weapon: Stone Axe (Knock I)
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Leather Boots
Buffs: Haste I (mining fatigue), Strength II, Resistance III
Other: Can throw rocks by left clicking stone with bare hand. Has class limit. Called Olog-hai on Helm's Deep, has iron boots. Cave troll on the Morias. Does not gain Sharpness from voting. Can’t sprint.
Spearman Gondor/Rohan only
Weapon: Iron sword, 3 spears (sticks) (restockable)
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Chain Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Other: Can throw spear every 10 seconds, spears are restockable. Voter class.
Haradrim Archer Mordor on Minas Tirith
Weapon: Bow (Power I), inflicts poison and nausea
Armour: Red Leather Chestplate, Red Leather Leggings, Red Leather Boots
Buffs: None
Other: Voter class
Pikeman Uruk-hai or Orcs on Isengard, Helms Deep, Laketown, and Dale
Weapon: Pike (Iron Hoe) (Sharp II, Knock I), range of approx. 3 blocks
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Other: Voter class
Ent Isengard on Isengard xd
Weapon: Branch (Log) (Sharp IV, Knock III)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Leather Helm, Leather Boots
Buffs: Resistance II, Slowness I, Jump Boost II
Other: Can crush Uruks with jump+crouch+hit, 1-hits anything. Can throw rocks, hit stone with branches.
Dwarf Guardian Moria 1,Moria 2 and Erebor
Weapon: Iron Pickaxe, Shield
Armour: Iron Helm, Iron Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Other: Voter class for Moria 1 and Erebor. Free for Moria 2.
Dwarf Engineer Moria 2 (Gold)
Weapon: Iron Pickaxe, Bow (no arrows)
Armour: Iron Helm, Iron Chestplate, Gold Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Other: When standing in a crossbow turret and holding the bow, you rapid-fire arrows. Voter Class.
Dwarven Axeman
Weapon: Diamond Axe (Sharp I)
Armour: Iron Helm, Iron Chestplate, Chain Leggings, Chain Boots
Buffs: None
Other: Voter Class
Point and Donor Classes
Helm's Deep
Royal Guard
Weapon: Iron sword (Sharp I)
Armour: Gold Chestplate (Prot. III), Iron Leggings, Gold boots
Buffs: None
Other: Only 1 ladder
Cost: 3,000
Elven Lord (Veteran+)
Weapon: Gold Sword (Sharp 1, Punch 10), Bow (Power II)
Armour: Leather Chestplate (Prot. I), Leather Pants, Leather Boots (Prot. I)
Buffs: Jump Boost II
Uruk Ladderer
Weapon: Stone Sword, Stone Axe, Stone Pickaxe (Eff. II)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: Slowness I
Other: 10 ladders, 16 constructor wood (restockable)
Cost: 250
Weapon: Bow (Power V, Sharp III, Knock I), (Slowness IV when reloading) 10 second cooldown between shots
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Chain Boots
Buffs: Slowness I
Other: 3 ladders
Cost: 3,500
Berserker (Legend+)
Weapon: Flint and Steel (Fire Aspect II)
Armour: None
Buffs: Slowness 1, Jump boost 1 (prevents sprint-jumping)
Minas Tirith
Dol Amroth Knight
Weapon: Iron Sword, 1 Spear (restockable)
Armour: Diamond Helm, Blue Leather Chestplate, Diamond Leggings, Light Blue Leather Boots
Buffs: Speed I
Cost: 4,000
Citadel Guard (Veteran+)
Weapon: Diamond Sword
Armour: Gold Helm, Diamond Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Uruk Torcher
Weapon: Iron Axe, 3 Torches (restockable)
Armour: Red Leather Chestplate, Iron Leggings (Prot. I, Fire Prot. IV)
Buffs: None
Other: Torches are thrown like Troll’s rocks, causing explosion damage and fire AOE.
Cost: 5,000
Nazgûl (Sage+)
Weapon: Stone Sword (Sharp II, Knock I, Unbreaking II) (inflicts wither)
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: Invisible
Other: Flies, has Enderdragon disguise. Can pick people up with empty hand, holds person for just under 3 seconds. Also on Minas Morgul and Osgiliath. Does not gain Sharpness from voting.
Fangorn Forest
Weapon: Branch (Leaves) (Knock IV, Sharp I)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Leather Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: Jump Boost II, Resistance I, Strength I, Mining Fatigue I, Speed II[/highlight]
Other: Unlike most Ents, can't throw rocks.
Cost: 1000
White Wizard
Weapon: Wand (Blaze Rod) (Sharp II)
Armour: White Leather Chestplate, White Leather Leggings, White Leather Boots
Buffs: Speed I
Other: Can shoot fireball by right clicking wand every 10 seconds. No mage jump or pots. Fireball has been buffed to 6-7 hearts of damage.
Cost: 3500
Black Uruk (Lord+)
Weapon: Iron Sword, Torch (Fire Aspect V)
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Chain Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: Resistance I
Minas Morgul
Gondor Ladderer
Weapon: Stone Sword, Stone Axe, Stone Pickaxe (Eff. II)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Iron Pants, Leather Boots
Buffs: Slowness I
Other: 10 Ladders
Cost: 250
Lossarnach Axeman (Lord+)
Weapon: Diamond Axe (Sharp I, Knock I)
Armour: Iron Helm, Iron Chestplate, Chain Leggings
Buffs: Resistance I, Slow II
Warg Tamer
Weapon: Iron Axe, Bone Club (Bone) (Sharp II, Knock I)
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Leather Leggings, Iron Boots
Other: Spawns with 5 wargs (wolves)
Cost: 3,000
Nazgûl (Sage+)
Weapon: Stone Sword (Sharp II, Knock I, Unbreaking II) (inflicts wither)
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: Invisible
Other: Flies, has Enderdragon disguise. Can pick people up with empty hand, holds person for just under 3 seconds. Also on Minas Morgul and Osgiliath. Does not gain Sharpness from voting.
Moria 1 (Greathalls)
Dwarven Hammerer
Weapon: Diamond Axe (Sharp I, Knock I)
Armour: Iron Helmet, Iron Chestplate, Gold Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: Resistance I, Slowness I
Cost: 4500
Weapon: 1 Diamond Axe, 3 Throwable Iron Axes (not restockable, but can be picked up after thrown)
Armour:Iron Helm, Iron Chestplate, Leather Pants, Iron Boots)
Buffs: None
Cost: 3500
Longbeard (Lord+)
Weapon: Diamond Pickaxe (Sharp I)
Armour: Iron Helm, Diamond Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Weapon: Bone (Sharp IV, Knock I)
Armour: Grey Leather Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: Speed I
Cost: 2000
Gundabad Orc (Veteran+)
Weapon: Bone (Sharp IV, Knock I)
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron boots
Buffs: Strength I
Balrog (King)
Weapon: Iron Sword (Sharp II, Knock II, Fire Aspect II), Fishing Rod (Fire Aspect II)
Armour: Diamond Chestplate, Diamond Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: Resistance II, Fire Resistance
Other: Wither disguise. Does not gain Sharpness from voting.
Moria 2 (Gold)
Dwarven Hammerer
Weapon: Diamond Axe (Sharp I, Knock I)
Armour: Iron Helmet, Iron Chestplate, Gold Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: Resistance I, Slowness I
Cost: 4500
Longbeard (Lord+)
Weapon: Diamond Pickaxe (Sharp I)
Armour: Iron Helm, Diamond Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Great Goblin (Hero+)
Weapon: Bone (Sharp III, Knock II)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Leather Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: Resistance II, Strength II, Slow II (keeps buffs after grabbing gold)
Weapon: 1 Diamond Axe, 3 Throwable Iron Axes (not restockable, but can be picked up after thrown)
Armour:Iron Helm, Iron Chestplate, Leather Leggings, Iron Boots)
Buffs: None
Cost: 3500
Dale Swordmaster (Legend+)
Weapon: Diamond Sword
Armour: Iron Helm, Diamond Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Chain Boots
Buffs: None
Goblin Mercenary
Weapon: Bone (Sharp XII)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Leather Boots
Buffs: Speed III, Jump Boost II
Cost: 3,000
Dol Guldur Captain
Weapon: Iron Axe, Bow, 16 Arrows (restockable)
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: Resistance I, Slowness II
Cost: 4,000
Gundabad Orc (Veteran+)
Weapon: Bone (Sharp IV, Knock I)
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron boots
Buffs: Strength I
Royal Guard
Weapon: Iron sword (Sharp I)
Armour: Gold Chestplate (Prot. III), Iron Leggings, Gold boots
Buffs: None
Other: Only 1 ladder
Cost: 3,000
Gondorian Ladderer
Weapon: Stone Sword, Stone Axe, Stone Pickaxe (Eff. II)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: Slowness I
Other: 10 Ladders
Cost: 250
Half Troll
Weapon: Stone Axe (Sharp I, Knock I)
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Leather Leggings
Buffs: Slowness I, Resistance III
Cost: 3,500
Troll Chieftain (Veteran+)
Weapon: Stone Sword (Sharp 1, Knock 1)
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Chain Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: Resistance III, Slowness IV, Mining Fatigue I, Strength I
Royal Guard
Weapon: Iron sword (Sharp I)
Armour: Gold Chestplate (Prot. III), Iron Leggings, Gold boots
Buffs: None
Other: Only 1 ladder
Cost: 3,000
Uruk Ladderer
Weapon: Stone Sword, Stone Axe, Stone Pickaxe (Eff. II)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: None
Other: 10 ladders
Cost: 250
Uruk Torcher
Weapon: Iron Axe, 3 Torches (restockable)
Armour: Red Leather Chestplate, Iron Leggings (Prot. I, Fire Prot. IV)
Buffs: None
Other: Torches are thrown like Troll’s rocks, causing explosion damage and fire AOE.
Cost: 5,000
Warg Rider (Hero+)
Weapon: Iron axe
Armour: Iron chestplate, Leather leggings, Leather Boots.
Buffs: None
Other: Rides a warg (skeleton horse) Only available at plains.
Notes: All classes spawn with 12 constructor wood on the bridge only.
All archers spawn with 28 arrows that are restockable instead of having Infinity.
Archers have white leather armour.
All classes have Iron helms except archers or otherwise stated.
Ithilien Ranger
Weapon: Bow (Power II), Wood Sword
Armour: Gold Helm, Green Leather Chestplate, Chain leggings, Green Leather Boots
Buffs: Jump Boost II
Cost: 3000
Ithilien Swordsman
Weapon: Diamond Sword
Armour: Green Leather Chestplate, Chain leggings, Green Leather Boots
Buffs: Speed I, Jump Boost I
Cost: 3000
Citadel Guard (Veteran+)
Weapon: Diamond Sword
Armour: Diamond Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Harad Spearman
Weapon: Iron Sword, 3 Spears (poisoned)
Armour: Iron Helm, Red Leather Chestplate (Proj. Prot I), Chain Leggings, Red Leather Boots (Prot. I)
Buffs: None
Cost: 3,500
Orc Chieftain (Legend+)
Weapon: Iron Sword (Sharp I), 3 Spears
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Chain Leggings, Chain Boots
Buffs: Resistance I
Nazgûl (Sage+)
Weapon: Stone Sword (Sharp II, Knock I, Unbreaking II) (inflicts wither)
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: Invisible
Other: Flies, has Enderdragon disguise. Can pick people up with empty hand, holds person for just under 3 seconds. Also on Minas Morgul and Osgiliath. Does not gain Sharpness from voting.
Men of Laketown
Town Guard
Weapon: Pike (Iron Hoe) (Sharp II, Knock I) (approx. 3 blocks reach)
Armour: Gold Helm, Leather Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: None
Cost: 3,500
Dale Swordmaster (Legend+)
Weapon: Diamond Sword
Armour: Iron Helm, Diamond Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Chain Boots
Buffs: None
Goblin Mercenary
Weapon: Bone (Sharp VI)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Leather Boots
Buffs: Speed III, Jump Boost II
Cost: 3,000
Orc Chieftain (Legend+)
Weapon: Iron Sword
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Chain Leggings, Chain Boots
Buffs: Resistance I
Dwarves, Men and Elves
Elven Archer
Weapon: Bow (Power I), Gold Sword
Armour: Gold Chestplate, Gold Leggings, Gold boots
Buffs: None
Cost: 3,000
Dale Swordmaster (Legend+)
Weapon: Diamond Sword
Armour: Iron Helm, Diamond Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Chain Boots
Buffs: None
Goblin Mercenary
Weapon: Bone (Sharp VI)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Leather Boots
Buffs: Speed III, Jump Boost II
Cost: 3,000
Gundabad Orc (Veteran+)
Weapon: Bone (Sharp IV, Knock I)
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron boots
Buffs: Strength I
Thread was locked, boohoo :-( . PM me or find some other way to contact me if there's something you want to add or correct a mistake I made.
Sharpness from voting not included.
Free Classes
All classes (except Nazgûl and Balrog) start with 5 pork that can be restocked and 2 ladders (varies) on maps that have ladders.
Soldier (Standard Soldier class)
Weapon: Iron Sword for good guys, Iron axe for bad guys, Dwarves have Iron pickaxes (Sharp II) (they do the same damage)
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Laketown Soldier (Laketown only)
Weapon: Iron Sword
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Leather Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: Resistance I
Weapon: Bow (Power I), Wood Sword/Wood Axe (Sharp I) (retextured to be stone)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Leather Leggings, Leather boots
Buffs: None
Other: On Isengard, Uruks get a Power I, Flame I bow.
Weapon: Wand (Blaze Rod) (Sharp III, Knock I)
Armour: Gold Chestplate, Leather Leggings
Buffs: None
Other: Can shoot fireball by right clicking wand every 10 seconds. Comes with 20 splash health potions. On Minas Tirith, can mage jump by left clicking ground with wand. Has class limit.
Weapon: Stone Axe, Stone Pickaxe (Eff. II)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: None
Other: 16 wood (restockable)
Maps: Minas Tirith - Both sides, Helm’s Deep - Rohan, Minas Morgul - Both sides
Troll Mordor only
Weapon: Stone Axe (Knock I)
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Leather Boots
Buffs: Haste I (mining fatigue), Strength II, Resistance III
Other: Can throw rocks by left clicking stone with bare hand. Has class limit. Called Olog-hai on Helm's Deep, has iron boots. Cave troll on the Morias. Does not gain Sharpness from voting. Can’t sprint.
Spearman Gondor/Rohan only
Weapon: Iron sword, 3 spears (sticks) (restockable)
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Chain Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Other: Can throw spear every 10 seconds, spears are restockable. Voter class.
Haradrim Archer Mordor on Minas Tirith
Weapon: Bow (Power I), inflicts poison and nausea
Armour: Red Leather Chestplate, Red Leather Leggings, Red Leather Boots
Buffs: None
Other: Voter class
Pikeman Uruk-hai or Orcs on Isengard, Helms Deep, Laketown, and Dale
Weapon: Pike (Iron Hoe) (Sharp II, Knock I), range of approx. 3 blocks
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Other: Voter class
Ent Isengard on Isengard xd
Weapon: Branch (Log) (Sharp IV, Knock III)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Leather Helm, Leather Boots
Buffs: Resistance II, Slowness I, Jump Boost II
Other: Can crush Uruks with jump+crouch+hit, 1-hits anything. Can throw rocks, hit stone with branches.
Dwarf Guardian Moria 1,Moria 2 and Erebor
Weapon: Iron Pickaxe, Shield
Armour: Iron Helm, Iron Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Other: Voter class for Moria 1 and Erebor. Free for Moria 2.
Dwarf Engineer Moria 2 (Gold)
Weapon: Iron Pickaxe, Bow (no arrows)
Armour: Iron Helm, Iron Chestplate, Gold Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Other: When standing in a crossbow turret and holding the bow, you rapid-fire arrows. Voter Class.
Dwarven Axeman
Weapon: Diamond Axe (Sharp I)
Armour: Iron Helm, Iron Chestplate, Chain Leggings, Chain Boots
Buffs: None
Other: Voter Class
Point and Donor Classes
Helm's Deep
Royal Guard
Weapon: Iron sword (Sharp I)
Armour: Gold Chestplate (Prot. III), Iron Leggings, Gold boots
Buffs: None
Other: Only 1 ladder
Cost: 3,000
Elven Lord (Veteran+)
Weapon: Gold Sword (Sharp 1, Punch 10), Bow (Power II)
Armour: Leather Chestplate (Prot. I), Leather Pants, Leather Boots (Prot. I)
Buffs: Jump Boost II
Uruk Ladderer
Weapon: Stone Sword, Stone Axe, Stone Pickaxe (Eff. II)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: Slowness I
Other: 10 ladders, 16 constructor wood (restockable)
Cost: 250
Weapon: Bow (Power V, Sharp III, Knock I), (Slowness IV when reloading) 10 second cooldown between shots
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Chain Boots
Buffs: Slowness I
Other: 3 ladders
Cost: 3,500
Berserker (Legend+)
Weapon: Flint and Steel (Fire Aspect II)
Armour: None
Buffs: Slowness 1, Jump boost 1 (prevents sprint-jumping)
Minas Tirith
Dol Amroth Knight
Weapon: Iron Sword, 1 Spear (restockable)
Armour: Diamond Helm, Blue Leather Chestplate, Diamond Leggings, Light Blue Leather Boots
Buffs: Speed I
Cost: 4,000
Citadel Guard (Veteran+)
Weapon: Diamond Sword
Armour: Gold Helm, Diamond Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Uruk Torcher
Weapon: Iron Axe, 3 Torches (restockable)
Armour: Red Leather Chestplate, Iron Leggings (Prot. I, Fire Prot. IV)
Buffs: None
Other: Torches are thrown like Troll’s rocks, causing explosion damage and fire AOE.
Cost: 5,000
Nazgûl (Sage+)
Weapon: Stone Sword (Sharp II, Knock I, Unbreaking II) (inflicts wither)
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: Invisible
Other: Flies, has Enderdragon disguise. Can pick people up with empty hand, holds person for just under 3 seconds. Also on Minas Morgul and Osgiliath. Does not gain Sharpness from voting.
Fangorn Forest
Weapon: Branch (Leaves) (Knock IV, Sharp I)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Leather Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: Jump Boost II, Resistance I, Strength I, Mining Fatigue I, Speed II[/highlight]
Other: Unlike most Ents, can't throw rocks.
Cost: 1000
White Wizard
Weapon: Wand (Blaze Rod) (Sharp II)
Armour: White Leather Chestplate, White Leather Leggings, White Leather Boots
Buffs: Speed I
Other: Can shoot fireball by right clicking wand every 10 seconds. No mage jump or pots. Fireball has been buffed to 6-7 hearts of damage.
Cost: 3500
Black Uruk (Lord+)
Weapon: Iron Sword, Torch (Fire Aspect V)
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Chain Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: Resistance I
Minas Morgul
Gondor Ladderer
Weapon: Stone Sword, Stone Axe, Stone Pickaxe (Eff. II)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Iron Pants, Leather Boots
Buffs: Slowness I
Other: 10 Ladders
Cost: 250
Lossarnach Axeman (Lord+)
Weapon: Diamond Axe (Sharp I, Knock I)
Armour: Iron Helm, Iron Chestplate, Chain Leggings
Buffs: Resistance I, Slow II
Warg Tamer
Weapon: Iron Axe, Bone Club (Bone) (Sharp II, Knock I)
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Leather Leggings, Iron Boots
Other: Spawns with 5 wargs (wolves)
Cost: 3,000
Nazgûl (Sage+)
Weapon: Stone Sword (Sharp II, Knock I, Unbreaking II) (inflicts wither)
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: Invisible
Other: Flies, has Enderdragon disguise. Can pick people up with empty hand, holds person for just under 3 seconds. Also on Minas Morgul and Osgiliath. Does not gain Sharpness from voting.
Moria 1 (Greathalls)
Dwarven Hammerer
Weapon: Diamond Axe (Sharp I, Knock I)
Armour: Iron Helmet, Iron Chestplate, Gold Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: Resistance I, Slowness I
Cost: 4500
Weapon: 1 Diamond Axe, 3 Throwable Iron Axes (not restockable, but can be picked up after thrown)
Armour:Iron Helm, Iron Chestplate, Leather Pants, Iron Boots)
Buffs: None
Cost: 3500
Longbeard (Lord+)
Weapon: Diamond Pickaxe (Sharp I)
Armour: Iron Helm, Diamond Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Weapon: Bone (Sharp IV, Knock I)
Armour: Grey Leather Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: Speed I
Cost: 2000
Gundabad Orc (Veteran+)
Weapon: Bone (Sharp IV, Knock I)
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron boots
Buffs: Strength I
Balrog (King)
Weapon: Iron Sword (Sharp II, Knock II, Fire Aspect II), Fishing Rod (Fire Aspect II)
Armour: Diamond Chestplate, Diamond Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: Resistance II, Fire Resistance
Other: Wither disguise. Does not gain Sharpness from voting.
Moria 2 (Gold)
Dwarven Hammerer
Weapon: Diamond Axe (Sharp I, Knock I)
Armour: Iron Helmet, Iron Chestplate, Gold Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: Resistance I, Slowness I
Cost: 4500
Longbeard (Lord+)
Weapon: Diamond Pickaxe (Sharp I)
Armour: Iron Helm, Diamond Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Great Goblin (Hero+)
Weapon: Bone (Sharp III, Knock II)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Leather Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: Resistance II, Strength II, Slow II (keeps buffs after grabbing gold)
Weapon: 1 Diamond Axe, 3 Throwable Iron Axes (not restockable, but can be picked up after thrown)
Armour:Iron Helm, Iron Chestplate, Leather Leggings, Iron Boots)
Buffs: None
Cost: 3500
Dale Swordmaster (Legend+)
Weapon: Diamond Sword
Armour: Iron Helm, Diamond Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Chain Boots
Buffs: None
Goblin Mercenary
Weapon: Bone (Sharp XII)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Leather Boots
Buffs: Speed III, Jump Boost II
Cost: 3,000
Dol Guldur Captain
Weapon: Iron Axe, Bow, 16 Arrows (restockable)
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: Resistance I, Slowness II
Cost: 4,000
Gundabad Orc (Veteran+)
Weapon: Bone (Sharp IV, Knock I)
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron boots
Buffs: Strength I
Royal Guard
Weapon: Iron sword (Sharp I)
Armour: Gold Chestplate (Prot. III), Iron Leggings, Gold boots
Buffs: None
Other: Only 1 ladder
Cost: 3,000
Gondorian Ladderer
Weapon: Stone Sword, Stone Axe, Stone Pickaxe (Eff. II)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: Slowness I
Other: 10 Ladders
Cost: 250
Half Troll
Weapon: Stone Axe (Sharp I, Knock I)
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Leather Leggings
Buffs: Slowness I, Resistance III
Cost: 3,500
Troll Chieftain (Veteran+)
Weapon: Stone Sword (Sharp 1, Knock 1)
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Chain Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: Resistance III, Slowness IV, Mining Fatigue I, Strength I
Royal Guard
Weapon: Iron sword (Sharp I)
Armour: Gold Chestplate (Prot. III), Iron Leggings, Gold boots
Buffs: None
Other: Only 1 ladder
Cost: 3,000
Uruk Ladderer
Weapon: Stone Sword, Stone Axe, Stone Pickaxe (Eff. II)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: None
Other: 10 ladders
Cost: 250
Uruk Torcher
Weapon: Iron Axe, 3 Torches (restockable)
Armour: Red Leather Chestplate, Iron Leggings (Prot. I, Fire Prot. IV)
Buffs: None
Other: Torches are thrown like Troll’s rocks, causing explosion damage and fire AOE.
Cost: 5,000
Warg Rider (Hero+)
Weapon: Iron axe
Armour: Iron chestplate, Leather leggings, Leather Boots.
Buffs: None
Other: Rides a warg (skeleton horse) Only available at plains.
Notes: All classes spawn with 12 constructor wood on the bridge only.
All archers spawn with 28 arrows that are restockable instead of having Infinity.
Archers have white leather armour.
All classes have Iron helms except archers or otherwise stated.
Ithilien Ranger
Weapon: Bow (Power II), Wood Sword
Armour: Gold Helm, Green Leather Chestplate, Chain leggings, Green Leather Boots
Buffs: Jump Boost II
Cost: 3000
Ithilien Swordsman
Weapon: Diamond Sword
Armour: Green Leather Chestplate, Chain leggings, Green Leather Boots
Buffs: Speed I, Jump Boost I
Cost: 3000
Citadel Guard (Veteran+)
Weapon: Diamond Sword
Armour: Diamond Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: None
Harad Spearman
Weapon: Iron Sword, 3 Spears (poisoned)
Armour: Iron Helm, Red Leather Chestplate (Proj. Prot I), Chain Leggings, Red Leather Boots (Prot. I)
Buffs: None
Cost: 3,500
Orc Chieftain (Legend+)
Weapon: Iron Sword (Sharp I), 3 Spears
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Chain Leggings, Chain Boots
Buffs: Resistance I
Nazgûl (Sage+)
Weapon: Stone Sword (Sharp II, Knock I, Unbreaking II) (inflicts wither)
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron Boots
Buffs: Invisible
Other: Flies, has Enderdragon disguise. Can pick people up with empty hand, holds person for just under 3 seconds. Also on Minas Morgul and Osgiliath. Does not gain Sharpness from voting.
Men of Laketown
Town Guard
Weapon: Pike (Iron Hoe) (Sharp II, Knock I) (approx. 3 blocks reach)
Armour: Gold Helm, Leather Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Leather Boots
Buffs: None
Cost: 3,500
Dale Swordmaster (Legend+)
Weapon: Diamond Sword
Armour: Iron Helm, Diamond Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Chain Boots
Buffs: None
Goblin Mercenary
Weapon: Bone (Sharp VI)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Leather Boots
Buffs: Speed III, Jump Boost II
Cost: 3,000
Orc Chieftain (Legend+)
Weapon: Iron Sword
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Chain Leggings, Chain Boots
Buffs: Resistance I
Dwarves, Men and Elves
Elven Archer
Weapon: Bow (Power I), Gold Sword
Armour: Gold Chestplate, Gold Leggings, Gold boots
Buffs: None
Cost: 3,000
Dale Swordmaster (Legend+)
Weapon: Diamond Sword
Armour: Iron Helm, Diamond Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Chain Boots
Buffs: None
Goblin Mercenary
Weapon: Bone (Sharp VI)
Armour: Leather Chestplate, Leather Boots
Buffs: Speed III, Jump Boost II
Cost: 3,000
Gundabad Orc (Veteran+)
Weapon: Bone (Sharp IV, Knock I)
Armour: Chain Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Iron boots
Buffs: Strength I