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New member
V2 Hero
Hello everybody,

every time that i log in on the empire war server i get automatic logged off under the name of a game crach, this is real weird because i still can log on the build server.

does someone know what i can do about this??

kisses from raar :P
Hello everybody,

every time that i log in on the empire war server i get automatic logged off under the name of a game crach, this is real weird because i still can log on the build server.

does someone know what i can do about this??

kisses from raar :P
and the other thing too my friend is lower the amount of browsing you do online and limit yourself to a few search engines and other means (like social media.)
[quote user_id="13432171" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/raarmaarwaar/74.png" name="raarmaarwaar"]Hello everybody,

every time that i log in on the empire war server i get automatic logged off under the name of a game crach, this is real weird because i still can log on the build server.

does someone know what i can do about this??

kisses from raar :P
and the other thing too my friend is lower the amount of browsing you do online and limit yourself to a few search engines and other means (like social media.)[/quote]
Yoda has spoken.
And uh not really xP
ok Tobberz you need to learn what social media does to people number 1. number 2. is the Sociology and the rest of the science being put into the right perceptions, (AKA, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Whatever that is too you isn't real because of your age which is what I am truly trying to tell you guys is that Businesses don't care at all for that. that is what it truly means to be a Human-Being instead of Living and Breathing.)
ok Tobberz you need to learn what social media does to people number 1. number 2. is the Sociology and the rest of the science being put into the right perceptions, (AKA, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Whatever that is too you isn't real because of your age which is what I am truly trying to tell you guys is that Businesses don't care at all for that. that is what it truly means to be a Human-Being instead of Living and Breathing.)

I have no idea what you just said, like normally I can interpret people's meanings, but you make absolute sense at all. Do you just type any words that come to your head?
Alright than its really this simple if you let your Computer be a Shield Instead of the Technology that goes into making it it will truly suck!?
Use Both Sides of Your Brain and you will be able to understand the simple side of things! Literally and Figurative as equals!