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Dungeons & Dragons; Episode II: Phantoms of Larkwick Castle


New member
V1 Veteran
Staring Andrewcamer, beepbopit, ithewinner, and Dimitri_13421
ThuBioNerd as DM

Okay, so I am going to be much more detached in this one. I am not going to tell you what damage you do, etc. some times I might not even tell you what damage you take! Everything will be from an rp pov. If I catch you metagaming or powergaming, I won't tell you, I'll make it null IC. Pretend there are no dice, no rules, no anything. Just act how you would act. Trying to improve roleplay experience here, help me out, ;-)

Beginning Scenario

After Kordian left to become an apprentice, with the promise of returning with weapons, armor, and tools of great worksmanship, Beep, Andy, Ithek, and Dimitri decided to seek out more adventures. In a roadside inn they heard tales of a haunted castle, called Larkwick Castle, about thirty miles down the road. They decided to investigate.
When they arrive in the village of Larkwick, they find it a quiet, dreary place. The hauntings going on a few miles down the road seem to have scared the townsfolk. At any rate, they are a subdued, hushed bunch, and the tavern is one of the few still jolly places. As you enter, you see the normal. Men, Elves, Halflings, a few Dwarves and Half-Orcs. Dicers, card-players, drinkers, some beating each other up in a corner.
*walks over and forces the fighting group away from each other
"Stop it you fools! There are better fights to be fighting."
((I'm a human biatch, I still hope to become a werewolf some day: http://www.wowwiki.com/Worgen ))
"Well then, Gug, it's my business now. Tell me, what is the problem here."
"Well, I'm sure that is not true, as you are much stronger than myself. Unf, there are many other ways to test strength than simply fighting. Tell you what, let's go out to the back. I saw there was a trader who had boxes which seemed quite heavy. Let's see which of us can lift the most"
((Ugh Ima let the meta go this once. Other option was you finding nuffin cuz there were no boxes and the Half-Orc rips your arms off.))

You find a stout Dwarf out back loading ale casks and flour barrels off a wooden cart onto an area which has been worn bare of grass due to the constant importing activity. He looks up as you approach, then goes back to his work.
*walks over to the dwarf
"Excuse me sir, do you mind if we use your heavy baggage ((not sexual)) in a small competition here? We will do it no harm."
*If he says yes, allows each orc to lift their weight, then attempts to levitate the baggage
((oh and I picked up "Lance of Faith", sorta a blast of holy fire in a cone, and Linguistics (or whatever the name of it is) so I pick up Elvish, and Dark Speech or whatever it's called (if I get more languages that's cool. its the only feat I could remember so,))
((Totally sexual.

The Dwarf turns to you, then the back of the inn, then to his baggage. Well, ya see, these casks are, umm, fragile, and if they were to shatter, old Joe'd have me 'ead, so I'd need umm maybe some incentive . . . "
And he glances at your large wallets.
The Dwarf holds up both his hands, "I was only suggesting maybe a little incentive for me to keep me mouth shut . . . "
*pays up
"it's more than worth it to stop violence in this world, as that is Pelor's will"
((+5 reputation with Pelor ;) ))