*Walks in on the Contest*
Hello my friends! I see you are Watching these orcs in a contest
of Strength, They are both finely strong, but I'll go to the Tavern to see
what Quests await for us, We must rest, For I cannot stop questing, and last
minute gifts
*Gives iron boots to Dimitri*
*Gives tower shield to Ithe*
*Gives mail shirt to beepbobit*
*Takes out his hammer*
Beautiful Halls and Cities the Dwarfs have, and I have Heard of
a Rumor, That Dragonborns can Spew Fire, Acid, Or Poison, Depending
on their Bloodline. They all believe in Moradin, They say he used to live here,
and was the Greatest smith who ever lived, and now he lives with the Rest of the Gods.
I'll see if We can go do any quests!
*Goes to the tavern*
*Asks the Barkeep*
Bartender, may you tell us any quests that me and My group may do? or
Perhaps you know any people who May have quests for us?