[quote user_id="960266" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/sjoerdtim/74.png" name="sjoerdtim"][quote user_id="9889145" avatar="https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/9889145/avatar/medium.1607896255.jpeg" name="KToo K2Cr"]Maybe a server for donors to play on?
Not allowed to restrict certain parts to donator only.[/quote]
As long as you have to click disconnect and enter a different IP, it's allowed.[/quote]
Yeah, but they're connected through EULA.
[quote user_id="9037593" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/cool_col/74.png" name="cool_col"][quote user_id="960266" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/sjoerdtim/74.png" name="sjoerdtim"][quote user_id="5455627" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/michaelrotov1234/74.png" name="michaelrotov1234"][quote user_id="9037593" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/cool_col/74.png" name="cool_col"]Why not make every donor class extremely high points and if mojang asks just say they bought it?[/quote]
Exactly, they will be played by either dedicated players or donators. So basically you can buy via ingame points or via RL money.[/quote]
You can't buy ingame points by donating, not allowed.
The website reward list would say you get the classes for it, or a banned donator would report us one day.[/quote]
Wait why aren't we allowed to keep it? Mojang said that?[/quote]
All donator rewards that make them better than normal players aren't allowed.
Rewards old donors got from before EULA are allowed if new players can get them too without donating.