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EW Staff Situation.

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New member
Ok everyone we all know it. Our Staff (except for Arak and Tim) Is pretty inactive on the Empire War. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/lockrules/74.png" name="lockrules"]4149480[/user] and [user avatar="https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.enjin.com/187965/site_logo/small.png" name="dionytadema"]2246556[/user] are our Admins who haven't been seen in months (Lock still has dozens of Build Apps to check). The Mods [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Slimegirl24/74.png" name="Slimegirl24"]11389879[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Only_God/74.png" name="Only_God"]1636591[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/farmeraap/74.png" name="farmeraap"]1601155[/user] plus [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Ljuboss/74.png" name="Ljuboss"]2271087[/user] Rarely come on anymore or help out (Slime may be an exception but I simply don't see her on anymore). Mr_CookieSmurf does a good job of managing forums but thats all he really does - stick to Forums. Araktrsptec is the only one who really seems to make an effort in coming on and helping people out. For that I thank him. We have some Builders too, but they really seem to only go about Build. I know [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/sjoerdtim/74.png" name="sjoerdtim"]960266[/user] may not want to except it, but we need to either take a few people off staff, or add some new ones. Other staff members could either be moved or removed, its up to Tim. Why now? Many people have been requesting a mod while the next one to be there 5 hours later at least. Others have been wanting help when they first join when few will guide them. Also, we just need ACTIVE staff in general! Im sorry Tim but even you need to except it and face the fact that this needs to be done for the server. Im VERY VERY VERY sorry if this offended any Staff (You guys are amazing). I KNOW THAT ITS WHINING but its true that some of you need to do more. Everyone please feel free to pitch into this because the last time someone posted about this, it was removed. If the thread gets to be a Hot one, ill start saving for a Point Giveaway! Thanks!

P.S.- Im ready for the hate but don't make this a flame
Eh, honestly I think you wrote this the worst possible way :3. The current staff members positions are rather insulting to discuss, especially suggesting that some of them should be demoted. But I will agree with the new staff, like 4/5 of the other community. But I won't lie, this thread sort of made me cringe.

Yes, this is a repost of what I wrote about a month ago on the same topic and it will always be my opinion.

Ill write a few things based on this which I saw today ... Just to make this clear before I state my points, I am not blaming the staff for incompetence, just saying that 3 active staff over a server this size is not enough.

1 - Today was Saturday and on average there was 50 people on the server at a time. All day the only staff I saw come on the server was arak, and that was just to say Hello then he left. (Forgive me if another staff came on but I was on nearly all day and didn't see any)

2 - Staff tell us just to record hackers if we see them, but its a lot harder to be done than you realize. It's really hard to get towards someone using killaura without having to waste like an hour of your time due to people around you killing you. Trying to record someone using pvp hacks with spectator is a no go, it's really hard considering you get tped up whenever you get close.

3 - There was at least 5 hackers on today, ruined a total of around 3 hours gameplay. Staff won't really realize this considering they will deal with a hacker if they are online but its so frustrating being on a server you want to enjoy yourself on, but can't for nearly the entire time you have on the server because of a hacker. This isn't a passive issue either, it happens so much now.

4 - Reports take about 2 days to be answered, and as I've noticed recently half the people who get 'banned' on the reports don't even get banned on the server (I heard this off multiple people and even saw an example of it today). This is really annoying when you report a hacker and he doesn't get dealt with for about 2 days.

So tim if you see this, please don't get stressed. It's a really pressing concern for like the entire server.

Also, hasn't like the entire mod team said they wanted more staff already?

Other than writing this, I don't wanna get involved in the flame wars. :3
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/adamrob2002/74.png" name="adamrob2002"]4803008[/user] Sorry if it made you cringe but its my opinion and its true. I may have said it weirdly according to you, but you still agree.
[quote user_id="1458143" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/thebeserker/74.png" name="thebeserker"]Guys you need to look at it from Tim's point of view
Tibbles point view? But that's so short x,x[/quote]
Only replied to me I feel blessed
Also the mute system needs to be fixed. Then there's need of more pre-mods. I think about Karlchen1999 and maybe another builder. Because those get reputation by building and doing lots of map-styling/making. I think those are the best people to test if they can make it to Moderator (From pre-mod).

About the muting system, for some reason muting didn't work on me. Arak DID spell my name wrong (Ithlador) but still it didn't work with testing it when he was online. But is true, there's need for new staff members.
I agree. I do see slimeh come on quite a bit though. Then u got other mods and staff u don't c much i saw a lot of mods on yesterday evening. The last time i saw that was... a bit less than a year ago? Tim is usually on event when he does come on, and Only, please come on more <3 Ik u busy on build as i look on it time to time, but plz. Also, mods are needed on a lot more with hackers. Loads on. Flyers.. speed... loads of them. Seriously it's getting a bit annoying...
I agree, most staff come on barely, and EVEN when they do, they are either afk, or on for 10 minutes.
I could agree. All the times I have been on, I didn't see alot of mod or such. I see arak on the most, while slime does get on time to time. Most, as far as I know, are sometimes busy. So I get the point of it
Please, Oceania needs mods! Even though we only have 0-25 people online during the afternoon time, people still play and hackers still ruin the experience. I remember playing during the morning once and there was a fly hacker going like crazy for three hours strong. It keeps on happening and I'm getting fed up.
1. Dionytadema wasn't even an admin, his rank was ceremonial for helping pay for the first months of funding.

2. We all know that Emprie War needs mods; it has been accepted by many of them before. In that sense this thread may be useless, and no demotions are needed. Just give everyone some time, something will happen, and everything will be fine.
Lock - He's mostly Admin here cuz he is the founder and leader of EQ and deserves the rank even if he's not that active

Diony - Stopped playing MC years ago, got the rank as a honorable mention and as thx for all the money he donated.

Farmer - Not that active... at all...

Ljubaws - my 2nd favorite mod... But you're right, he hasnt been on for months...

Goddeh - Well... he quit MC, but he will never lose his rank

Slime - Activity level: Meh...

arak - the most active in-game mod, but not active enought to handle all the stuff happening 24/7

Cookie - Well... He is working hard on the forums.

and also... arak as admin? no.

Take a look at the admins, they are basicly owners of the server, arak is a truly respected and trusted vet + staff member but 1 does not simply become ADMIN.
Like everyone's already stated, admins are basically co-owners in a sense. I don't think there's much of a difference between the abilities of the Owner and the abilities of the Admins. So there's no reason to promote anyone to admin.

I do side with the idea of more mods, especially ones from different timezones. However, this has been mentioned many many many many many many many many many many many many many times before. Repeating the same thing over and over again does not help whatsoever. (If anything it will just piss the staff off.)
"I don't want to see ANY more threads like this. You know that whining is just making it more difficult for the staff team? We understand what is needed, doing these threads does not achieve anything expect repeating what has ALREADY been talked about. Now I've got that out of the way, thank you." -Slime 2k15
*lock request*
Well [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Ajroets/74.png" name="Ajroets"]10733867[/user], Agencolar, thats true but the whining brings attention to it and this pretty much needs attention. Im sorry to staff for this but I decided I'd be the one who'd address it, and Ill probably the last person to do so.
EmpireWar needs staff, that's obvious but the amount of highly active people with a maturity level above a 15yr old, THAT is the hard part. I can see why Tim wouldn't want new staff, partially because of how hard it is to find adequate people to fill said roles, Goddeh is a perfect example of what EmpireWar needs more of (Aside from the inactive part) he's perfect. But those people are... 1/500. It's like a needle in a haystack the size of Iceland!
EmpireWar needs staff, that's obvious but the amount of highly active people with a maturity level above a 15yr old, THAT is the hard part. I can see why Tim wouldn't want new staff, partially because of how hard it is to find adequate people to fill said roles, Goddeh is a perfect example of what EmpireWar needs more of (Aside from the inactive part) he's perfect. But those people are... 1/500. It's like a needle in a haystack the size of Iceland!
I think 1/500 is being awfully optimistic.
Okay, I won't get involved in this again. Slime is from the UK which means we are in the same time zone, I see her on quite regularly. Which, yes shows we need more mods in different time zones. I agree that there shouldn't be any promotions to admin. Last thing, I don't agree with this thread, think about it this way. If you were a partially active mod, and came on the forums and saw this thread where you were being criticised because of your inactivity, how would you feel? You would feel like the community don't support you. So stop making threads like this, and accept that Tim is thinking about it.

Bobby nailed that feeling I'm getting from the community atm - Slime
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