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Give us new ideas for Donor Packs!

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Just a couple ideas:

Easterling Blowgunner:
Like crossbow but with poison arrows and gets less damage at range
Harad HorseRider:
Pike, Iron sword leather boots chain leggings, iron chestplate
Goblin Climber:
With jump boost 2 Speed 1. 4 Spears, Iron Sword,Leather boots and leggings, iron chestplate.

BlackRoot Archer:
Speed 1 Fire arrows, leather boots chain leggings, leather chestplate, Chain Helmet.
Elven Swordmaster:
2 Iron swords haste 1 iron boots chain chestplate and leggings.
Swan Knight:
Diamond sword, Full iron, Slowness 1 (Maybe an elytra that does not work)
Easterling Blowgunner- nice idea.
Harad HorseRider- remove the pike m8.
Goblin Climber- good idea, get it down to 1 spear, remove speed and add night vision.
BlackRoot Archer- no fire arrows.
Elven Swordmaster- switch to gold swords, less armour and give em speed.
Swan Knight- we had that once under a diffrent name, i dont think the staff team will add this.
Mordor axeman
Gets 2 iron axes in both hands and has speed till he is in a fight then speed is removed. Aftwr fight is over (X cooldown) speed comes back.

Morgul Uruk
For both minas tirith and minas morgul. Has a stone sword with strength with 3 hunger bars but eith speed.

Uruk chieftain
Has a shield with his faction's banner on it. Stone sword with strength though with slowness (sprint would still work though slower than usual)

Mordor swordman
Has a long sword meaning that he cant hit fasf but deals more damage than a soldier with knockback. Has same armour as soldier

Ram crafter
Can make a put a ram to a gate to destroy it faster (u probs gonna think its as useless as medic) same loadout as cinstructor except that the wood is replaced by the ram. Can not restock ram.

Flame bowman
Archer class that shoots fire arrows, though has cooldown between shots aka to give him time to put flames the arrow). Has 8 arrows total.

Will come up with more soon
Ok few changes then what about:
Harad HorseRider
Instead of Pike iron sword with 2 poison spears
Goblin Climber
2 spears iron sword Speed 1.
(It needs a couple of spears so it can sit on a hill or stairs in moria and throw spears to people, whitout the speed it will be easy to kill for soldiers. No other goblins have night vision so why would this one?)
BlackRoot Archer
Fire arrows would be counter against poison arrows.
Elven Swordmaster
Iron swords Chain chest plate and leggings no boots speed 1
(With golden swords it would be too much like skirmisher)
Swan Knight
What about Diamond armor iron sword and no sprint like troll
[quote user_id="8861015" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]Sigmarite Arch Lector
Sigmarite Warrior
Warrior-Priest of Sigmar
Flagellants of Sigmar
Sigmar's Sons

Do you want more? I bet so.

Arch Lectors are the wisest, eldest, most devout, and most accomplished of the Cult of Sigmar, and often times some of the strongest and most skilled with the hammer. Encased in blessed steel plate armor, they lead the charge against Sigmar's foes with a massive hammer.

Sigmar values strength and honor above most principles, and these fine men are prime examples of his values given flesh. Bashing skulls with their one-handed, blessed hammer, they wade into the fray chanting the holy litanies of Sigmar.

Warrior-Priests are some of the most zealous of the Sigmar's Cult. Each is clad in their unshakeable belief in mighty Sigmar and an nigh-impenetrable suit of holy armor. With bloodsoaked hammer in hand and the name of Sigmar Exalted on their lips, few can stand in their way and survive.

Flagellants have seen the worst the world has thrown at them, and emerged a hopeless and insane wreck. In there madness, they view every upcoming battle and every small skirmish as a sure symbol that the End Times grow near. With little to no armor, they hurl themselves into battle with whatever weapon they can find.

Sigmar's Sons are veteran warriors that are utterly devouted to the fight against Chaos. Their righteous anger and their skill with their blessed swords are their two most striking features, though the tattooed hammers on their chest and their bloodthirsty nature appear as well.
You know this is a LOTR server right?
If you do you know the classes should be of LOTR related factions.
I do not remember a Sigmarite faction.
So all of these classes would make no sense at all and would not be added.
Brotherhood of steel knight- the BOS knight uses t-64 power armour and his main weapon is either laser rifle or a machine gun.
Minuteman veteran- carry missile launcher, sniper rifle or laser rifle. his armour is made of his uniform and sometimes metal and leather peices. he also carry granades, molotovs and smoke granades to call for artilary support. sometimes have a dog companion
Institute gen 2 synth- syntetic human equiped with full synth armour and Institute laser rifle.
Since we've added the Gondor Pack now, I think we will concentrate on free/voter/point classes. If you have ideas for them, feel free to continue suggesting them here.
Since we've added the Gondor Pack now, I think we will concentrate on free/voter/point classes. If you have ideas for them, feel free to continue suggesting them here.
*reposting my previous from the other page*
*Me too*
Also i have got a new idea:
Goblin Engineer:
Can disable the ballista things in Moria and gets a skull that when placed on a specific place near or on a flag. The flag gets captured faster, it gets an iron chestplate leather leggings and boots it gets a hammer and jumpboost 2.
Remove the points you get for voting and give a 1 hour double point booster or something like that? And same for donor perks, give a server x2 points booster
How about a Chief Constructor? basically a builder with better armor etc. Probably not worth the money, but worth buying if it's by points. Could also have more wood to work faster on gate. I wish to see more support classes in the future :)
the spacific idea
How about a Chief Constructor? basically a builder with better armor etc.
the attackers wont be able to stop him before he can fix the gate, cons is currently strong enough to beat goblin merc and skrimish which means buffing his armour will make him into a soldier with wood and less damage.
Could also have more wood to work faster on gate. I wish to see more support classes in the future :)
thats more like it, i think that the forth vote could be used to allow players do things faster instead of points like while repairing gates all the wood will get in the chest in 1 right click or arrows and spears will get in your inv faster when restocking.
thats more like it, i think that the forth vote could be used to allow players do things faster instead of points like while repairing gates all the wood will get in the chest in 1 right click or arrows and spears will get in your inv faster when restocking.

I like the faster restocking idea. But that could also be a perk for a very hypothetical future point shop
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