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Gone For Now


New member
Former Staff
Hey Guys, as you may have noticed I have become recently more and more absent on Minecraft, and now I am going to explain now.

You see, I am a Farmer, and this time of year is harvest time and this is when all hands are on deck. The last few weeks I have been cleaning tractors, trailers, semi's, combines, and I have to say, I am exhausted. (Seriously, I think I am having dreams of cleaning machinery) That has all been pre-harvest work though which is only a 7:00 - 5:00 job. That changes with Harvest... Now we (me and my co-workers) are trying to get everything (farming machinery) ready to begin harvesting at the end of this week, (Depending on the rain) or start up next Monday. The hours are different though when we get into the fields. I will be gone all day and coming home veryyy veryy late at night. So obviously I won't be able to Moderate at all except maybe on Sundays if I am not too exhausted.

I did plan on this for quite awhile, that is why I pressed to have more staff, and now I can leave knowing I am leaving the server in good hands with Everybody13 & Leo1326 being very capable with this responsibility. I will be back after farming is done for the fall, but that will be at LEAST a month & 1/2. I will also be dropping 95% out of Role-play on the forums, (except for tiny updates). (Did I hear Thu cheering about that sentence?) So I will trust Everybody13 to take my place as DM, unless it is a important matter which needs my voice in that issue.

I'm really going to miss you guys, and I hope I have done at least a decent job moderating the server and making it fun for you so you will come back. This is goodbye for now, but if you really need to talk to me, shoot me a message. And if you are curious about what farming in Central IL, USA is like, by all means ask and I will post pictures on my profile.


Just as RP starts, two of the best and most popular RP'ers leave...

Well you where honestly the only staff member I could trust, and my favorite staff member. I still remember the days I raged like a noob and reported a staff member. Cya, and check my enjin message to you.
No. I can't lose you again. Not again.... *commences to weep at his feet* why does it have to be this way..... Also, what are you sowing? Wheat? And are you harvesting Corn?
He'll be back soon. Honestly it gives the RPers more of a chance to do smaller things instead of Titan organizing a giant war that everyone dies in.

But we're going to miss you Titan ^_^ Have a nice time..... Or at least don't be as exhausted as you think you'll be....
Dimitri still has his cool shack.

I will member you as the man who brought many hackers to justice by banning them. And the person who dethroned me.
At least 2 months. And this isn't my first harvest. True, I've never been full time before but i was pretty close to full time. So i know how exhausting it is.
The only advice I can give is that you should inspect your meal your wife gives you Kronos. Might just be a stone..

Cya then ;P!

Just as RP starts, two of the best and most popular RP'ers leave...

Well you where honestly the only staff member I could trust, and my favorite staff member. I still remember the days I raged like a noob and reported a staff member. Cya, and check my enjin message to you.
Just as RP starts? I don't think it'll be up for another 2-4 months at least.
No, I mean the idea has been approved by the staff members and is a work in progress. Rp'ers have tried to get this server a WIP for a while, but when RP goes under construction the some of most active RP'ers become inactive...
titan.... no dont leave us here alone..... we need you..... dont leave.....

*i am back

gj harvesting titan, we will miss you on ew siege, cya