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Goodbye Empirewar by YianniC


New member
V1 King
Hello Empirwar, as you probably know I haven't been on very often and i will tell you why. Before school started I was wondering if Empirewar would last. My family hated my minecraft and wished I was more interested in academics. Of course they were right, I mean 20 years from know when I have a job and a house will I remember Empirewar? I was so close to leaving until the Rp server came out and it was AMAZING. Besides that nothing really was really fun. Ah I remember when I was a Legend and I would play on Helmsdeep and say "this server is the best in the entire world" but know all of the hype for the Rp server was a waist of time and when Moria was made and everyone thought it sucked until it was finished. Well now the Rp is gone, maps are barely coming out, and I have nothing left to be exited about. So I have decided that I quit my addiciton and focuss my attention on school work. Anyway to all my awesome friends that iv made on this server InfamousGerman, Lem, Tonino, Leo, Everybody13, Akam, and anyone ells that I have forgotten. I just want to say goodbye instead of leaving out of the blue and never hearing of me again. I may be on once in a while to see if anything has changed every so often. So I say goodbye Empirewar, to the Staff, Donors, and Others. I hope you all understand and I wish you all a good time. Goodbye Empirewar "Cry".

Sincerely, YianniC
*mildly insinuates that multiple maps may be on their way*

Seeya! You'll be missed, you were certainly a notable presence on the server.
This was the saddest post I've ever read, but it makes sense. It made me think about leaving minecraft. But then I think of my donations my friends and more and realize I can't leave. To YinniaC, we were never the best of friends, but it makes me very sad to see you go. Farewell and good luck on your studies.