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GoT (Rp forum game)



Game of Thrones

Hello and welcome all to Game of Thrones rp, here we will be commencing a, as you might have guessed, Game of Thrones based role play. Now before we jump into the back story, I must remind you, that while it is Game of Thrones based, we do not condone ERP or the language in the show, so please, keep that in mind. That being said, lets get started!​

The story!

It is years and years before Roberts Rebellion, (If you dont know what that is, look it up, or just ignore it.) The targaryens are still in power, and ruling, two dragons have been born, the twin serpents killing their mother when birthed. The arryn's have invited all the lords of the north, and some of the south, to come to a tourney. The tourney went on without major event, besides the usual upsets. But in the following feast, the Targaryen ruler came to the lord of the vale, who had yet to bend the knee, and demanded that he do so. The lord of the vale refused, and all hell broke loose. The southern lords rallied to the Targaryens, the northern to the Arryns. It was a bloody war, and many of the main lords died in the chaos. The current stark lord was killed, along with his two sons, his last son dying of illness in winterfell shortly after. The targaryen ruler was slain, along with his dragon, leaving his two children, and their serpents to reunite the realm, they are currently very young and on dragonstone. The arryns where decimated, and completely wiped out. The baratheons managed to escape unscathed, seeing as they where late to arrive.The lannisters lost their current ruler and his sons, but the lannister line still remains, however it is weak. Many vassal houses have broken away, and began taking control in their ruling house's stead. The Tully's escaped, loosing only their rulers wife, who had been a stark. The North is in shambles, as well as the south, vassal houses are in a scramble to reorganize before they are taken over, or fall into chaos. It is a troubling time in Westros. (The houses that have been wiped out are not all listed here, please check the house list for more info. Troop counts will not be listed until later, we want you to choose the house because you like its history, not its army.)

House Mormont: (Relic: Long Claw) "Here We stand."

House Karstark: "The Sun of Winter."

House Umber: (Relic: Ice)

House Bolton: Schnitzel200 "A naked man has few secrets; a flayed man, none".

House Glover:


House Lannister Cap

House Clegane:

House Lefford:

House Crakehall:

House Reyne: [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Mile_Hi_Masher/74.png" name="Mile_Hi_Masher"]10356423[/user]

House Tully:"Family, Duty, Honor."

House Frey:

House Small Wood:

House Tyrell: Wither (Nephew of previous ruler now ruling)"Growing Strong".

House Targaryen: "Fire and Blood" Arak

House Greyjoy:

The Watch Wither

(Please tell me if you would like any houses to be added, i didn't add some due to there being too many for people to fill. If you would like a specific house added, message me.)

Shall we begin?
(Me and Mile_Masher are current dms.)
Troop Counts
(Will be added as houses are claimed.))

Karstark: 6,000 men at arms
1000 knights
500 heavy cavalry
1000 light cavalry
2000 pikes
1750 archers

Bolton: 4000 men at arms
750 knights
300 heavy cavalry
1100 light cavalry
1400 pikes
1200 archers

Reyne: 7000 men at arms
1300 knights
750 heavy cavalry
1200 light cavalry
2400 pikes
2300 archers

The Watch
3000 brothers

2 dragons
4000 men at arms
750 knights
300 heavy cavalry
1000 light cavalry
1300 pikes
1400 archers

7000 men at arms
1000 knights
600 heavy cavalry
1100 light cavalry
1600 pike
1700 archers

10,000 men at arms
1400 knights
700 heavy cavalry
2000 light cavalry
1600 pike
1500 archers

House name:
Character name:
Character backstory:
House memebers: (Brothers sisters etc, max of two non players per person)
House Motto: (If you dont have one, a quote about your house)
(Please msg me these.)
((Adam you make up the character))

House name: Reyne
Character Name: Leorne Reyne
Character backstory: Leorne was the sone of the late lord. He was squired to a knight at a young age and found himself in the possession of great skill with the sword. His skill brought him fame as a tourney knight even though he had yet to be knighted. His father was very proud of his sons and chose him as his heir despite him being the younger of two sons. He brother, jelous of his young brother attempted many assassinations on him but all failed. Leorne tried to remain on good terms with his brother and invited him to a banquet. After sharing a meal he walked with him on the walls of Castamere before they came to the top of a tower. He positioned himself towards the edge of the tower with his back to it. His brother thought it was his chance to finally end him and lunged to throw him off. Leorne's speed allowed him to evade his brothers grasping arms and he watched as his brother fell from the tower and died on the ground. His accident was covered up by Leorne instructing his bannermen to pose as robbers on a rode. They raided a caravan and then, a soldier disguised as the late brother, rode out to end them. It was soon announced that his brother died in the fighting as was buried as such. Leorne was rumored to have laughed as they covered his tomb, but that is a rumor. He came to power not long after when his aged father died of natural causes at a ripe old age. Leorne came to power and married a member of one of his vassals and had two kids by her. She died in child birth of the second, the daughter Victoria. Leorne now rules Castamere with his son and daughter. He enjoys the massive amount of wealth that he has from sitting on one of the greatest gold mines in the world.
House members: Son: Rian Reyne Daughter: Victoria Reyne
House Motto:Beneath still waters.
Mile, accepted of course. Adam, please make up the character!
Since peeps have to know my character ofc, I'ma repost my app.

House: House Bolton of the Dreadfort

Character: Jory Bolton

Character Info:
Age: 28
He earned lordship over his house by killing his father in a training duel. Jory is mostly feared, but also respected by his men. An acceptable warrior and strategist, but also a practiced talker, his strength lies in warfare aswell as empathy.
No marriage so far. No children either. Looks for a match that will make him rise in power and status.
Likes the company of women, good humor, a nice wine, killing, mindgames

"The Starks are the Heart of the North. They love the people, they fear for them, they are idols, symbols of hope. The Boltons are the Brain - cold, calculating, diplomatic, careful. A man dies when a mans heart stops beating.
But what happens when a man loses his head?" ~ Jory Bolton

Mother: Dorya Bolton, dead, died of Grey Scale, 46 years old
Father: Jon Bolton, dead, died in a "hunting incident", 56 years old
Brother: Geralt Snow, very serious youg man who is loyal to his brother, 23 years old
Sister: None
Uncle: Rodrick Bolton, Commander of the Bolton troops, known as the "Reaper of Dreadfort", 41 years old

House Motto: "A naked man has few secrets, a flayed man none."
House name: Targaryen.

Character name: Draegen, The Black Dragon.

Character backstory: With the death of their father, it fell to two siblings to bring Westeros back together. The two twins, neither having a greater control of the throne (unless my sibling is female), though Draegen could care less for the control of men. He had a Dragon.

House members: Whoever wishes to be my sibling. Just message me, and you get control over a lot of our troops.

House Motto: Fire and Blood.
House Name: The Watch.

Character Name: Lord Commander Yorryn.

Characters Info:
Age: 37

Yorryn was the son of the kings brother. But following his sad death when Yorryn was 14 which was a supposed "Accident" though Yorryn believed it was the boltons, He decided to join the nights watch to escape the boltons. During his time there he was risen up in the ranks to become Lord Commander. In his time there he has also lost two of his fingers to frostbite.


His Father, Brother of the king of the north: Died age 34.

His mother, sister in law of the king of the north: Died in childbirth of Yorryn.

His Uncle, King of the North.
Richard Karstark stood alone, the freezing wind of the north whipping across his cheeks, it was a sad day indeed. Richard had been beside Ralor Stark, the last lord of winterfell when he had fallen at the vale, he had fought nobly, and died as such. Richard recalled everything with excruciating memory, the flash of steel ripping flesh, the screams of Ralor's son's as they where hacked apart. Richard had stood by his lord through thick and thin, wielding his two swords he had been engaged in combat with another man when Ralor had fallen, a arrow through the eye, a clean shot. Richard managed to cut the man down, before the entire hall was set ablaze with dragon fire and death. The lord of the Karstarks had leaped under a bench, narrowly avoiding a fate which claimed his eldest son. It had been a bloody day. Richard and fifteen of his men managed to escape from the carnage, fourteen if you don't count the one who killed himself in grief. The band rode along the back roads to the north, it was hard to tell who was now friend or foe. Richard had received a wicked gash along his back and down his arm, which where as of the moment looking as healthy as a wound of their nature could. The Targaryens....The bane of the north. As they rode, the men one by one began to swear, lead by Richard himself, that they would not rest until their lord's death was avenged. The north would not fall so easily. Richard mumbled to himself as they rode in the long silences of the nights, "By ice or steel. By ice or steel." And the night waited, and listened. ((Watch counts.))
"Greetings, Lord Brother." As the heavy steel and ironwood gate was seized by its old, darkened chains, Geralt rode into the front castleyard. He wore two thin layers of wool to keep off the cold, topped off by a light, black leather gambeson. A long dark gray cloak with a large hood hung from his shoulders and almost entirely covered the longsword at his side. His men where clothed similarly, wearing their hoods over their heads. Jory strode down the stairs of the armory, opening his arms in a welcoming gesture. "Brother. Welcome home. Where have you been for so long?" Geralt dismounted and embraced his half brother. "I went south. We roamed the lands towards the Neck. The southern armies are marching on us." Jory breathed in heavily and stared at the gate for a moment. Then he said: "It seems the Starks where right. Winter is coming." As they wandered through the archway of the second gate into the main courtyard, Geralt asked: "What are we to do now? The southeners have shattered into various small lorddoms, and we could supposedly fend off an attack by one of the small houses... but the Targaryen sibblings would burn the Dreadfort to the ground with their dragons." Jory's eyes trailed off as he thought about the situation. He smirked. "We shall see to it."
Leorne couldn't help but smile. He sat on his throne musing about the war that had been fought. The Lannisters heavily depleted their gold supply paying for him and the other vassals to send troops. Many of their man power had been spent along with their wealth but now, the Reynes and other vassals stood strong. They finally saw eye to eye with their lannister overlords. And so the lord sat, musing over his plot. His plotting brought him an idea. His powerful voice echoed across the halls, beckoning his son to join him. Soon the tall boy was proudly walking into the great hall to meet him. "Come, walk with me" He said as he began strolling out towards the walls of Castamere. The boy obliged and followed his father out. "Do you know why the Lannisters are above us?" He asked to his son. The boy thought for a moment, musing over his old history lessons. "Because they bent the knee to the Targeryens and were named the lords of the Westerlands." He replied in a monotone voice. Leorne smiled. "Yes, because they bent the knee. They tried to stand against the dragons but in one fell swoop, they were defeated. They are weak my son and now, with their gold spent, and armies injured, they are but a cub of the old lion that once ruled over us. But us, yes, the red lion, we have grown from a cub to a great lion. And beneath still waters, we ready to strike." His son's face had formed into a tremendous grin that spread from ear to ear. "Shall I send a raven to them?" The boy asked eagerly. The father nodded slowly to his son and turned to look off the wall into the sunset that was vast approaching. The young man walked swiftly to the ravens quarters and wrote a message. He gave the bird to maester Arthur who sent the bird off to the Bolton home of the Dread Fort.
Lord commander Yorryn watched the pale wall of frozen ice stand tall before the lands of always winter, he would send out 5 brothers to seek out if any wildings, for to him the north was more important to him than the south, so therefore he seldom joined the affairs of westeros save rarely the Starks, or even his uncles.

He called for his steward to come forth.
Richard and his men rode hard, a blizzard had engulfed them, and refused to relinquish its crushing grasp upon the northern men. They had managed to sneak past the Freys in the dead of night, in four small make shift boats upon a glassy river. Richard's back was beginning to fester, and if he didn't find some kind of refuge soon, it would be crippling. He longed to stop, but looked at his men, and made himself forge on towards his hold. They where almost there he kept telling himself. His men and hem broke camp just outside the neck, and set there silently, all looking at each other. Their entire way of life was gone.
It had been a fortnight since Geralt had arrived. His rogue men had been weary from the long journey and were currently to be found at Geralt's garrison. His men had been trained to scout, range and attack from the shadows. Geralt had been raised as one of them, until his father died. After that, Jory, who had always thought of him as a worthy brother, had appointed him captain of the ranger troop, that currently counted fifty men.
"We should be prepared in case of an attack. Our barracks don't count all too many men.", Jory said. They were currently dining in the Great Hall, along with Maester Carys and guard commander Harwin. Jory's uncle was nowhere to be seen.
"Geralt and I shall ride north. We will make for the Karstarks. Or the Umbers perhaps. We need some men behind us, no matter who they are." Geralt nodded. "How many men shall we take, Lord Brother?" "All of them", Jory answered. "The lords have to see that we are strong." Harwin raised an eyebrow. "ALL our men, m'lord? Are you sure?" Jory rolled his eyes. "All of Geralt's men, you imbacile. I thought that obvious." Harwin raised his hands calmingly. "My mistake, m'lord." Jory stood up with a sudden urge. "Let us go." "Now?", Geralt asked. "Now.", Jory responded, as he made for his chambers.
They left with fifty men, making for the Karstark keep. Little did they know they wouldn't find Lord Karstark there...
House Name: Lannister-Hightower (you'll understand once you read this)

Character Name: Tybolt (unsurprisingly known as the 'Thunderbolt') Lannister and called the Sea Lion.

Character Backstory: Tybolt Lannister born as the third and youngest son of Lord Tyrone Lannister. And no this is not the cliche tale of how he was always considered the baby of the family and that his father had only love for his wife and older son. This is the folklore of Tybolt the Thunderbolt. His eldest brother died at the age of eight after being unhorsed by a hedge knight in a Tourney and died later that day from a neck injury.

Following that his father's death came, swift and quick and his brother came to sit as Lord Lannister of Casterly Rock. Meanwhile all this Tybolt had been squired at Oldtown to a clever Lord Hightower. The second son current Lord of Casterly Rock had been dubbed Damien Lannister and ruled swiftly marrying one of the so-called Tarbecks and she bore him Tarbeck children who flooded Casterly Rock like a breaking dam. The only thing to seal that was the Lord Arryn's Refusal which lead to the sad (not really) demise of Lannister-Tarbeck line.

Tybolt of whom had aged a nice seventeen; been knighted by Lord Hightower and married his only child, Allysa, whom some believe to have been pregnant with the Thunderbolt's cubs beforehand; had begun to lower tariffs on merchant vessels and decrease the levy on trade ships from the Free Cities at both Lannisport and Oldtown. Joining the two cities in a deal of blood and gold. One may think, 'Oh no now the income from taxes will cease and profits shall decrease.' but the reality of it is that by having lesser costs to docking for traders more ships would visit these cities and market goods shall increase overall making trade between the Free Cities and the Sunset Sea's cities.
He sired trade fleets from the Redwyne Straits, merchants from the Triarchy, Braavos and Volantis (which earned him the title the Sea Lion), but the proudest of what he summoned were the twins. Tyland and Jason Lannister bore of Allysa Hightower. Though as time progressed and the treasuries of House Lannister and Hightower grew so did a sickness which rooted in Lord Hightower. It peaked during Tybolt's thirty-fourth year where his wife cried and her tears led her to death after she plummeted from the tips of the Hightower. Suicide they said. Some believe it was her hand-maiden, others Tybolt. But none can deny that it was the day House Hightower took a major blow. It's line-cut. But that was not the only house to suffer that day for it was the day of Lord Arryn's Refusal.

To cut the story short Tybolt grieved for his wife, his cubs young as they were followed in their father's footsteps, and whence the news arrived of the deaths of Damien Lannister and his entire line many believed Tybolt to break and jump from the Hightower like his late wife.

In reality the Sea Lion was refurbished. He sought this as a sign from the Seven to prepare his sons for the future. House Hightower would die if Tyland and Jason were slain. And thus he set in place his schemes and plans. Bringing with him a large navy, it's coffers filled with coin from years of trade; his son Jason, Tybolt; and the bannermen of House Hightower, Costaynes, Mullendores and Bessbury's; set for Casterly Rock from Old Town and there he was acclaimed as Lord Tybolt Lannister of the Westerlands. His son with him at court in the mountain that resembled a lion.

Tyland was left in charge of Old Town under Lord Costayne's charge and would be squired there. Once reaching age if Jason was slain he would take the name Hightower and it's banner as their blood ran in his veins like horses prancing in the wind.

House Members:

Thirty-five. Current area: Casterly Rock. Returning order to the Westerlands.


Seventeen. Current area: Old Town. Squiring to Lord Costayne.


Seventeen. Current area: Casterly Rock.


Fifteen. Current area: Casterly Rock. The less known cub of Tybolt Lannister born two years after her brothers.

House Motto: Hear me Roar.

But most famously 'A Lannister always pays his debts.'

Coat of Arms:

Vassals to House Lannister:
House Algood.
House Banefort of the Banefort.
House Brax of the Hornvale.
House Broom of Broom's Keep.
House Cralehall of Crakehall.
House Estren of Wyndhall.
House Farman of Fair Isle.
House Kenning of Kayce.
House Lannister of Lannisport.
House Lefford of the Golden Tooth.
House Lorch.
House Lydden of the Deep Den.
House Marbrand of Ashemark.
Houe Payne.
House Reyne of Castamere. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Mile_Hi_Masher/74.png" name="Mile_Hi_Masher"]10356423[/user]
House Prester of Feastfires.
House Serrett of Silverhill.
House Swyft of Cornfield.
House Tarbeck of Tarbeck Hall.
House Westerling of the Crag.

Vassals to House Hightower:
House Beesbury of Honeyholt.
House Bulwer of Blackcrown.
House Costayne of the Three Towers.
House Cuy of Sunhouse.
House Mullendore of the Uplands.

Houses and Sworn Swords:
Disobeying House Lannister - Brax, Lefford, Farman, Crakehall.
Supporting House Lannister - Broom, Payne, Lannister of Lannisport - 1,000 Knights, 800 Heavy Infantry, 2,000 Infantry, 300 Archers.
Called Banners - Estren, Lorch, Lydden, Kenning of Kayce, Serret and Prester - 1,350 Knights, 1,600 Infantry, 200 Cavalry, 30 Archers.
Silent Banners - Westerling, Marbrand, Swyft, Tarbeck.
Uncalled Banners - Algood, Banefort.

7000 men at arms.
1000 knights.
600 heavy cavalry.
1100 light cavalry.
1600 pike.
1700 archers.

Broom, Payne, Lannister of Lannisport:
2,000 Men-at-arms.
1,000 Knights.
800 Heavy men-at-arms.
300 Archers.

Estren, Lorch, Lydden, Kenning of Kayce, Serret and Prester:
1,600 Men-at-arms.
1,350 Knights.
200 Light Cavalry.
30 Archers.

Total Westerland forces allied to House Lannister:
10,600 Men-at-arms.
800 Heavy Men-at-arms.
3,350 Knights.
600 Heavy Cavalry.
1,300 Light Cavalry.
1,600 Pikes.
2,030 Archers.

Total amount of Sworn Swords and Shields: 20,280 Westermen.

(([user avatar="https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/5534629/avatar/small.1504366156.jpeg" name="TheDude"]5534629[/user] I ask of you or another DM of such to rp my steward, or can I rp him myself? If that is the fact I need to know what tidings has happened north of the wall))