Nowadays a load of people scream '(Person who killed them) HACKER!' when they kill them. Most of these hackusations are false however some of them are true. Raging like this achieves nothing, and usually the hacker will turn off their hacks because they don't want to get banned.
It depends what type of hacker you see, but if a hacker kills you always stay silent. If there's a mod on then /msg them and they will deal with the hacker however if there's no mod on you need to deal with it yourself.
How to deal with certain hackers -
Aimbot/Kill Aura/Forcefield/ Speed hacks/ Crouch running -
All of these hacks are usually used in PvP and therefore you need video evidence, from screenshots you can't see any hacks. But when you're recording, don't target the hacker. They might get suspicious that you're trying to get them banned and be more careful, just fight normal and you will get into a few fights with the person you want to record.
Fly hacks -
These are quite easy to see from screenshots, as long as you take multiple of the fly hacker in different situations, otherwise it may be mistaken for a glitch.
Also, people who try and record hackers when there's no staff on will know how frustrating it is when a staff member logs on, and a load of ragers just scream things like 'Slimegirl ban this hacker he is using forcefield (insert hacker name)''. This is such a stupid thing to do and achieves nothing apart from letting a hacker escape his punishment. If a hacker does make you rage, just rage silently
If you see a hacker and you cannot record as well as their being no staff online, make sure he is 100% hacking then try and contact a mod on Skype/Enjin or another server if they're on there. The staff will then (hopefully) come on and deal with the hacker accordingly.
It depends what type of hacker you see, but if a hacker kills you always stay silent. If there's a mod on then /msg them and they will deal with the hacker however if there's no mod on you need to deal with it yourself.
How to deal with certain hackers -
Aimbot/Kill Aura/Forcefield/ Speed hacks/ Crouch running -
All of these hacks are usually used in PvP and therefore you need video evidence, from screenshots you can't see any hacks. But when you're recording, don't target the hacker. They might get suspicious that you're trying to get them banned and be more careful, just fight normal and you will get into a few fights with the person you want to record.
Fly hacks -
These are quite easy to see from screenshots, as long as you take multiple of the fly hacker in different situations, otherwise it may be mistaken for a glitch.
Also, people who try and record hackers when there's no staff on will know how frustrating it is when a staff member logs on, and a load of ragers just scream things like 'Slimegirl ban this hacker he is using forcefield (insert hacker name)''. This is such a stupid thing to do and achieves nothing apart from letting a hacker escape his punishment. If a hacker does make you rage, just rage silently

If you see a hacker and you cannot record as well as their being no staff online, make sure he is 100% hacking then try and contact a mod on Skype/Enjin or another server if they're on there. The staff will then (hopefully) come on and deal with the hacker accordingly.