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Ideas for Point Shop


Staff member
V2 Legend
I know that the Empire War staff are working or atleast have been thinking about readding point shop, well here are some suggestions from me and some from the community:

Suggested Features for Point Shop:
(Disclaimer: The Prices are highly encouraged to be Discussed and Changed)

  • Info: There should be atleast 5 different options such as creeper heads, different sparks and colors. All of the fireworks you buy would go into the inventory and all of them available. In order to differantiate them, give them different names which would consist of the feature the firework is known for the most (like it could be Red Spark, or Creeper Face, or Default, etc...)

    Price: Different fireworks would cost different values of points, but suggested starting price would be 3000 points.

    Expiration time: (forever?)
  • Basically like on Empire War v.1
  • Info: Pumpkin pie gives more food bars than steaks.

    Price: This would cost around 2000 points

    Expiration time: (a week?)
  • Info: be able to carry 2 more ladders than usualy!

    Price: Would cost around 2500 points

    Expiration time: (a week?)
  • Info: Get a bigger arrow pouch! Be able to carry 6 more arrows than usual archers!

    Price: Cost around 2500 points

    Expiration time: (a week?)
  • Info:
    MUST STAY APPROPRIATE OR THE USER WILL BE BANNED FROM NAMING THEIR WEAPON FOR A MONTH (wow that's a new rule to create anyways). In case of rule breaking, the name is taken away, no refunds at all and even take away the same amount of points as punishment (if it's something really serious) and the user will not be able to buy a weapon name for a month or something.

    Anyways, give name to your weapon and have it attached to it! Of course, this would be toggleable in the point shop (like there would be a sign to say "Toggle weapon name")

    Another thing, would be that the player, when buying this feature, would first have an inventory opened where he has to chose the weapon. The player would be able to name their weapon once they clicked on the weapon in the inventory and then it closes it and sends him a message in chat that asks him to type the name using a command or if the player has not enough points then it just sends in chat that he does not have enough points

    Price: 3000 or 3500 points (to be discussed, like I said)

    Expiration time: (forever unless you give it another name?)
  • Info: Allows non donators to buy fireworks for a certain time (the amount of different fireworks should be smaller than donator's choice in my opinion).

    Price: starting from 1500 points

    Expiration time:
    (2 weeks?)
  • Info: Once bought, click a sign (to be added) next to the parkour to skip first ~10 blocks and start there.

    Price: 200 or 500 points?

    Expiration time: (a week?)
  • Info: You buy an axe upgrade that will allow you to get through barricades faster.

    Price: 500 point?

    Expiration time: 24 hours

More Info:
If you already bought something which hasn't expired yet, you cannot buy it a second time (unless it's a firework or weapon name)

Aha, brilliant that you should mention this. Tim is just coming round to the idea of a point shop. The ideas I/we've had are:
>Extra ladders, extra arrows, (possibly) an extra spear, extra constructor wood, extra food, and a better axe for constructor.
>The better constructor axe could also be altered to give an axe to swordsmen, which'd be worse than their weapon but better for cutting through wood.
>Your idea of better food as opposed to more food I like.

Luckily, I see our ideas overlap a lot. Personally, I'm against aesthetic stuff (i.e: fireworks, skulls, weapon names). Non-donor should never get fireworks. We should never allow non-donors to obtain EULA-compliant donor perks.

The parkour booster is, for no better way of putting it, silly.
Point shop costs shouldnt get above 300 , it should last 1 h - 2 h max
We would add cosmetic shop also , where you could buy cosmetics pernament
If the food heals for more, it will become mandatory to use. Along with screwing with the balance of poke classes.
[quote user_id="7040062" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Rikumaru/74.png" name="Rikumaru"]If the food heals for more, it will become mandatory to use. Along with screwing with the balance of poke classes.
Exactly, remember why we changed the food in the first place.[/quote]
Filling more hunger =/= healing more though.
Do you intend for weapon names to also be displayed in death messages?

e.g. in the global death messages: "LimeeFox was killed by RobRem58 (Using <weapon name>)"
and in private 'killed by' messages: "You were killed by LimeeFox (Using <weapon name>)! (-1p)"

If not you should consider this ^

If this was added players should definitely get the option to disable being shown custom weapon names in /settings
Do you intend for weapon names to also be displayed in death messages?

e.g. in the global death messages: "LimeeFox was killed by RobRem58 (Using <weapon name>)"
and in private 'killed by' messages: "You were killed by LimeeFox (Using <weapon name>)! (-1p)"

If not you should consider this ^

If this was added players should definitely get the option to disable being shown custom weapon names in /settings

Well I'm fairly sure most people don't have global death messages on anyway. If weapon naming were to be added, it would be most effectual in private 'killed by' messages, but I see no harm in also having them affect global death messages for those who have it enabled.
Arrow trails. Heart arrow trails, ice ones, water ones, fire ones, music note ones, kitty ones, sparkly ones and electric ones. Add.
What about death effects? Like, when you die, you go poof into a lotta flowers, gold ingots, etc.​
Nice thread. If I was owner of EW my point shop would have:
Extra Equipment Section
Ladders - 250 points, 2 extra ladders for 3 days
Wood - 500 points, 8 extra wood blocks for 1 day
Arrows - 750points, 8 extra arrows for 1 days
Tools - 1,000 points, an iron axe on all classes that does little damage (+3 attack dmg or something, less than wood sword) and its purpose is to do 2x bashing damage, and it breaks wood barricades faster, for 1 day

Ladders are the least expensive and least OP so they last 3 days. Extra wood would help a lot in defending and building attack stairs, so it has potential to be very powerful, so it only lasts a day and is slightly more expensive. Arrows are always very good to have and 8 extra is powerful so it's expensive and only lasts a day. Tools would help attacking a lot, potentially more than arrows, as 2x damage speeds up bashing a lot, but since it is 1,000 points it is costly.

Appearances Section
Custom Head - 5,000 points per. By default, good sides have no heads, and Orcs have either basic Orc or Uruk like usual. Available are:
Dwarf Lord (cool beard and helmet or something)
Rohirrim (Cool rohan type head)
Citadel Guard (shiny silver helmet head)
Uruk-Hai Berserker (no helmet, white hand on head)
Morgul Orc (Slightly different orc head)

Custom Leader Head - 10,000 per. These are much more special and rare, the heros/leaders of the battle (not named characters though). Again, coresondingly to the above factions these are the leader heads:
Dwarf King (gold crown, dwarf with beard)
Royal Guard (silver/gold stripe helmet head)
Fountain Guard (dark blue, shiny helmet)
Uruk Captain (no helmet Uruk, no white hand)
Pale Orc

Only available map specific for factions.

Weapon Names 3,000 per. Choose from a list of Middle Earth weapons to replace your item's name.
Swords - Anduril, Goblin Cleaver, Foe Hammer, Sting etc (Tim could make up his own names too). This only applies to your screen and is just for people with extra points.
Bows- idk bow names from LOTR

Headshop is a must have, it should be priority for the next smaller scale update. Each faction has 2 heads, one normal, and one uncommon/expensive, toggleable in headshop, accurate to lore somewhat (uruks have berserker, gundabad orcs on moria have pale orc, etc
Arrow trails. Heart arrow trails, ice ones, water ones, fire ones, music note ones, kitty ones, sparkly ones and electric ones. Add.
No god no. This is not hypixel. never in a million years will I hope for the day EW has particle effects in a shop. Also @lime no only donors get fireworks that's why people donate
one idea could be to add "armor" to wear in the main lobby like different colours of leather and for the richest even gold/diamond

it would be a cool flex
I am torn on the arrowtails. It's a great way to be able to customize yourself, But as m4rine said, We're not Hypixel and want to keep the gameplay as realistic as possible, So flashy particle effects might not be a good idea. If we were to have any I would probably just go with team colours.
The basic point shop code is now effectively implemented - what needs to happen now is the addition of actual perks, as well as the physcial implementation of the point shop into lobbies.

The last part will probably take the longest.
The basic point shop code is now effectively implemented - what needs to happen now is the addition of actual perks, as well as the physcial implementation of the point shop into lobbies.

The last part will probably take the longest.
new lobbies lol